WAD Information
Title			:No Chance
Filename		:nochance.WAD
Release Date		:9.21.2008
Author			:Death-Destiny
Email Address		:brandon@doomuniverse.net
Other Files By Author	:http://www.doomuniverse.net/DDProjects.html
Misc. Author Info	:Sorry, that's classified information.
Description		:This is a ridiculously difficult Boom-compatible map I made in the spirit of Erik Alm's eaxt.WAD.
			 The only incentive for playing this map on UV is purely for the sake of the challenge and to see if you
			 can complete a seemingly impossible task, as this map is otherwise completely unplayable or fun for any
			 other reason. If you want a fairly upbeat, but managable challenge, play HMP. If you want a more casual
			 run, play ITYTD or NTR.
Additional Credits to	:Erik Alm for eaxt.WAD, as the principle behind it inspired this map.
* What is included *
New Levels		:1
Sounds			:No
Music			:Yes (I don't recognize the piece. If you know who wrote it, let me know so I can give them credit here.)
Graphics		:Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch	:Yes (Internal and changes the minimap name.)
Demos			:No
Other			:No
Other Files Required	:No

* Play Information *
Game			:Doom2
Map #			:MAP01
Single Player		:Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player	:Yes, it's implemented. The more, the merrier.
Deathmatch		:No. There are better WADs to play deathmatch in than this.
Difficulty settings	:Yes. The above description details the specifics of each setting, and which is appropriate for your interests.

* Construction *
Base			:None
Build Time		:2 days
Editor(s) Used		:Various
Known Bugs		:UV is impossible
May not run with	:...out a doggie biscuit
Tested with		:PrBoom V2.4.8.3

Legal Information
* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file without modifications.
You MAY distribute this file in any electronic format as long as you include this
file intact. This file may not be used for commercial purposes.