Title                 : astro.wad for doom2
Author                : Brandon Phillips
E-mail                : wshelley@primenet.com

Description           : 8 levels of pure fun and carnage
focused on the fun of sensless violence. Also, soon to 
come Rapture.wad, more than 14 levels, still in progress.
Be sure to check out level 6.

Additional Credits to : Tom Shelley taught me how to use 
the editor, doomed 4.0 by Geoff Allen, and made level 3 
and half of 4. And many thanks to id for creating the
greatest game above and below the earth's surface.

* Play Information *

Level #s   : levels 1-8 doom2
Single Player         : Yes,if you can handle it.
DeathMatch   : Yes, but not tested.
Difficulty Settings   : Not implemented, play my way, or'
			don't play
New Art		    : No, make your own damn art.
New Music		    : No, get the "con-air" cd.
New Sound Effects	    : No

* Construction *

Base                  : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used        : Doomed 4.0 and your mama:)
Known Bugs            : some textures are messed up and 
			I didn't work very hard on doors.
			the main point is fun.

* Where to get this WAD file *

If you're readin' this you already got it.
