Title                   : Boo                      
Filename                : Boo.wad
Author                  : John Watt
Email Address           : Wattj@kaka.lincoln.ac.nz
Misc. Author Info       : Closet psychopath...phobophiliac...antisocial
                          ...unhappy childhood.  go figure.
Description             : Purpose built for DEATHMATCH (4 player).
                          It is a relatively simple design, but I
                          figure deathmatch is about killing people
                          - not admiring the scenery.
Comments                :  Secrets exist, but beware...         
Additional Credits to   : id Games and Author (Geoff Allan) of
                          Doomed 42 for Windows. 

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : MAP 01.   
Single Player           : No monsters, no point.
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : I thought all deathmatchs started this way?
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes. Oh baby.
Difficulty Settings     : nup
New Sounds              : nup
New Graphics            : nup
New Music               : nup
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : From Scratch.
Build Time              : Dunno. Heaps. 
Editor(s) used          : Doomed42 for Windows.
Known Bugs              : None visible - but you might find some
                          sector problems if you edit.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Please distribute, but keep this file attached. 
Also, I would welcome any comments or ideas you might have.
You MAY use this wad as a base for other PWADS, but I would be
interested in what you've done so please email me.

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP.CDROM.COM or wherever you found it. Duh.