Title                        : 32 Hours in Pain
Filename                     : 32HNPAIN.WAD
Author                       : Kristian Aro 
E-mail address               : doomed_krise@hotmail.com
Description	             : This is the second episode of the
                               " 20 Days in Hell " trilogy. Send me
                               feedback, please. Requires TNT Evilution.

Other WADs:                  20 Days in Hell (Plutonia), The Bunker
                             (Plutonia, Co-op), The Battle to Death
                             (Plutonia, Deathmatch) and 1 Day of Hellish
                             Revenge (Plutonia), the final chapter of the
                             " 20 Days in Hell " trilogy.
			     Brotherhood of Ruin - 7 level episode
			     RuinDM - DM Map based on Brotherhood of Ruin
			     Hollow Minds - Doom2 map for limit removing port
			     Also worked on Death Tormention 2 by Paul Corfiatis (E4M3, E4M7)
			     And 2002ADO (E1M2,E1M4,E1M6,E1M8,E2M7)		

Notice: The Titlepic describes time after the killing of Baphomet.


* Play Info *

Episode/Map: Evilution, 01-32 
Single Player: yes
Cooperative 2-4 players: yes
Deathmatch 2-8 players: yes
Difficulty settings: yes
New Sounds: yes, Serena's pain sound by a friend of mine
New Music: yes, there are some of Heretic's and Hexen's musics in my episode.
New Graphics: yes, lots of new such as titlepic and crates from Quake.
Demos replaced: all 4 (Evilution v1.9 format)
Known bugs: For example, in level 14 where the Spider Mastermind comes,
            there are too many details in the room for DOOM to handle, so
            there might come the 'visplane overflow' error. Don't get upset
            because of it, please. Level 30 also has the possibility of
            visplane overflow.

* Construction *

Base              : 32 new levels from scratch!
Editor(s) used    : DeeP 8.35     
Build time        : 8 months and several days. 

Story: Though you killed Baphomet, you didn't survive back to the realm of
       mortals. You were captured by the disciples of Baphomet. They were
       very angry about what you did to their leader . They put you in
       a cage and now they're torturing you several times in an hour. You're
       in a total depression. You can't think of anything. Suddenly you
       remember your wife. You have trained her to fight against the Horrors
       of Hell. If you only could give her a message.
       Somehow you've got to do it.

       At the same time in the realm of the mortals: " B.J hasn't come home
       from Hell yet and 20 days have already passed when he died. Something
       is wrong. He must be captured by the demons. I think I'll go there
       and get him back here."

       So, you're playing in the role of yer wife, Serena Blaskowicz and
       you have to find the Gate of Hell and go through it. after that,
       you have to find yer husband and get him back to the surface of
       Earth. At first, you have to fight your way to a launching pad of a
       spaceship to one of Jupiter's moons and the demons have come to
       Earth's surface and they're ready to do anything to stop you from
       getting your very pretty ass (not your's but Serena's) up there
       to Jupiter. The Gate of Hell is now on one of Jupiter's moons because
       the demons think it's safier for them to have it up there so no
       fuckin' human could come and interrupt their dark rituals.
       After you've gone through the Gate of Hell you have to make your way
       through the darkest lairs of Hell. Then blast the demons' asses
       to Hell's Maw! Good Luck, mrs Blaskowicz!

* Copyrights & Permissions *

Authors may NOT use this WAD file as a base to build their own
additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include
this file, with no modifications. You MAY distribute this WAD in any
electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long you include this
32HNPAIN.TXT file and everything that was in the ZIP file 32HNPAIN.ZIP,

Special thanks to : Lauri Kivinen, my best friend for testing.
                    Lynn Forest for FEMDOOM.WAD.
                    David L. Davis for the new sounds of this episode. 
                    The Prodigy. - Without their music I could not have
                    done this!
CAUTION: The Secret level 2 is definitely too hard to play, so if you find
         it, don't say I didn't warn you. Notice that I've solved it through
         playing UV, but there's a difference between you and me because I've
         made the level and know where everything is and you don't.
         Happy Dying!  