Uploaded by             : Graham Burgess (GKBurgess@compuserve.com)
Note                    : There is no need use INSTALL.BAT (or deusf)
                          if you intend to play this wad with a
                          source port.
Title                   : Starport v1.7
Filename                : STARPT17.WAD
Author                  : Dave Wilcoxson
Email Address           : DaveWil@aol.com
Misc. Author Info       : I am the author of the Joust PWAD on AOL.

Description             : Starport is a high-tech level containing
                          new music (the theme from Halloween),
                          floor, ceiling and wall textures as well
                          as a couple of new sounds and sprites.

                          The level itself resembles some type of
                          futuristic starbase. The level contains
                          several large interconnected rooms, such
                          as a shuttlebay, airlock and computer room
                          built around a centralized pool of acid.
                          As a hidden bonus, many of the rooms are
 			  interconnected through a series of hidden
			  tunnels and ventilation ducts, which make
                          great hiding places in deathmatch.

                          NOTE: In order to use this WAD, you must
                          unzip the file STARPT17.ZIP into your DOOM2
                          directory and type INSTALL, you can then
                          move the WAD to any directory you want.

Version History         : Here's a summary of all versions of Starport;

Starport v1.0             1) Made entirely with WadEd
(May 1995)                2) A few nearly invisible HOM's.
                          3) Minor construction errors.

Starport v1.5*            1) Began using WinDEU for construction.
(July 1995)               2) All construction errors fixed.
                          3) All HOM's fixed.
                          4) Minor structural changes.
                          5) Used BSP for node-building.
                          6) Keys and difficulty settings added.
                          7) New sounds, textures, and graphics.
                          8) Minor physical enhancements.

Starport v1.6**           1) More minor structural changes.
(September 1995)          2) Used DCK for construction.
                          3) Minor, but neat physical enhancements.

Starport v1.6a            1) MOST textures aligned.
(September 1995)          2) WARM used for node & reject building.
			  3) Fixed ability to become "trapped" in
 			     certain areas.

Starport v1.7		  1) Possibly the final version. 
(October 1995)            2) New sprites & 1 new floor.
                          3) Minor structural enhacements.

*  Starport v1.5 was never uploaded to AOL.
** Starport v1.6 was never uploaded anywhere.

Additional Credits to   : The authors of the various tools I used to
                          make this WAD.

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM II
Episode and Level #     : MAP01
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : Implemented
New Sounds              : Yes
New Graphics            : Yes
New Music               : Yes
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch.
Editor(s) used          : Node Builders: BSP v1.2x
                                         WARM v1.4
                          Level Editors: DCK v2.2
                                         WadEd v1.83b
                                         WinDEU v5.24
                          Miscellaneous: WinTex v3.14 and all the
                                         tools that come with it.
Known Bugs              : Hopefully, I've finally wiped them all out :).

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file

* Where to get this WAD *

1) America Online
2) My FTP Site (latest version): 
3) Wherever you got it from