Title                   : Blitzkrieg (Lightning War!)
Filename                : BLITZKRG.WAD
Author                  : Jason Kirby
Email Address           : jakirby@cyberstore.ca
Misc. Author Info       : Other Pwads by Author : TIMJAY.WAD
                                                   - containing:
                                                     * Megapit
                                                     * Serpent's Ring
                                                     * Go For It
                                                     * Outpost
                                                     * Plus other goodies
                                                       by the TIMinator!.
                                                   - Level 4
                                                   - 1-3 by the TIMinator!.

Description             : An 8 level deathmatch fest of all original
                          DOOM II levels (I've been hoarding them!).
                          I feel all the aforementioned wads I created
                          suck, and these are 1000% better!  To give you
                          an idea of what I like (and what you should be
                          playing!) here is a list of my favs.

                             - All DANZIG & IGOR levels (DANZIG17 rulz!)
                             - The BOBxx and DWELLxx series (BOB11 is my fav!)
                             - GKPAK (GKDMx) levels
                             - 2DIE
                             - BLITZKRG levels 3 & 5

                          If you like any of these levels, then I'll
                          guarantee you'll find something here for you.
                          Some of these are quite different than the others
                          so check out all eight of them.
                          These were designed primarily for the way I
                          like to play deathmatch (Skill 5, -deathmatch),
                          but I included skill levels for other play styles
                          as well.
                          All levels created by me with the exception
                          of level 4 by Abdulah (100% his) and level
                          2 Ryan (100% his idea, 30% his design, the
                          rest mine)

                          - ALL exits are clearly marked!!!!

                          Level 1: Dethfest - Good flow, mid-sized level,
                                              good for 2 people and excellent
                                              for 3 or 4.
                          Level 2: Megalith - Concept wad, Run around on
                                              platforms, blow your buddies
                                              ass off and keep yours out of
                                              the acid!  Jump INTO the centre
                                              pool for the plasma and teleport
                                              the hell out!  Corner teleports
                                              take you to the opposite corner.

                          Level 3:            Nice and small, with room for
                                              4 (mega-bloodbath!!), perfect
                                              for 2.  Hit the switch and
                                              run outside around the corner
                                              for the plasma rifle.  The
                                              BFG is only accessible if you
                                              start there.
                                              - DANZIG style level

                          Level 4: Paztor     Switch by rocket pillar lowers
                                              rocket, plasma & exit lifts
                                              (co-op exit).  Features some
                                              automatic doors.  The 2 switches
                                              in the berserk room lift 2 sets
                                              of stairs between the 2 main

                          Level 5:            Cozy little fragfest for 2 (or
                                              more psychos!).  Exit switch
                                              opens the real exit to the
                                              right and behind of it.
                                              Remember, the plasma & BFG are
                                              only a hop & skip away! ;)
                                              - DANZIG style level

                          Level 6:            Nice open level, with no plasma
                                              rifle.  If you get a BFG camper,
                                              send a nice UAC standard
                                              issue, high explosive, armour-
                                              piercing, depleted uranium
                                              projectile his way (i.e. ROCKET
                                              his ass the hell out of there!).

                          Level 7:            My latest pwad.  You must shoot
                                              the blue skull switches from the
                                              tower (shotgun or bullet) to open
                                              the doors for the plasma & BFG.
                                              Entering & exiting the tower close
                                              those doors.  Check out the cool
                                              midgrate doors (borrowed from
                                              HAVOC.WAD by Driller).

                          Level 8:            Something I had laying around.
                                              Built around the central rocket
                                              launcher area. The rocket lifts
                                              are automatically lowered.
                                              A bit big for 2 but great for
                                              3 or 4.

Additional Credits to   : Tim "TIMinator" Ash, Ryan Saari, Abdulah,
                          Shaun Stoneman, Jock Bray, Steve, James,
                          and many others for playtesting.


* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : MAP01-08
Single Player           : Yes (What a blast ;) )
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes (But why?)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes, more the merrier!
Difficulty Settings     : Yes, Skill 1&2 -  Health bonuses & armour, no plasma
                               Skill 3   -  Health bonuses & armour, all
                               Skill 4&5 -  Little or no health & armour, all

New Sounds              : Yes, 3
New Graphics            : Sky (from GKDM7)
New Music               : Level 4
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : New levels from scratch
Editor(s) used          : DCK 2.2, REJECT11.
Known Bugs              : None (Textures must be perfectly aligned!!!).

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP sites:   ftp.cdrom.com & mirrors