This wad now works in both the latest Official release of
ZDoom (2.1.x editions) as well as GZDoom.

However, there seem to be some very slight issues regarding GZdoom... The
fusion cannon's alt-fire doesn't want to work right and the Dynamic Lighting
support is very incomplete. I would recommend standard ZDoom, although I've
made sure that it doesn't crash insanely in GZDoom as well... or at least,
I hope it doesn't! :P

Because of the complex nature of this wad, some people tend to get stuck
in places in some of the maps, so I've included a FAQ in a seperate
texfile: zendyn_f.txt. If for some reason you get stuck, check there BEFORE
you ask me something. If you're absolutely sure that your problem isn't
mentioned anywhere in the FAQ, don't hesitate to e-mail me about it. :P

Finally, in order to view the intro correctly, you need a resolution of
800x600 or higher. Sorry for the inconvienience or anything. :P

Okay, now onward with the standard textfile formation thing or whatever.

Archive Maintainer      : You Are Ty.
Advanced engine needed  : Zdoom (2.1.0 or higher)
Primary purpose         : Single Player
Title                   : Zen Dynamics
Filename                : zendyn_x.wad
Revision                : Version 2.5
Initial Release         : June 25, 2005
Anniversary Release     : June 25, 2006  (Happy anniversary, Zen!)
/Idgames Release	: November 18, 2006  (About time... !)
Author                  : Xaser "The Conqueror"
Email Address           : xaser.88@gmail.com
Other Files By Author   : Tons of weapon replacements, SHiTWADS series, and
Misc. Author Info       : Master of Weapon Mods and such.

Description             : One seemingly random day, I was sitting around doing
                          nothing... when it hit me: The perfect way to make
                          true reloading weapons in Zdoom. It worked like a
                          charm in an example wad I put together, but I thought
                          that a simple demo wad with a single test level would
                          not do the reloading trick any justice... so two weeks
                          later, I brought you this:
                          Zen Dynamics, a Zdoom Revolution.

                          Zen is a 7-level partial conversion, with 10 new guns,
                          complete with reloading, new baddies, music, textures,
                          you name it. It has some pretty damn memorable
                          moments, particularly in Map04 and Map07, and is not
                          just some quickly thrown together wad.

                          This wad was originally released on the ZDoom forums,
                          as a "public beta" of sorts, before releasing to the
                          /idgames archive for all you crazy people to enjoy. :P

                          The initial release only took two weeks to finish, but
                          as always, it was littered with random bugs and such.
                          I released several revisions that fixed said bugs,
                          but I got bored at just fixing minor stuff... so for
                          the fabled 2.0 release, I added several things: a new
                          level, a new weapon, and some story elements and such.

                          And now, I present you with the Anniversary Edition,
                          packed with tons and tons of new features -- Altfires,
                          Two more new weapons, and a brand-new map, Core Zero,
                          perfect for mass-destruction addicts! :P

                          Yes, there's a small storyline involved, with the
                          usual stuff like gateways and UAC and such, but the
                          intro does a pretty good job at telling it, IMO. :P

                          The highlight of the wad is probably the weapons,
                          which are pretty much a first in Zdoom history. Just
                          the combination of advanced weaponry with Zdoom
                          features like ACS and portals (which I know you'll
                          love so much more after you've played Map04).

                          Either way, it's been way too long since I've released
                          anything memorable, and I guarantee you will not
                          forget this wad. :P Sorry for all the bragging and 
                          such, but hey.... it's true. :P

Additional Credits to   : SPECIFIC CREDITS:


                          Malcolm Sailor - Mega-huge thanks for msscraps.zip
                          (in the prefabs directory at /idgames). Most of the
                          levels are based on something-or-other from that set.
                          Thanks, man! :P

                          B. Vanatta - Whatever the B. stands for, does it even
                                       matter? Anyway, the base for Map02 was
                                       obtained from his Danzig15.wad deathmatch
                                       map. Muchas gracias y cosas!

                          Zero Prophet - A bit of 'ghostwriting' in a couple
                                         areas -- he created a the
                                         'background' scenes in two maps:
                                         Map08's city skyline and Map03's
                                         outdoor fight-scene. Kick ass. :P


                          NMN - Kickass weapon artist. He's responsible for
                                creating the Assault Rifle.
                          Corrupt Marine - the Dual Plasma SMGs and the
                                           fusion cannon are his work. Keep up
                                           the insanely awesome work!
                          Scero - He drew the graphics for the Scorcher weapon.
                                  Nice work!
                          Shinjanji - He did the hand for the Bloodsphere
                                       weapon, which fits perfectly. Good job!
                          Xenophon - Created the awesome bullet casing code, 
                                     used in the game's bullet weapons.
                                     I still can't thank you enough for that!
                          Caligari_78 - Creation of the new and improved
                                        bullet puffs. Your name shall live on
                                        forever or some such! :P


                          LilWhiteMouse - The genius behind the Hell's Battery,
                                          which is possibly the most awesome
                                          enemy ever created! She was also the
                                          first one to create the boss health
                                          bar script, although I scripted my
                                          version myself. Anyway, big huge
                                          thanks to her!

                          Misc. Graphics:

                          Apothem - Created the menu graphics and such, which
                                    kick total ass and such!
                          MasterOFDeath - Put together the DOOMDEFS lighting
                                          definitions for use with GZDOOM...
                                          I can't believe I forgot about this
                                          for 2.5's release. ;P

                          Bug testers:

                          Belial - Found LOADS of bugs everywhere, ranging from
                                   weapons to maps, and everything in between.
                                   Thanks a hell of alot and stuff!
                          Zero Prophet - He's probably played the wad more than
                                         anyone else... myself included. Nearly
                                         everything in the wad has been
                                         bugtested hundreds of times, so muchas
                                         gracias, mi amigo!
                          Pika135 - Discovered a strange bug where you could
                                         jump through the windows to Map04's
                                    supercharge room, therefore getting stuck.

                          RANDOM CREDITS:

                          (in no order whatsoever) Randy, Id, Graf Zahl,
                           Grubber, Malcolm Sailor, KronoS, Vegeta, Cory Whittle,
                          Scero, Chilvence, WildWeasel, Chronoteeth,
                          TheDarkArchon, Xenophon, Dron, Edward, NMN,
                          Corrupt_Marine, Maggot_Army, Nanami, Assmaster,
                          Destroyer, Giest118, Pink, Cyber-Menace, QBasicer,
                          BioHazard, GeeDougg, Espi, DD_133, Cyb, Bouncy,
                          Tormentor667, LilWhiteMouse, Quasar,
                          The Ultimate Doomer, Daniel, TeamTNT, Enjay,
                          Shinjanji, Belial, HobbsTiger1, Phobus, Kirby, Biff,
                          HotWax, Carnevil, Russel Pearson, Valve Software,
                          MasterOFDeath, ACE Team Software,
                          Rage, Purple Motion, Acidbox, Timelord, Maelcum,
                          Capcom (for DMC, heh), Ebola, Hyena, Tom_D,
                          Metamidnight, Jazzy, Zandor, B. Vannatta, Speed Racer,
                          my Mom, God, and whoever operates the section of my
                          mind that controls dreams, for that dream I had last
                          night where I beat the crap out of that evil kid I
                          hate so much at school... Okay, a bit off topic, but
                          it was certainly awesome while it lasted. :P

                          I don't even know why I'm thanking over half of these
                          guys, but oh well. :P
* What is included *

New levels              : 7 or so
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : Si:

                          Map01: "Numb", by Rage
                          Map02: "Zen Dynamics", by Xaser
                          Map03: "War Stars", by Jeroen Tel
                          Map04: "4th Dimension", by Rage
                          Map05: "Shadowrun", by Purple Motion
                          Map06: "No Truth", by Rage, edited by Xaser
                          Map07: "Rush of Freedom", by Acidbox, edited by Xaser
                          Map08: "Guild of Sounds", by Rage
                          Map00: "RPG-Explosion", by Cyn, edited by Xaser
                          Title: "Yellow Movement", by Rage
                          Intro: "Deeper Inspiration", by Acidbox
                          Brief: "VorteX", by Timelord
                          Inter: "Dark Sun", by Xaser
                          Boss1: "Neutron Spirits", by Xaser
                          Boss2: "Mundus's Theme", from Devil May Cry
                          Speed: "Crazy Speed Mix", by Maelcum
                          Victory: "Martian Space", by Xaser
                          Ending: "Light-Years", by Rage
                          Escape: "Drakk Attack", by Legend (the Unreal II Devs)

Graphics                : Yes! New weapons, monsters, you name it. :P
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes
Demos                   : No, because Zdoom is weird when it comes to demos. :P
Other                   : DECORATE, DECALDEF, SNDINFO, and all that Zdoom stuff.
Other files required    : Zdoom 2.1.x editions or GZDoom.

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM2
Map #                   : MAP01-MAP07 and then some.
Single Player           : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No (too scripted in some maps)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No (definately not)
Other game styles       : Yes (No)
Difficulty Settings     : Yes (er, at least, I think so. :)
Extras			: Eh? What extras? Well, there are two very special files
                          included in the release, in addition to zendyn_x.wad:

                          zendyn_f.txt : The official Zen Dynamics FAQ... that's the same
                                          one I used to tack on to the bottom of this
                                          textfile in all the beta releases. I seperated
                                          it "for both clarity and confusion" (Zero-ism).
                          zenblack.wad : In case the standard Doomguy hands don't quite
                                          tickle your fancy, this add-on is for you.
                                          Load over the main Zen wadfile and it will add
                                          black gloves to all the weapons instead of those
                                          ugly fleshtone things he's always seen wearing.

* Construction *

Base                    : Most are based off levels found in msscraps.zip, found
                          in the /idgames/prefabs directory. Bigass thanks to
                          Malcom Sailor for the maps and stuff. :P Map02 is
                          based on danzig15.wad, so thanks to B. Vanatta for
                          making that map. :P (Don't worry, both of the 
                          textfiles to these wads allowed modified levels and
                          stuff, so try not to complain or anything. :P)
Build Time              : As of version 2.5, exactly ONE YEAR. Happy anniversary!
Editor(s) used          : Doom Builder, XWE, Sound Recorder, Paint Shop Pro,
                          Windows Paint, Notepad, Impulse Tracker,
                          and so on and so forth. :P

Known Bugs              : There is a minor HOM on the outdoor part of Map04, but
                          that's due to the dodgy rendering of the portals and
                          such. Blame Doom's quirky rendering engine. :P
                          Hopefully, you won't even notice it's there. :P

                          Also, the interior room of Map04's cathedral tends to
                          slow down the game a hell of alot, so I hope you have
                          a fast computer. :P

                          Running the wad with GZDoom fixes both of these
                          problems, but not the following one...

                          Due to Map08's complexity, many of the outdoor areas
                          have the infamous 'sky clipping' effect (ie, a portion
                          of sky obscures other structures when it's blocking
                          your view... you'll understand what I mean).
                          Unfortunately, this is impossible to fix without
                          spending days splicing the level and rebuilding
                          EVERYTHING using portal effects, which would be time
                          consuming and slow down the wad like hell on a stick.
                          Sorry for the inconvenience... just blame Zero. :P

May Not Run With...     : Anything other than Zdoom 2.1.x editions or GZDoom

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse, as long as you credit me in some form.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact.  I have received permission from the original authors of any
modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.

You MAY swallow a nuclear bomb whole in hopes of committing suicide, provided
that you make sure the bomb does not have any sharp objects on the outside,
because that may cause accidental disembowelment. Permissions have been
obtained from manufacturers of nuclear warheads for any bombs that may
be used in this event.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirror mazes.