Title		       : SKILLS.WAD (December 1994)

Author		       : Christophe Person [Tof on IRC #doom]

Email Address	       : chrisp@dirac.bcm.tmc.edu or

WWW Home Page	       : http://dirac.bcm.tmc.edu/people/chrisp.html

Description	       : This is an ONLY Deathmatch Wad cause there are no
			 monsters in it. You can still play it standalone
			 if you enjoy fragging yourself.

Additional Credits to  : Not yet filled : Playtester

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #	: MAP1 DOOM2
Single Player		: No!
Cooperative 2-4 Player	: No!
Deathmatch 2-4 Player	: Yes
Difficulty Settings	: No
New Sounds		: No
New Graphics		: Maybe soon...

* Construction *

Base			: Scratch
Build Time		: About 10 hours (something like that, when you
			  like you don't count)

Editor(s) used		: EDMAP 122 (was enough)
Known Bugs		: None anymore
Comments		: It includes 4 buildings, 2 plasma guns,
			  2 chainguns, 1 dbl barrel and 2 regular shotguns,
			  1 berserk, 2 green armors and one +100% ball.
			  A Demo File is included in the ZIP file and
			  should be used by passing the arguments:

			  DOOM2 -file SKILLS.WAD -playdemo SKILLS

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
levels, provided you mention my name and give credit where credit is due.

You may post SKILLS.ZIP freely if you also provide this text file.

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP sites: hebb.bcm.tmc.edu:/pub/doom/wads/doom2

	   somewhere on ftp.cdrom.com
	   (in /pub/doom/incoming until it is moved)
