----------------------ÅÄÄÄWAD DescriptionÄÄÄÅ-----------------------
heheh... no Mortiser02 yet, I reckon the Alien Vendetta people have 
yet to come back from their festive holiday... or maybe one of them's
working on it already! This map is called "Ockham Complex" and it was 
made more-or-less overnight.  It's not been thoroughly tested on UV,
but have a bash at it anyway and tell me what you think....
----------------------ÅÄÄÄWAD InformationÄÄÄÅ-----------------------
Name:           swockham.wad
Game:           Doom II 1.9
Maps Replaced:  map01
Authors:        S. 'Metabolist' Woodman
Email Address:  sewoodman@talk21.com
Demo Recording: S. 'Metabolist' Woodman
New Graphics:   new sky
New Sounds:     --
New Music:      An old Twilight Zone II piece by Paul Corfiatis
New Demos:      
Known Bugs:     none
Unknown Bugs:   none
Build Time:     6 hours building, ½ an hour testing
Tools Used:     DETH 4.24, BSP 2.3x
----------------------ÅÄÄÄWhere To Find ItÄÄÄÅ----------------------
At the central Homepage:
Or at the Walnut Creek Archive:
(you can paste these URLs into your browser if you're a
repressed kid whose parents have enforced browser restrictions...
or if you can't be bothered to type them in by hand :-)