Title                 : Die1
Filename              : Die1.zip
Author                : Dale Harris (Cadaver)  Doom2 Grandmaster
Email Address         : Cadaver@genesis.ispace.com
Misc. Author Info     : I have been experimenting in designs and have been
                        making miscellaneous PWADS for some time, but I've
                        finally decided it was time to get serious on
                        constructing and distributing my PWADS.  I have
                        tried many editors for Doom & Doom2 and I must
                        say that DETH 3.92 & ZENNODE 0.98a is the best!
                        I have also released Crucify6.wad, which is for 
                        deathmatch only.  Die1.wad started as a Ultimate
                        Doom level but I later felt it would be better
                        for Doom 2.

Description           : Die1.wad is a large level (over 200k unzipped).
                        People play deathmatch and the such but I got
                        my Doom2 GrandMaster title by playing single
                        player!  Level is spread out and I've tried to
                        design it so you have to visit the entire level.
                        My philosophy is when you play single or coop
                        play that "everything dies!"  This level will
                        not change in monster distribution no matter what
                        skill level you choose.  Coop is fun as well!
                        For you deathmatchers out there I have included
                        a small deathmatch arena.  Remember, no cheating!

Additional credits to : Myscha (aka "The Sled-Dog") for extensive play-
                        testing and constructive criticism, and "Deuce"
                        from my BBS for helpful comments and playtesting.
* Play Information *

Level                 : Map 04
Single Player         : Yes
Cooperative 2-4       : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 player : Yes
Difficulty settings   : Not implemented
New sounds            : No
New Graphics          : No
New Music             : No
Demos replaced        : None

* Construction *

Base                  : New Level from scratch
Editor(s) used        : DETH 3.92 & ZENNODE 0.98a
Known bugs            : Couldn't find any ( I could be blind of course )

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no
modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic format
(BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.

* Where to get this WAD *


BBS numbers:  407-851-7381

Other:  There is no other at this time.