Title:                 chaos
File name:             chaos.wad
Email address:         Ray@worldnet.att.net
Author:                Raymond Schmitz
Descrption:            These 2 levels are for experts, and are a
                       chaotic mess.
                       Date released:         5/3/97
Files in ZIP file:     chaos.wad chaos.txt chaos.bat
Author info:           I'm only 15 but I've been making levels for a while.
Other WADs by author:  So far I only uploaded "testsite.wad"

New levels from scratch.
Single player:         YES
Co op:                 YES
D-match:               YES
New graphics:          YES
New sound:             NO
New music:             NO, don't know how.
Demos replaced:        YES, I built it into the WAD itself!(only for ver 1.9)
Levels replaced:       Map 01 & 02 for DOOM2


Editors used:          DCK ver.1.2, Wintex ver.4.3
Base:                  New levels from scratch.
Known bugs:            None

Authors CAN use this level to build additional levels as long as
they give some credit to me. If you have any questions or comments
Email me!