Doom Version            : DOOM II (v1.9)
Title                   : Big and Dumb
Filename                : BIG&DUMB.WAD
Author                  : Eric Wilkinson
Patch files by Author   : BODIES (ABODIES.DEH and FBODIES.DEH)
Email Address           : egw@efn.org on the Internet
		          73747,1737 on Compuserve
			  (I usually don't read my E-mail on
			   my Compuserve account, but I always
			   read my mail on my net account.)
Description             : A big room filled with Cyberdemons.
			  There are a few Imps and Pain
			  Elementals and halls around the 
			  'arena'. There are a few secrets, such
			  as hidden walls, teleporters, and
			  elevators. Exit is readily available
			  in the middle. I added two new
			  sounds to make things at least a
			  little less boring.
Additional Credits to   : Elizabeth,  Krystal, and Jesse for
                          helping me 'playtest' this.
Additional Notes	: I wrote this level a long time ago
			  but never distributed it since it was
			  so... dumb. It turned out to be fun
			  in Deathmatch play though, especially
			  with a Dehacked patch I made that
			  turns the players into dead marine
			  bodies except when they are injured or
			  when they fire a weapon. The
			  cyberdemons generated the bodies to
			  hide amongst. Quite humorous. It might
			  also be fun with no monsters, who
	Pistol shot - From Coolio's 'It Takes A Thief' album,
		      "Bring Back Somethin Fo Da Hood"
	Fireball passing by - From 'Welcome to the Future'
		      "Welcome To The Future (Reggae Metal Mix)"


* Play Information *

Map #                   : 01
Single Player           : Sort of. (Use -ALTDEATH)
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Supported.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes!
Exit Present            : Yes.
Monsters Present        : Yes.
Difficulty Settings     : None.
New Sounds              : No.
New Music		: No.
New Graphics            : No.
Demos Replaced          : None.

* Construction *

Base                    : New
Build Time              : A few hours including testing time.
Editor(s) used          : DETH v2.3, DETH v2.4, NWT v1.3
Known Bugs              : In the outside corridor, if you put
			  yourself on the very outside wall
			  and fire a bullet/shell weapon, the
			  bullets hit somewhere DIRECTLY in
			  front of you, as if there was an
			  invisible wall there. I don't know
			  what causes this, but this hasn't
			  affected any of my games in a big way
			  yet, so I'm not gunna fix it.

* Copyright / Permissions *
This wad may be used as a base to build other levels as long as
you give credit to the original author.
It may also be included in any CD-ROM or other compilations as
long as these files are kept together and intact.

* Where to get this WAD *
Compuserve: in the ACTION forum