================================================================ Title : Flashlight Filename : Flashlig.wad Author : Sparks from Chicago 847 Dwango! Email Address : sparky@wwa.com Misc. Author Info : Web site URL is: http://shoga.wwa.com/~sparky/ Check it out! Description : Umm... I guess it's an arena. It's small for dm play, and the sounds & music absolutely rule!!! :) Additional Credits to : id software (duh) Iceman for his suggestions Everyone in Dwango 847! (no reason) Me, or else this wouldn't exist! & YOU, for downloading it! <:-) ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Doom2 map 1 Single Player : ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Cooperative 2-4 Player : Next guess... Deathmatch 2-4 Player : DING, DING, DING! GUTTER, TELL HER WHAT SHE'S WON! (PCU) :) Difficulty Settings : Nope! New Sounds : What are you, deaf?!? OF COURSE! New Graphics : Well, I wanted to.... New Music : Yeah, and it rocks! :) Demos Replaced : Sorry, not here! * Construction * Base : New level from scratch! Editor(s) used : Mainly DCK v.3.61 Also some WadAuthor v.1.20 for stuff WinTex v1.2 for all the sounds! Known Bugs : ABSOLUTELY NOT! NOT HERE! (unless you find some...) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. If you do, I'll call in <drumroll>... the Omega Squad! <gasp> (Canadian Bacon) You MOST CERTAINLY MUST distribute this WAD file in this format with the txt and all!!!!! If you don't, I'll rip yer heart out and show it to you while it's still beating!!! And then I'll make you eat it!!! :-) * Where to get this WAD * Hmmm... ummm... let's see... this is a toughie... I GOT IT!! UMMM... WHERE YOU JUST DOWNLOADED IT FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And don't forget to check out my Web Site...it's really cool! It's got some AWESOME midi files for d/l and other cool stuff.. http://shoga.wwa.com/~sparky/ Go here or die!!!