Advanced engine needed  : Zdoom or Vavoom (latest version located at
Primary purpose         : Single + coop play
Title                   : Lightning Storm
Filename                : thunders.wad (main), thund2.wad (supplimental)
Release date            : October 2011
Author                  : MDCS
Email Address           : zwzwzwzw@live.com
Other Files By Author   : blksky.wad
Misc. Author Info       : human

Description             : A replacement Hexen like thunderstorm sky with
various lightning bolts. This is a fixed version of blksky.wad so it will
work with the newer Zdoom and Vavoom ports without error.

Additional Credits to   : ID software, thunderstorm lovers everywhere

* What is included *

New levels              : n/a (set up for use with map01)
Sounds                  : thunder
Music                   : No
Graphics                : No
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos                   : No
Other                   : No
Other files required    : any wad including Doom2's iwad with a Map01

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2
Map #                   : 1
Single Player           : yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : yes
Other game styles       : maybe if compatable with their scripts
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                    : blksky.wad
Build Time              : a few hours to build/a couple minutes to correct
Editor(s) used          : wintex50
Known Bugs              : might loop you back to map01 on older ports. Not sure of newer
May Not Run With...     : Designed for ports that support Zdoom like features such as Vavoom and
Zdoom (obviously :)

Static sound from Ghostbusters TC, long thunder heavily modified Quake
rocket explosion sound

 Thunders.wad contains a changing thunderstorm sky that lights up when
 ever there is a "lightning strike". It's simaler to the thunder sky in
 Hexen except there are extra lightning graphics/textures that show
 uo psudo-ramdomly

 Thund2.wad replaces the imp sound with a mich longer and louder thunderclap
 plus static. There is also an identical static sound for the teleport
 "puff" that can be used to simulate thunder in more vanella doom ports
 using the old hidden ambient monster trick. Adjust as needed. These sounds
 are suitable for ACS scripting too, of course :)

* Copyright / Permissions *

 Feel free to modify or use resources from any of these 2 wads, though
some credit is all I ask for

FTP sites: idgames database