Title                   : DEATH RAID
Filename                : DETHRAID.WAD
Author                  : Redwolf 
Where to find me:       : Detonation Blvd. BBS (619) 744-4500, or

Misc. Author Info       : I am Redwolf, I created this wad on 3/4/96.
                          Please send me comments, suggestions etc...

Description             : You are in a deserted war base, your job is to
                          raid anything you find, and knock it out of
                          existance, the only remains of the ancients are
                          there poison, death traps for those foolish enough
                          to enter.
Additional Credit to    : Incubus for Alpha Testing the wad, and to Matt,
                          for his great efforts at DTB.
                                And Id Software for making the game.

* Play Information *

MAP #                   : MAP01
Single Player           : Yes   
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes  
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes  
Difficulty Settings     : No
New Sounds              : Yes
New Graphics            : Yes
New Music               : Yes   
Demos Replaced          : No

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Editors used            : Wintex, others..
Build Time              : Unknown
Known Bugs              : None found in testing

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional
levels. You may not change it to suit your needs. This is a
authentic wad of Detonation Blvd. BBS.

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file