Archive Maintainer      : I sure hope so.
Advanced engine needed  : Zdoom (Newest available release, fer shizzle)
Primary purpose         : Single Player
Title                   : TurboCharged ARCADE!  (Demo Release)
Filename                : turbodem.wad
Revision                : loel first release
Release Date            : 11-18-06
Author                  : Xaser "The Conqueror"
Email Address           : xaser.88@gmail.com
Other Files By Author   : Tons of weapon replacements, SHiTWADS series,
                          I.C.T.O.A.N., and Zen Dynamics
Misc. Author Info       : I can never think of a bloody thing to put here, so I
                          wind up changing it each and every time. Go figure. :P
                          So yeah, I'm some weird guy who does weird stuff.

Description             : First off, I would like to state one... statement.
                          This is NOT a jokewad.

                          Yes, the levels are not exactly the most serious. Yes,
                          some detailing looks like it's been done by a two-year
                          old. However, if someone asks if this is the newest
                          successor to the SHiTWADS regime, the answer is a firm

                          TurboCharged ARCADE! is not intended to be screwy, but
                          to be different. An experimental wad by nature, TcA
                          focuses on putting the player in odd situations, which
                          require different techniques and ideas to beat them.
                          It's sort of a throwback to the old days of arcade
                          games, with short, sharp levels and a bit of freedom
                          to choose whichever type of level suits your fancy.

                          In TcA, you can take a journey to foreign 
                          hellish landscapes, dive across rooftops whilst
                          dodging bullets in slow motion, escape from insanely
                          overpopulated prisons, and face off against the
                          devilish Adolf Hitler in a showdown for the ages...
                          all in whatever sequence you desire!

                          A core aspect to the gameplay in TurboCharged ARCADE!
                          is the fact that the entire game's speed has been
                          doubled. Enemies attack twice as fast, weapons are
                          souped-up and speedy, and you'll be running for your
                          life at top-speed in almost every situation. The
                          action is non-stop, and the increased speed will test
                          the reflexes of even the most hyperactive individuals.

                          TcA's intentions don't stop there, either... on top
                          of the wild-and-crazy gameplay aspects, this wad is
                          also intended to be funny as all hell. With all sorts
                          of ridiculous situations, overly-retarded parodies,
                          and over-the-top randomness, I'm hoping that
                          everyone will have to stop playing at least once 
                          because they're laughing too damn hard to keep
                          themselves alive. :P

                          However... as you may have noticed, this release is
                          only a very tiny 8-level demo release of TcA. What,
                          you may ask, will the full version offer? Imagine,
                          obscene amounts of levels with incredibly varied
                          styles of gameplay and difficulty. Sporting a new
                          interactive level-selection system and hours upon
                          hours of random gameplay, TcA will feature just
                          about everything but the kitchen sink!

                          Anyway, enough with the salesman-type advertising...
                          This guy may not be finished for a LONG time, but
                          in the mean time, stay tuned at the ZDoom forums,
                          as I'm pretty sure that the full version will feature
                          a whole slew of levels from all over the community...
                          as I simply can't crank out all of them on my own. :P

                          In the meantime, download and enjoy this small sample
                          of things to come. Have fun, doggamnit! :P

Additional Credits to   : Oh hell... lots of people. :P

                          MasterOfDeath - I came up with the idea one night when
                                         we were chatting mindlessly about the
                                        most insane and random stuff. :P
                                       Basically... loads of inspiration. XD

                          Giest118 - TONS of feedback and support on some early
                                    betas. Judging from his responses, I'm
                                    quite surprised he hasn't died laughing. :P

                          Pink - I tend to get all sorts of crazy ideas when I'm
                                about to die of sleep deprivation, so HUGE
                               thanks to Pink for keeping me up late so many
                              times when we found something to talk about. :P

                          Zero Prophet - Betatesting, support, and a nice
                                        guinea-pig to test out new ideas on.
                                       After all "we've" been through during
                                      the creation of even the demo, I wouldn't
                                     be surprised if he's just as crazy as me.

                          Nintendrone - Somebody that nobody else would know,
                                       but yeah, he's tested and played all
                                      sorts of stuff and contributed many of the
                                     ideas here (Matrix, anyone?). I sure hope
                                    the demo lives up to his expectations. :P

                          More greets:

                          -BioHazard, for somehow putting up with me. :P
                          -Chronoteeth, for the same in reverse (no offense :P)
                          -QBasicer, for somehow being around (when I'm not. :P)
                          -Scuba Steve, for ideas and some artwork. :P
                          -NMN, 'cause I'm sure he inspired something. :P
                          -Randy (DZoom)
                          -Graf (GDZoom)
                          -Id  (MooD)
                          -Trees, for making oxygen.
                          And, of course, (in some way or form)

                          Adolf Hitler, Sherlock Holmes, Neo, Pablo Picasso,
                          and all those people who did something so great or
                          terrible that they merited an appearance. :P
* What is included *

New levels              : Somewhere around 8
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : Yes, bunches of stuffage, mostly actually by me.
Graphics                : Yes, Unofficially. :P
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes... changes the entire game's style. :P
Demos                   : Whoops.
Other                   : DECORATE, DECALDEF, SNDINFO, and all that Zdoom stuff.
Other files required    : Latest ZDoom and your local fire department.

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM2
Map #                   : MAP01-MAP08
Single Player           : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No (too scripted)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No (definately not)
Other game styles       : Yes (No)
Difficulty Settings     : Not this time around... the full version will have
                          individual difficulties for each map, so it won't make
                          much of a difference in the long run. :P

* Construction *

Base                    : Scratch, though I ripped ideas from EVERYWHERE.
Build Time              : A few months off and on... much longer if I counted
                          the time period where I "forgot" about the wad but
                          returned to it WAY later... :P
Editor(s) used          : Doom Builder, XWE, MIDI Tracker (SUCK... but works) 

Known Bugs              : Prolly a few glitches, but for the most part there
                          shouldn't be anything game-breaking. It's still a
                          demo, eh? :P

May Not Run With...     : I must refrain from using a typical sharp object joke.

* Map Information *

Whoa, what the deuce have I done to the textfile template? Well, anyway...
I'm going to take this time to outline the levels and provide a few tips. :P

Map01 - "At Home"			Type: None
	Screaming in rage, you throw the remote control against the wall in
	disgust. "There's nothing on TV, damnit!" Argh... this means there's
	nothing left to do but to actually venture to the unknown: outside.		
    ProTip - Don't eat the yellow snow.

Map02 - "Go To Hell"			Type: "SHOOT"
	Not only is it not heaven, but it is also hell. Are you gonna let the
	demons get away with taking you before your due time? Make them regret
	the day they ever decided to steal your soul.
    ProTip - Keep in mind that everything is twice as fast now... although it's
	    tempting to run out with guns blazing at 2x speed, remember that the
	    demons can do the same to you as well.

Map03 - "Prison Rape!"			Type: "SPEED" 
	After a long hard day of picking up hookers, one would hope to have a
	chance to relax and watch the football game. However, after being
	arrested by the police, suddenly getting an STD from a prostitute
	becomes the least of your worries.
    ProTip - Not much to say... just KEEP RUNNING. :P

Map04 - "You Are Pablo Picasso"		Type: "STICK"
	Whoever said that famous artists are only popular once they're dead?
	Picasso's Back, and he's pissed and about to paint the most
	controversial picture of all...
    ProTip - Don't turn. Use strafe for sideways movement... it's way easier.

Map05 - "Battleshit" : 			Type: "SLASH"
	Cybies are such jerks, but sometimes they love to play a good
	board game now and then. Battleship is a fan favorite, and when a lone
	marine is threatened with his life, his fate resides in a simple game
	of Battleship... with a twist!
    ProTip - Don't get too close to the bad mother, but don't run into the
	    arena walls, either. A happy medium is a happy victory.

Map06 - "Go Eat Shit, Sherlock!" : 	Type: "STORY"
	That pesky detective steals all the fame, the fortune, the women, the
	the men... and so on and whatnot. He's about to begin the biggest case
	of his entire life... but what would happen if he were to somehow call
 	in sick and someone else were to take over?
    ProTip - If you're having trouble hunting down all the demons, make sure to
	    check every room, nook and cranny. Oh, and don't be fooled...
	    although the hallways may seem quite safe, you'd better get the hell
	    out before you get a baron shoved down your throat. :P

Map07 - "The Matrix Has You" : 		Type: "STYLE"
	Neo, Trinity, Morpheus. The slightest mention of one of these names
	sends cheers rippling throughout a crowd. But c'mon... these guys are
	overrated as hell! Anyone can pull off sweet slow-motion moves and
	ridiculously overpowered fighting techniques. All it takes is a little
	hacking, and a little imagination...
    ProTip - In slow motion, the bullets still move faster than you'd think.
	    With reduced motion, make sure to always start dodging early.

Map08 - "I'm Hitler" : 			Type: "SHRED"
	He's back, and quite pissed for having lost World War II. Don't let
	this guy start the next batch of nuclear warfare. The only Holocaust
	should be the global extermination of all Hitlers!		
    ProTip - If you're lucky, during certain forms Hitler has a slight chance of
	    accidentally nailing himself with his own attack. Keep this in mind.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse, as long as you credit me in some form.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact.  I have received permission from the original authors of any
modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.

You MAY swallow a nuclear bomb whole in hopes of committing suicide, provided
that you make sure the bomb does not have any sharp objects on the outside,
because that may cause accidental disembowelment. Permissions have been
obtained from manufacturers of nuclear warheads for any bombs that may
be used in this event.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirror mazes.