Title                   : None.
Author                  : Yashar G. (aka Gemini).
Email Address           : Post2000@c2i.net.
Release Date		: 02/12/2000.
Misc. Author Info       : Female model, mail me with your comments and i'll
			  send you some pictures of mine.	
Description             : 10 dm levels from scratch. Some good levels, and 
			  some bad. New music.
Additional Credits to   : God (yeah infidels)
			  Afterglow for work on map02, about half the map.
			  Chrozoron for some help.
			  Nick Baker & Ola Bj›rling for the grafx.
			  Violent Ed for the sky texture, and uploading this
			  Capcom/Arika for Street Fighter, the best game next
			  to Doom.

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : 1-10.
Single Player           : Yeah, to look around. Probably what most people will
			  do too...heh. 
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Giddy up.
Difficulty Settings     : No.
New Sounds              : No.
New Music		: Yeah. This is what got me makin these levels..:)
New Graphics            : Yeah.
Demos Replaced          : No, but please do send some. Really:) I might start
			  a CSDoom server of this though, so hope you will play

* Construction *

Base                    : From scratch.
Build Time              : About 15 hours i think. Mostly on the bigger levels,
			  the smallest and most symmetrical were made at the
			  release date, about 5 levels or something.
Editor(s) used          : Dck 3.62, Win Tex 4.3, antique Paint Shop version,
Known Bugs              : Guaranteed NO BUGS!!! except a few. Nah for real, the
			  titlepic/interpic palette is fucked, but i guess it's
			  not that big a deal. There are also several texture
			  mis-alignments which i won't bother fixing, and the
			  music sounds weird for some reason, they sound much
			  better in .mid files. And finally, the sky texture 
			  is a little buggy. But anyway... giddy up.

* Copyright / Permissions *

You may not edit the levels, and definitly not the music. They're not mine, but
do respect that. But i guess you can use the grafx, and you can use the sky
By the way, these levels do not represent HR2:) Maybe 2 or 3 of them, but not 
the rest. Heh.