Title                   : TEAM FRAG 2
Filename                : teamfrg2.wad
Date released           : 28/2/1995
Author                  : Cameron Gascoyne
Email Address           : C.Gascoyne@student.anu.edu.au
Description             : A deathmatch level designed for 2 on
                          2 competition.                         
Additional Credits to   : - my computer
                          - Chris for finally finding a good node

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : DOOM2, Map 01
Single Player           : It works
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : I suppose
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes!!!
Difficulty Settings     : No
New Sounds              : No  
New Graphics            : No
New Music               : No
Demos Replaced          : No

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used          : Deu2,IDBSP v1.1beta
Known Bugs              : None. If you find any, it's probably
                          something wrong with your computer!

* Playing Notes *

This WAD is designed for 2 on 2 deathmatch, and that's really the
only way it can be played. Start up the game in DeathMatch mode,
and choose two teams from 4 players. The players in each team will
have to work co-operatively to get weapons and bonuses.

The super-shotgun and the rocket launcher both require co-operation
between 2 players to get them. The super-shotgun is located on top of
a lift at the top of the stairs in the main arena. The switch to lower
the lift is behind the lift - it's pretty straight forward.

The rocket launcher is in the "acid room" (south). One player falls
in to the acid to get the laucher, and presses the button to open one
of the two doors. His team-mate must press the button in the main
arena to open the second door to allow the player with the launcher out.

The mega-sphere is located at the bottom of the moving-floor (east). The
floor lowers once a player stands on it. To raise the floor, his team-
mate must press the button between the two computer panels at the top
of the lift.

Three players are required to exit the level - 1 player on each of the two
exit buttons, and another to go through the exit doors to the exit. The
"exit" buttons raise doors (marked "exit") to the east. Note that both
buttons must be pressed simultaneously so that the exiting player can run
safely through to the exit button without being squashed by the crushing
ceiling in the first exit room.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
levels, but I like to hear about the changes.

You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 