Title                   : The Void
Filename                : the_void.wad
Level Design            : Andrew Moore
Email Address           : jcmaxwel@europa.com                         
Original concept by     : Edward Castle!  Check out his pages!
Additional Credits      : Id software... of coarse!

The Pitch:  The Void was constructed with the idea of producig a completely original
	    work...  However, some of the techniques (such as invisible sectors) were
	    not designed by me!  They are also not the main point of The Void.  The 
	    Void was designed to be architechtually ingenious.  Everything from sloped 
	    caverns to whole rooms that completely redisign themselves are included in
	    this truly AMAZING level!  For those who know of UAC Dead, Leo Martin Lim 
	    may just have a little competition...

	    Also, be looking for a new Heretic level by Andrew Moore (me) called The Path.
	    It promises to be another super level...!

	    Enjoy the game!

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM II 
Episode and Level #     : MAP 1
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes 
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : Yes. Ultra-violence is not
                          for novices!
New Sounds              : Yes
New Graphics            : Yes
New Music               : Yes
Demos Replaced          : None.  The file's big enough as it is!!
Known Bugs              : Please report all bugs to 

* Construction *

I created this level using DCK v2.22, RMB 2.1, DMGRAPH vX, NWT v1.01 and 
DMAUD vX.  This level took more effort than time. (About seven days and 
52 gallons of sweat!)  However, I enjoyed watching this one develope.  

* Copyright *

Do whatever you want, just remember who built it!

FTP sites: FTP CDROM.COM (and mirror sites)

Other: http://www.ereal.com/eds/