Uploaded by Eye del Cul (sovietskayarodina@gmail.com)

Title           : El Crepúsculo de los Idolos (Idols' twilight)
File		: ecli.zip
Author          : Ignacio Zuccari aka El Loco Chávez
E-mail          : izuccari@hotmail.com
Web address     : None

Description     : An abstract/experimental map. This was the au-
		thor's first completed Doom level. (Uploader's

Credits to      : Id Sofware and the guys who helped me with the
		editors (Cabro, Transon, etc).


* Play Information *

Game (Doom / Doom2...)  : DooM2.
Episode / Level         : MAP01.
Singleplayer            : Yes
Cooperative             : No
Deathmatch              : No
Difficulty settings     : Yes
New sounds              : No
New graphics            : No
New music               : No
Demos replaced          : No

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Editors used            : Wadauthor 1.3
Build time              : 15 days.
Finished in             : April 2002
Known bugs              : Occasional textures missing, and some non-
				closed sectors. But they're discrete. (Uploader's

* Copyright / Permissions *
You can do what you want with this wad.

		|	ORIGINAL TEXT (Spanish)		|

                          TORNEO DE MAPAS

titulo: "El crepusculo de los idolos"

archivo: ecli.zip

autor: ignacio  zuccari (aka El loco Chavez)

creditos: id sofware y los muchachos que me ayudaron con los editores 
          (cabro, transon, etc, etc)


nivel:mapa 1

nivel de dificultad: si

single player

graficos: no

sonidos : no

musica  : no
                    * CONSTRUCCION *

base: nivel nuevo

editor: wadauthor 1.3

tiempo de construccion: 15 dias

bugs: none

Pueden hacer cualquier cosa con este mapa.

Si encuentran algun bug o algo parecido avisenme a :
