----------------------ЕДДДWAD DescriptionДДДЕ----------------------- You've come to the Northern Supply Depot, at last. Your mission will be a short one; clear out the depot and take the supply train to your next destination, the chemical manufacturing plant. Now, excuse my shouting, but: THIS LEVEL NEEDS "MORTRES.WAD" -- AVAILABLE AT MY HOMEPAGE www.doomworld.com/metabolist UNDER THE "WADs" PAGE This was after the little AndrewB incident on the /Newstuff chronicles where he just flashed his eyes over swmort02.txt and said there was a load of missing flats. ----------------------ЕДДДWAD InformationДДДЕ----------------------- Name: Supply/Shipping Depot Game: Doom II 1.9 Maps Replaced: map03 Authors: S. 'Metabolist' Woodman Email Address: sewoodman@talk21.com New Graphics: MORTRES.WAD New Sounds: none New Music: 'Dance of the Sugarplum Lunatic' by Mark Klem (MM2MK30) New Demos: none Known Bugs: loads of HOM if U use doom2.exe ;-( Unknown Bugs: none Build Time: six hours? eight? Tools Used: DETH 4.24, BSP 2.3x ----------------------ЕДДДWhere To Find ItДДДЕ---------------------- At the central Homepage: http://www.doomworld.com/metabolist Or at the Walnut Creek Archive: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/levels/doom2/s-u/ (you can paste these URLs into your browser if you're a repressed kid whose parents have enforced browser restrictions... or if you can't be bothered to type them in by hand :-) ---------------------------ЕДДДE.O.F.ДДДЕ---------------------------