For                     : Doom II : DeathMatch
Title                   : Junkyard II
Filename                : junkyrd2.wad
Author                  : Glenn Hopkinson
File Size               : 59.8 KB                      
Creation Date           : 18 AUG 95
Email Address           : glenn@interaccess.com
			  please e-mail me comments, good or bad

Description             : This is a DeathMatch for Doom II and accomodates up to 4 
			  players. It is a dark night, you and your buddies sneak
			  into the junkyard to duke it out. This level is a junkyard
			  and has an office in the center. The WAD is not huge and not 
		          too small, lots of hiding in the office and plenty of sneaking
			  around. It is also a remake of my original WAD junkyard. The 
			  original was square, and the office area relatively small. The 
			  new version is one large octagon, with a larger office area. 
			  There are four main weapon stations that contain the rocket 
			  launcher, plasma rifle, chaingun, and super shotgun. There are
			  also four (what I term) alternate stations, which are octagonal 
			  columns a little higher than your head. When triggered the 
			  outer-skin of the column comes down to boost you up.(also 
			  giving your opponent time to stop you) On each of these 
			  'alternate' stations is a lesser, but significant 
			  item. No BFG is this WAD, beacause of it's smaller size. Every
			  station can be covered from a darkened office window. (unless
			  you have the goggles) There are 12 DM starting points.
Recommendations           : -altdeath
			  : -nomonsters (monsters were added for practice in single play)
Creative consultant     : Jaystone, and Steve-O-Rama my good friends.		

Additional Credits to   : The creator of edmap v1.40 THE best DOOM editor
* Play Information *

Level #                 : MAP01
Single Player           : Yes, for practice (-respawn) :)
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : YES ! Is there any other way to play ????
Difficulty Settings     : -skill 1&2 have med kits and green armour in the rooms, and
			  a blue globe on one of the alternate stations.
			  -skill 3 is the same as 1&2 except there is a regular shotgun
			  in each of the four rooms, instead of one in the middle of
		      	  the office.
			  -skill 4&5 have blue globes and blue armour in the rooms, and
			  a back pack instead of a globe on one of the alternate stations
New Sounds              : Not on this one
New Graphics            : No, never learned how ...
New Music               : No, always turn it down anyways :)
Demos Replaced          : No, No, No, <YAWN> let's just PLAY !!!

* Construction *

Base                    : A spectacular original construction
Build Time              : Two revolutions of this planet
Editor(s) used          : Edmap v1.40
Known Bugs              : You may get the 'old movie' line once in while
			  but it does not affect the playability.

* Copyright / Permissions *

If you use this WAD for profit, I am intitled to royalties which my firm WILL collect.

* Where to get this WAD *

You can't get there from here ....