Date Completed         : 16th August 2008
Title                  : Italian Doom - DeathMatch
Filename               : itdoomdm.wad
Other Works            : Alien.wad (Alien Invasion);
			 Alien2.wad (Alien 2 - The Revenge);
			 Alien3.wad (Alien 3 - The last challenge);
			 Outposth.wad (Outpost of Hell),
			 Outpost2.wad (Outpost of Hell 2 - The fortress);
			 ItDoom1.wad (Italian DooM - Episode 1: The Lost Colony);
			 Runkill.wad (Run & Kill);
			 Blitz.wad and Blitz2.wad;
			 Ghosts.wad and some other WADs.
Author                 : Toranaga
			 Ismaele (Alberto Sposito)

Email Address          : (Ismaele) (Toranaga)

Description	       : This is a bonus level for the "Italian DooM" series:
			 it is a DM map, whose layout fits FFA better than duels.
			 It was originally designed by Toranaga and then revamped
			 and completed by me, Ismaele.
			 It is vanilla Doom compatible, but I suggest that you
			 use ZDaemon to play it on-line.
			 WARNING: The new background music is a .MIDI, so you'll
			 listen to it only if you use a port that can play it,
			 such as ZDoom-based ports (ZDoom, GZDoom, ZDaemon...).

Statistics	       : Vertexes: 1402
			 Linedefs: 1713
			 Sidedefs: 2874
			 Sectors : 395
			 Things  : 175

Additional Credits to  : Id Software, for making Doom;
			 You, for downloading this .WAD. Thank you!


* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2
Level #                 : map01
Single Player           : No
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-8 Player   : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : No

New Sounds              : No

New Graphics            : No
New Music               : Yes, from Descent (.MIDI file!)

Demos Replaced          : No

* Construction *

Base                    : Completely new level from scratch.

Editor(s) used          : WadAuthor;
			  Wad eXtendable;

Build time              : I don't know! When I made this map, I didn't count
			  how much time I spent on it!
Known Bugs              : None. Should you find some errors, please send us
			  an e-mail!

 * Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional

You may distrubute this file in any format(CD ROM, BBS, whatever)provided
that you include all files included in your distribution. 

Where to Get this wad:

The usual FTP archives