Title:                    Hard
Filename:              HARD.WAD
Author:                  Rob Berkowitz
Email Address:      docbob@itsa.ucsf.edu
Misc. Author Info:  author of CIRCLE.WAD

Description:      This WAD may not be HARD to everyone; in fact, to some it may be
downright easy. However, it's pretty HARD for me to beat, and I wrote the damn
thing! Ammo, health, and armor are all pretty scarce. Pay attention to wall texture
alignments -- there is one juicy secret somewhere. This is the first real WAD
I've ever written, or uploaded.    

Additional Credits to:  Paul Davidson, for Hellmaker
David Spencer, for the graphics catalog
Clint Sago, for his excellent website
Dave Kramer, for MacDoom Review
id, for the best game ever
*Play Information*

Game:  Doom2
Level #:  01
Single Player:  yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player:  no
Deathmatch 2-4 Player:  no
Difficulty Settings:  not implemented
New Sounds:  no
New Graphics:  no
New Music:  no
Demos Replaced:  none


Base:  New level from scratch
Build Time:  around 10 hours
Editor(s) Used:  Hellmaker 1.02, MacBSP
Known Bugs:  none that I know of


Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels, but please credit the author.

You MAY distribute this WAD in any format, as long as you include this text file.