Title                   : vivaldi.WAD 
Author                  : snider
Email Address           : spielbauer@ohf015.hf.op.dlr.de
Description             : DEATHMATCH WAD for DOOM ][ !

                          Look at the HelpScreen (press F1). It is good
                          for playing at work.
                          In single and cooperative player mode you start
                          at a position you never reach in deathmatch mode.
                          The reason for this is to keep the deathmatch
                          area small and give a single player something
                          to do.

                          The deathmatch starting points are hidden so
                          you can not be fragged whem you come back.
                          You all get the same weapons and the same
                          armor at the beginning.
                          SKILL SETTINGS:
                          skill 1: . only pumpguns and chainguns
                                   . use -respawn for more action
                                     in two player mode
                          skill 3: . all weapons 200 % health 
                                   . use -nomonsters to get a clear level

                          Record some single or deathmatch demos and send
                          them to me!!
                          Send some coments or suggestions to improve!

Additional Credits to   : all folks who worked on DOOM and it's add-ons

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : MAP01
Single Player           : Yes (Ultra violence!!(but have a look before
                               in Hurt me plenty mode))
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes (Ultra violence!!)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes, that's the most fun 
Difficulty Settings     : see Description
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : Yes a few
Demos                   : Yes (recorded with DOOM ][ 1.666)
                          You should try to play the level before you
                          watch the demos to increase the surprises.
* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Build Time              : # of hours, unknown. It was an iterative process
                          of playing deathmatch and changing the map
                          more multiplayer fun.
Editor(s) used          : DCK11A,DMapEdit V4,DMGraph
Known buggs             : no