========================== THE BIGGER THIRTY-TWO ==========================

Author                : Ÿuzz
Email address         : BF57@AOL.COM
Other ways to reach   : Exodus BBS (510)886-6513


Game                  : Doom2

Description           : 21 levels of fire-eating deathmatch.
                        You won't get tired of this.  By the way
                        if you're one of those who plays the first
                        2 maps and says, "Eh..", start on 12 so you
                        can see the really good ones.  Many of these
                        maps will look like other maps... Well, my
                        excuse is that any good WAD builder needs
                        inspiration.  So I take the ideas out of
                        popular WADs and tweak them a little, making
                        them much better, and of course I make all my
                        stuff from scratch remember..  Everything in this
                        package was made by ME, Fuzz.  Hope you like it,
                        and I'll tell ya right now my favorite map is 20.
                        Have fun and dont forget to try my patches...
                        See ya on DWANGO...

Side Note             : It never made it to 32 maps.  I was done with 21.
                        Sory to all you fools who were looking for more.
                        The 21 that are here should be quite nice.

Additional Credits    : ID Software for Doom][. Ben Morris The author
                        of DCK 2.2. (The greatest wad editor ever!) 
                        The authors of NWT.

Beta Team             : --== (No particular order) ==--
                        Jethrow Q. (My Co-sysop, most feedback)
                        Crash (The guy who thinks he's God.. you know..)
                        Arch-Vile (The early stages)
                        Apollo (once)
                        Sauron (twice)
                        Immortal (Kurt, you're an ass but your opinion
                                  is appreciated)
                        Kevin K. (Oakland DWANGO)
                        Sparticus (Some good feedback)
                        Outlander (I can't forget all my friends)
                        Killeo (another one)

Note                  : Recommended system has 16 megs of RAM and 2 megs
                        video.  If you have a dx33, PLEASE don't anger
                        your opponents and shrink the screen for some of
                        these maps...
                        And if you're a p5 or better owner, disregard this
                        message altogether.


* Play Information *

Maps included           : Map01 to Map21
Single Player           : Yes but I wouldn't advise it.
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No. I made this WAD for nothing.  OF COURSE.
Difficulty Settings     : No

Key to Below            : * I made it
                          + I got it from a source other than a WAD
                          ! I got it from another WAD

New Sounds              : + DSTELEPT (Teleport)
                          + DSPLDETH (Player Death I)
                          + DSPDIEHI (Player Death II)
                          + DSPLASMA (Plasma Gun)
                          ! DSPISTOL (Pistol)
                          + DSBAREXP (Rocket/Barrel Explosion)
                          * DSBFG    (BFG9000)
                          * DSWPNUP  (Picking Up Weapons)
                          + DSGETPOW (Getting Power-Ups Such as Berserks)
                          * DSSAWHIT (Chainsaw Firing Sound)
                          * DSSAWIDL (Chainsaw Idle and Shutoff Sound)
                          * DSSAWFUL (Chainsaw Full of Flesh)
                          * DSSAWUP  (Chainsaw Start)
                          ! DSSHOTGN (Shotgun)
                          * DSOOF    (Player Falling >32 Units)

New Graphics            : * RWDMON10 (A ZZZFACEx Texture)
                          * RWDMON9  (A ZZZFACEx Texture)
                          * RWDMON8  (A ZZZFACEx Texture)
                          * RWDMON7  (A ZZZFACEx Texture)
                          * RWDMON5  (A ZZZFACEx Texture)

New Music               : Every track.
                          I made some and acquired others.

Demos Replaced          : All 3
Other                   : DeHackEd patches, PATCHES.ZIP, is included.

* Construction *

Base                    : That friggin' grid in DCK... It drove me
                          partially insane ere building this...
Build time              : Long time...
Editor(s) used          : DCK 2.2, NWT
Known Bugs              : Nothing that affects game play.
                          (We're talkin little pixel extensions, vertex
                           flaws, etcetera...)


* Copyright / Permissions *

You MAY distribute this WAD in any format you like.

You may NOT alter this WAD in any way, and MY text file
better be with it wherever it goes.

* Where to get this WAD *

äXéDUë ááë: 510-886-6513.  
ftp.cdrom.com probably...