Uploaded by RL (super_shotgun35@yahoo.com)
Title                   : Ganyemed Moonbase
Filename                : ganyemed.wad
Compatible              : Doom 2 only
Authors                 : Nick and Rob 

Description             : One level (though quite large) which 
                          consists of the complete moonbase of 
                          the planet Ganyemed, including docking
                          bay and exit ot next level.

Additional Credits      : Family (Elinor espesially)
                          ID software

To play this PWAD file, unzip it into the directory where you put 
DOOM2 then start DOOM2 like this:


        You are NAR MORTIS top galactic bounty-hunter.  You have 
        been hired by what is left of the population of Earth to  
        prevent the escape of the evil hellspawn that ravaged them 
        many years previously.  You arrive in the battered lump of 
        metal you affectionately call your ship, on the larger of 
        Jupiter's moons: GANYEMED. The hellspawn is on board a
        freighter which is about to depart.  You must make your way
        through the now infected moonbase until you get to the 
        freighter (Through the YELLOW DOOR).

        (This is the best story line we could think of so no 
        laughing at it please!!)
We really hope you have at least half as much fun playing this as 
we had making it (heard that somewhere before?). We do have a few 
things we like to say:
        Use the teleport booths wherever possible: they make it much
        There isn't much ammo about the station but loads on your ship
        so you may have to go back to reload a couple of times
        If you can't get the red card, but can see it, operate a
        'different looking' piece of the bar
        If you get stuck once you have the yellow card try using 
        your gun not your head!
        Look out for:   the one way mirrors
                        the two soldiers finding relief
                        the operating theatre, plus utensils
                        Wally (just kidding)

* Play Information *
Level #                 : Map 1
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : We're working on it
Difficulty              : We had some difficulty explaining this one:-
                          If you want it easy (wimp) play it on: 
                          I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE or HEY, NOT TOO ROUGH 
                          If you want it remotely challenging play it on:
                          HURT ME PLENTY or ULTRA VIOLENT
                          If you are truly suicidal play it on:
                          It's kind of obvious really!!
New Sounds              : Spot them yourself!!
New Graphics            : None unfortunately
New Music               : No
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch

Editor(s) used          : Waded 1.42 by M. Ayres
                          Dmaud (unsure of the version and yes we
                                 do realise this is a DOOM 1 sound

Bugs                    : None that we have found and not been able to  

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use thi.....  Hold on, of course you can use this
level for whatever you want (as long as you don't make too much 
money without telling us). Anyway we can do nothing about it if you 
do alter it or use it as a base for other levels!!

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic 
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include these files 

Nick and Rob