Title                   : Solar1
Filename                : Solar1.Wad
Author                  : Phil Mcewen
Mailling Address        : Phil Mcewen
			  1462 mattagami
			  Gloucester, ontario                              
			  k1t 2t8

Misc. Author Info :My first wad solar1 was completed after hours of test      
				   play and cosmetic repair,sorry if there are any errors.
Description             : This is a DOOM II-only deathmatch wad coop or 
			  single play. I is a small wad There are many secret areas to 
			  obtain health and weapons with not too many monsters in between. 
			  There is a megasphere in the centre pit but i wouldn`t suggest
			  fall in to get it, find the secret and dont get telefraged.
			  There is one secret exit so you will have to set a time limit.
			  There area different atricles on differnt skill levels and on 
			  skill 1 or 2 your in for cyberdeath.There is no bfg, sorry.
			  Hope you like it.

Additional Credits to   : The author of EDMAP for for DOS. Deu and doomcad 
			  were also very helpful. I would also like to thank Buzzard &
			  Venom,doom players from Ottawa for their help.


* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : 01
Single Player           : Yes skill 1 or 2 = cyberdeath
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : yes only on skill 1 or 2=cyberdeath
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : suggested skill 3(limited) or 4(lots a stuff)
Difficulty Settings     : Yes 
New Sounds              : No.
New Graphics            : No.
New Music               : No.
Demos Replaced          : None.

* Construction *

Base                    : None. Made from my imagination.
Editor used             : EDMAP131
Known Bugs              : None known. 

* Copyyright / Permissions *

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact and notify me personnally for permission. You MAY use this wad as a base 
new wads as long as you mail me a copy of you updated version.

* Where to get this WAD *

T. L. City (4 Lines) (613)746-4881, (613)746-1040, (613)746-0449, (613)746-1487
One of the only 4 player DOOM BBS in Ottawa.