_          _            _             _      
        /\ \       /\ \        /\ \           /\ \    
       /  \ \     /  \ \      /  \ \         /  \ \   
      / /\ \ \   / /\ \ \    / /\ \ \       / /\ \ \  
     / / /\ \_\ / / /\ \_\  / / /\ \ \     / / /\ \_\ 
    / / /_/ / // / /_/ / / / / /  \ \_\   / / /_/ / / 
   / / /__\/ // / /__\/ / / / /    \/_/  / / /__\/ /  
  / / /_____// / /_____/ / / /          / / /_____/   
 / / /      / / /\ \ \  / / /________  / / /          
/ / /      / / /  \ \ \/ / /_________\/ / /           
\/_/       \/_/    \_\/\/____________/\/_/            


C O N T E N T:

    1.1 Compatibility           4.1 Map List
    1.2 Resources               4.2 Map Info
    1.3 MIDI Music
                            5.  BUGS

                            6.  AUTHOR INFORMATION

3.  INSTALLATION                6.1 Contributors
                                6.2 Credits/Thanks


[1.1 Compatibility]

  Plutonia Revisited is designed to be vanilla compatible so it should run
  virtually, if not, on every port. Plutonia.wad is a definite prerequisite.

[1.2 Resources]
   - Additional textures and graphics were made by Thomas van der Velden

[1.3 Midi Music]

   ** You may use these Midi tracks provided that you give credit to the
   composer and the project**

   All other music are from other sources
  (Check map info for more details)


  After destroying the weird looking face in the end of your last crusade against hell, you sit back and
  relax, gloating over all the steaming carcasses you've produced. You did not know, however, that this
  was just a gambit, a distraction. The demonic forces have posessed the ethereal architects of reality
  and bent them to further warp your world for the past six months.

  You, unaware of this, suddenly see a portal opening. Thinking it was an exit that would inevitably lead
  you home, you jump into it without hesitation. Suddenly, you end up in some kind of cyber-reality, and
  you feel a strong deja vu. Is hell just recycling ideas nowadays? 

  Unfortunately, the gatekeeper decided to move on from his usual thirst for universal domination
  and settled for a personal vendetta against you. Why? Well, you've kicked its arse several times so
  there's no question that it'd like to see you gone. Gatekeeper bound his reality weaving lackeys to
  create your own personalized hell. You grind your teeth as a result of aggravation that you cannot shake,
  like a splinter in one of the small crevices within your body. You can only hope that killing yet another
  flat bastard at the end of this road will mean freedom. But hey, what can you do? The last several times
  has let you down, so what are the chances it will happen again? You think to yourself, 
                                                                            "This time it's personal."


  Simply either drag drop prcp.wad onto a source port executable (i.e. Zdoom or Prboom).
  Alternatively you can type into the command line:

  " chocolate-doom -iwad plutonia.wad -file prcp.wad "
  If you aren't using chocolate-doom, replace chocolate-doom with the name of your source port of choice.

  *Copied from Plutonia2 txt info* Engines without internal DEHACKED support that
   DO support DeHackEd (such as Chocolate Doom or the old PrBoom v2.02) need the
   -deh parameter to load the DeHackEd patch (i.e -deh prcp.deh).

  Engines that do not support DeHackEd (including Doom95, that is included
  in various releases of Final DOOM) can also run the add-on, but without any
  in-game story texts.

[4.1 Map List]

  MAP01: Stonewall
  MAP02: Temple of Cetza
  MAP03: Escape from Ghost Town
  MAP04: Emerald Pools
  MAP05: That Flooded Place
  MAP06: Stony Halls
  MAP07: Caughtisle
  MAP08: Rules of Death
  MAP09: Ruined Kingdom
  MAP10: Bloodbath
  MAP11: Will you be my NME?

  MAP12: Velocity
  MAP13: Slaughter Zone
  MAP14: Undertaker
  MAP15: Helix
  MAP16: Gambit
  MAP17: The Unholy Crypt
  MAP18: Phantom Silence
  MAP19: Venom
  MAP20: Sinister Daybreak

  MAP21: Asmodeus' Circle
  MAP22: Suicide Mission
  MAP23: Necrogenesis
  MAP24: Terra Incognita
  MAP25: Wicked Garden
  MAP26: Poison Ivy III
  MAP27: Planned Overload
  MAP28: Dance with the Devil
  MAP29: Atlatl
  MAP30: In the Eye of the Beholder

  MAP31: Cyberdemon Vertigo
  MAP32: Have @ It

[4.2 Map Info]

Level name          : Stonewall
Author(s)           : Joshy
Build time          : A week on and off
editor(s) used      : Doombuilder 2
Music track         : Original Project midi by PRIMEVAL.                    
Bugs                : None
Inspiration         : First map of plutonia1/2.
Authors comments    : This was pretty much the first time I attempted to
                      map in strictly vanilla only. The results turned out
                      to be very pleasing! I wanted to achieve a similar
                      non-linear layout like in Congo and this was how I'd
                      imagine the first map to be.

Level name          : Temple of Cetza 
Author(s)           : Paul Corfiatis (pcorf)
Build time          : 1 Week
editor(s) used      : DoomBuilder 1.68
Music track         : MAP08 from Doom 2   
Bugs                : None
Inspiration         : 
Authors comments    : MAP03 for the Plutonia Revisited Community
                      Project. Medium difficulty. Save often or you
	              will be slaughtered.

Level name          : Escape from the Ghost Town
Author(s)           : UltimateLorenzo
Build time          : Two months
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder
Music track         : E1M9
Bugs                : None. Mail us if any
Inspiration         : The original Plutonia map 05.
Authors comments    : The original "Ghost Town" is a very fun map, full of action and enemies.
                      I was especially inspired by the music, my favourite DooM track. I hope
                      my map has the same feeling of the original.

Level name          : Emerald Pools
Author(s)           : C30N9 and Joshy
Build time          : 1 day
editor(s) used      : Doombuilder 2, XWE

Music track         : "Demons on the Prowl" a remix of Demons on the Prey by PRIMEVAL                   
Bugs                : None
Inspiration         : MAP16: The Omen from original Plutonia
Authors comments    : With inspiration from The Omen's layout, Emerald Pools
                      is named for having several nukage pools. Sometimes
                      it is very hard. Expect some real traps! 
                      I'd like to thank Joshy for detailing and PRIMEVAL for the music.
                      Joshy: I offered to clean up and fix up the map for C30N9 as it was
                      kinda behind in terms of aesthetics. It's not the best but I think it's
                      a cute map and certainly offers plutonic nostaglia with it's simplistic
                      design and heavy onslaughts of monsters.

Level name          : That Flooded Place
Author(s)           : Keeper of Jericho
Build time          : Couple of weeks
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 1

Music track         : Dark Halls (from Doom 1 soundtrack)
Bugs                : Yellow key area may cause that visplane overflow.
Inspiration         : Congo and Well of Souls
Authors comments    : This map almost mapped itself. I had no real plan in mind when I started mapping,
                      aside from the idea of doing a non-linear map and allowing different paths the
                      player could take while hunting for the keys. It's a small map, but I'm quite
                      pleased with the end result.

Level name          : Stony Halls
Author(s)           : Matt Tropiano
Build time          : A week or two (back and forth in testing).
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 2, Slumped, MIDI2MUS
Music track         : Custom track by PRIMEVAL   
Bugs                : None that I can find.
Inspiration         : Inspired heavily from the early maps in Plutonia. Non-linear, viney, and stony.
Authors comments    : ...

Level name          : Caughtisle
Author(s)           : Joshy
Build time          : Two days
editor(s) used      : Doombuilder2
Music track         : Original Project Music by PRIMEVAL   
Bugs                : HOMs here and there. Couldn't really find an ideal way to fix them rather
                      than screw up the layout and details.
Inspiration         : Plutonia1/2's map07 and Speed of Doom Map07 too.
Authors comments    : Was trying to think of a way to change the gameplay a bit rather than
                      merely mancubuses and arachnatrons, so I put two cybers that needs to
                      be killed before the player can move on. Pretty cool, hey? Was aiming
                      to have a similar outdoor kind of theme with moats and whatnot like
                      the original caughtyard map but in the end, I was getting bored with
                      it. Made it an island instead. It was easier to do and not to mention,
                      looks pretty nice too! All worked out well in the end.

Level name          : Rules of Death
Author(s)           : franckFRAG
Build time          : A few months
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 1

Music track         : Original Project Music by PRIMEVAL
Bugs                : A few misalignments textures
Inspiration         : Many maps of The Plutonia Experiment, as the map 03;
                      map 12; map 13; map 14; map16 and the map 17.
Authors comments    : I wanted to make a classic map, by incorporating certains aspects of the
                      first one Plutonia, I also used only the textures of The Plutonia Experiment,
                      for underlined the nostalgic atmosphere. I am used of to make in boom format,
                      it's interesting to work with the constraints of Vanilla, I had to learn to
                      avoid how the VPOs.

Level name          : Ruined Kingdom
Author(s)           : Tatsurd-cacocaco
Build time          : 1 Month
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 2 
Music               : "Crypt" from Hexen
Bugs                : Some HOMs under vanilla doom

Inspiration         : Plutonia Map08 "Realm", Plutonia Map02 "Well of Souls"
Authors comments    : This is my second map for the project. I made this map as a remake 
                      of original Plutonia map 08. Also, I made the area outside the 
                      castle and the area after blue key's door while considering original 
                      Plutonia map 02. Judging from the tendency of Plutonia's maps, my 
                      first map (Map 16) is a little longer. Therefore, I aimed to make the 
                      same scale as original Plutonia map 08. However, I added many elements 
                      from Plutonia too much, so this map is a little longer after all.
                      I was really annoyed at VPOs and spent many hours to fix them in the
                      huge area after blue key's door. The main cause was that I couldn't 
                      delete some details by compromise easily. In the end, I was overcome
                      by VPOs and deleted something. However, I really like this part.

Level name          : Bloodbath
Author(s)           : JC
Build time          : One week
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder v1.68.0.385
Music track         : Custom Track by PRIMEVAL  
Bugs                : several HOMs in the first hall and outdoor arena in the end
Inspiration         : Plutonia Map 4, 6 and 14
Authors comments    : This is my first contribution in a megawad. Making a vanilla compatible wad
                      is not easy; always check if there are not too many details so that there won't
                      be HOMs =)
		      The map is quite difficult for the first episode so I hope you will reach the end =p

Level name         : Will You Be My NME?
Author(s)          : Darkwave0000
Build time         : 1 month
Editor(s) used     : Doombuilder 2

Music track        : URmyNME.mid :: Original Project MIDI by Darkwave0000
Bugs               : Savegame Buffer Overflow
Map inspiration    : PL2.WAD MAP11 "Arch-Violence" by Gusta and T.V.
Music inspiration  : PL2.WAD MAP11 "Become the Hunted" by James Paddock
Authors comments   : This is a map which is often using Arch-Viles and Revenants.
                     It is not having too much difficulty nonetheless.
                     It is enjoyable hopefully. ^_^

Level name          : Velocity
Author(s)           : K!r4
Build time          : 4 or 5 evenings, I'm not sure...
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 2
Music track         : "Facing the Spider" from Doom   
Bugs                : Where? Thanks to hawkwind BTW.
Inspiration         : Plutonia map 12, Plutonia 2 map 15
Authors comments    : Well, I didn't make a map since 2 years before this one. Fortunately
                      Belial and dew gave me some awesome feedback that reminded me how to
                      make a solid gameplay, as well as new elements to think about for my
                      next projects.
                      Basically it's a remake of Plutonia map 12 called "Speed", early versions
                      were more like my map 15 for Plutonia 2 though. Howewer it has evolved
                      into an acrobatic and brutal map just as "Speed" was instead of being
                      a quick "run and gun".

Level name          : Slaughter Zone
Author(s)           : Paul Corfiatis (pcorf)
Build time          : A few days
editor(s) used      : DoomBuilder 1.68
Music track         : E3M1 from Doom 1   
Bugs                : 
Inspiration         : 
Authors comments    : MAP19 for the Plutonia Revisited Community
                      Project. Fairly hard in difficulty. Save often or you
		      will be slaughtered.

Level name          : Undertaker
Author(s)           : James "Phobus" Cresswell
Build time          : A few days spread over a month
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 1.67

Music track         : Original MIDI track by stewboy
Bugs                : None Known
Inspiration         : None
Authors comments    : This map formed around an idea for a trap (at the start)... which then had
                      to be toned down twice before it was possible to survive. The rest of the map
                      was designed to be compact and violent - with the dark areas being the safest.

Level name 	    : Enigma Helix
Author(s)           : Xaser Acheron
Build time          : Four doggamn months. I'm fast.
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 2, chocorenderlimits.exe, SLumpEd

Music track         : "Dread", a custom track I wrote for something unrelated.
Bugs                : Savegame buffer overrun. Noclipping around is likely to result in a VPO or two.
Inspiration         : Map18 (Neurosphere) and various Plutonia bits.
Author's comments   : Large-ish map revolving around a massive spiraling structure set in a rugged bloody	
 		      landscape. Plenty of buildings and interconnected areas, all of which sport a hectic
                      gameplay style. The centerpiece and namesake of this map is shrouded in mystery (hence
                      the name), but is thought to have been designed by a demonically posessed architect to
                      be some sort of demonic shrine. Its corrupt influence has not only attracted demon
                      presence but also decayed the landscape surrounding it, a fact the numerous dead trees
                      and rivers of bloody water are likely to reflect. Rumors exist that the shrine houses a
                      hidden portal to an unknown dimension, but one would have to be a fool to believe such a
                      myth (if it weren't for the slot this map happens to hold, of course). The author also
                      muses that this might just be the realization of the SHiTWADS Spiral Tower remake he's
                      always wanted to do.

Level name          : Gambit
Author(s)           : Matt Tropiano
Build time          : A week or so.
Editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 2, Slumped, MIDI2MUS
Music track         : Custom track by PRIMEVAL.
Bugs                : None, as far as I and the other testers know.
Inspiration         : Patience is its own reward, and players shouldn't be
                      so hasty to run into battles that they cannot hope to
                      win. My goal for this was to create different types of
                      obstacles that would prevent their progress other than
                      a missing key or elusive switch - in this case, it was
                      firepower. In this map, the player will have to find
                      better weaponry, wait out monster infighting, and run
                      from seemingly unstoppable hordes in order to gain
                      advantages in battle.

Level name          : The Unholy Crypt
Author(s)           : evocalvin
Build time          : about 2 months (including testing)
editor(s) used      : Doombuilder 2
Music track         : 'Donna to the Rescue' (E3M2)
Bugs                : Various texture misalignment
Inspiration         : Plutonia Map 13
Authors comments    : This is my first for the PRCP.
                      It's the remake of the plutiona map13.
                      More details and bigger,
                      also slightly harder than original map.
                      I hope you like the map. Have fun !!!

Level name          : Phantom Silence
Author(s)           : evocalvin
Build time          : about 1 month (including testing)
editor(s) used      : Doombuilder 2
Music track         : Plutonia 2 map11 "Become the Hunted" by James Paddock
Bugs                : Various texture misalignment, slight HOMs on somewhere
Inspiration         : sunder map5,plutonia map 3&11, Death-Destiny's map
Authors comments    : A map combines wiht the cliff / lava and mini arch-vile maze.
		      some nasty traps await you 

Level name          : Venom
Author(s)           : Mattias Johansson (Waverider)
Build time          : About a month
editor(s) used      : Doombuilder 2
Music track         : Original MIDI track by PRIMEVAL  
Bugs                : It's not possible to save the game under vanilla/chocolate, the map is too big for that.
                      In all other ways, the map is fully vanilla and chocolate compatible, and will function perfectly.

                      Some texture alignment flaws on a couple of STONE6 textures. Also a few minor slime trails.
Inspiration         : Plutonia 1 Map12, 19, 24 and 27. Doom 1 E2M5 & E3M7. HR1 Map16 & 24. AV Map10.
Authors comments    : A tech base / cave complex that's partly covered in blood.

Level name          : Sinister Daybreak
Author(s)           : Tatsurd-cacocaco
Build time          : 10 Days
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 2 
Music track         : "Ballad of the Demons" by PRIMEVAL
Bugs                : Small HOMs under vanilla doom

Inspiration         : Plutonia Map15 "The Twilight", Plutonia Map04 "Caged"
Authors comments    : I made this map as a remake of original Plutonia map 15.
                      Especially, I was inspired by the start room which is adjacent 
                      to the exit room, the T-junction against the red sky, and areas 
                      filled by chaingunners. At first, I made a long and flat passage
                      to the T-junction, so you could see T-junction in the near the 
                      start area, but this idea was hindered by terrible HOMs under 
                      vanilla doom. As a result, I added two doors and stairs among 
                      the passage. Also, I decided to add some elements of original 
                      Plutonia map 04 which is a little similar to Plutonia map 15.
                      The elements were mainly used in yellow key part, and I made 
                      a trap in the blue key part from the yellow key room in original 
                      map 04. You obtain the blue key and the yellow key and you push 
                      some switches in an area is accessible by these keys. After that, 
                      a large area appears in the front of the T-junction like original 
                      map 15. What do you encounter in the area? Play it yourself!

                      PRIMEVAL, he did a remix of "Waltz of the Demons" for this map.
                      Really thanks for the cool music!

Level name          : Asmodeus' Circle
Author(s)           : Keeper of Jericho/Belial
Build time          : Couple of weeks
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 1

Music track         : Endgame (the same music as "Slayer")
Bugs                : Some areas might still cause a visplane overflow.
Inspiration         : "Slayer" from the original Plutonia
Authors comments    : This map is a tribute to the original "Slayer" from Plutonia, as
                      it's by far one of my favourite maps ever. A lot of the architecture
                      I made had to change to make this map vanilla compatible. Special
                      thanks goes to Belial for that, for he really helped me making this
                      map a vanilla map. Maybe I'll release the original map seperately
                      someday, you'd be suprised by the differences. Still, I'm happy with
                      the end result released here, and I think it's a good "Slayer" tribute,
                      if I do say so myself.

Level name          : Suicide Mission
Author(s)           : Michael Jan Krizik (Valkiriforce)
Build time          : 4 days, a little bit each day.
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder
Music track         : Mission Possible by PRIMEVAL
Bugs                : None that I know of.
Inspiration         : Impossible Mission (hence title reference)
Authors comments    : I'm actually surprised at my effort on this map. I've never really had
                      to stay within the limits of chocolate doom before but I managed well
                      within the limits. I thank God for all the wonderful ideas that came
                      to me right away as I got started. :) Originally the starting area
                      looked a lot like the end area but I changed it around due to chocolate
                      doom's limitation of visplanes; but I'm glad I changed it now cause both
                      areas feel original in their own way now.

Level name          : Necrogenesis
Author              : William Huber
Build time          : ~4 days
Editor used         : Doom Builder 1.68
Music track         : "Deep into the Code" by Bobby Prince, 
			from the original Doom
Bugs                : Small HOMs here and there maybe, hopefully all the sources of 
			VPOs have been nailed
Inspiration         : Plutonia map 27, Death-Destiny's "Satan's Angel",
			Necromantic Thirst map 24
			The blue key area is a tribute to Plutonia map 06.
Author's comments   : Felt like doing a map for Plutonia Revisited. The cool
			new status bar and menus were crying for green-themed
			maps, so I tried this grey-green combo.

			My first doom2.exe-compatible map. Probably the last one
			also, unless I make something for Whoo's TNT 2, don't know
			There's one cool thing about making vanilla maps : at
			least you don't spend hours on detailing. But otherwise
			I'm not a big fan of working under such limitations,
			resource and engine-wise.

			The overall design was much more open during the beta 
			stages, but sadly I had to create and enlarge those rocky 
			pillars in order to avoid massive VPOs and HOMs.

			"Necrogenesis" is actually a nod to both Plutonia map
			14 and to my own map 24 in Necromantic Thirst, which also
			features a large greenish cavern filled with venom.

Level name          : Terra Incognita
Author(s)           : 4mer
Build time          : 4 weeks on and off
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 2, chocorenderlimits.exe

Music track         : Unused Doom Music 42 "Junkhead"
Bugs                : A few homs hopefully not noticeable.
Inspiration         : Plutonia Map24, Map27. Memento Mori Map 24. Hell Revealed Map 24.
Authors comments    : Thanks to the testers whose suggestions helped improve the map and spice it up a bit.

Level name          : Wicked Garden
Author(s)           : Xaser Acheron
Build time          : A helluva lot less time than Helix took.
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 2, chocorenderlimits.exe, SLumpEd
Music track         : "After All is Gone" by Fisk
Bugs                : Couple of seg overflows if you stand in the right spots.
Inspiration         : Parts of Helix (how conceited) & Malcolm Sailor's maps for gameplay style.
Author's comments   : Give a demon a few seeds and a green thumb (preferably severed), and this
                      monstrous pile of weeds and not-quite strawberry juice is what's likely to
                      result. The only way past this mess is through, so try not to get caught up
                      in any of the woodwork or swept away in the bloody pipeworks that weave through
                      the land. It would also be a very good idea to not run out of ammo. Take that to
                      heart, will you?

Level name          : Poison Ivy III
Author(s)           : Joshy and Belial
Build time          : Hours
editor(s) used      : Doombuilder 2
Music track         : Original Project midi by Stewboy  
Bugs                : None, hopefully. Probably HOMs inevitably.
Inspiration         : All the poison themed maps in Plutonia and Tombstone.
                      Also Speed of Doom's Map23 and Claustrophobia 1024's Map27 (the
                      previous maps of the poison ivy series.)
Authors comments    : In case you are still wondering why I called it Poison Ivy again.
                      Well, I think it sounds cool and is great for levels that are fast
                      paced and loaded with poisonous gameplay and poison/plants/viney themed
                      levels; my favourite kind of levels. :-) Be prepared to expect another
                      poison ivy map to come up in the near future. ;-)
                      This map was kinda a pain to map as my mapping methods are not
                      so vanilla-doom friendly with VPOs coming in at various areas. Many
                      thanks to Belial for fixing those issues up and adding a little bit
                      of his touch to the map such as the monster teleporters in the 'sewers' room.
		      Here's something to look for when you're playing this map: See if you can
                      find a 'homage' within the map. ;-)

Level name 	    : Planned Overload
Author(s)           : ArmouredBlood
Build time          : Not too long for the base, maybe 15 hours, but there were 5 beta passes
                      with lots of input from hawkwind and dew as well as other testers.
editor(s) used      : Doombuilder 2, XWE.

Music track         : Original Project midi by Stewboy
Bugs                : Stand in the arachnotron alcove at the beginning and there will be a HoM
                      in chocolate. The bfg is also 'impossible' to get without re-activing the
                      lift in zdoom/ports that fix wallrunning.
Inspiration         : Thinking back, it was mostly free-form and experimenting with Plutonia textures,
                      which I hadn't used before (or since).
Authors comments    : Besides rambling on about how long I left this sitting before getting back to
                      it as the project finishes up, I don't really have much to say. It's definitely
                      the best and possibly only map I've done in the plutonia style, and working
                      within the limitations of vanilla I'd have to say one of the most constricting
                      maps I've made. Not easy to limit yourself to 130 or so viewable sidedefs,
                      though I made it simple enough to never worry about VPOs. But the points isn't
                      to complain about self-imposed maplimits, it's on playing the game. So have a go
                      at the map - and since you're reading this, try getting the arch-vile to launch
                      you out the window. A nice little surprise awaits ;)

Level name	    : Dance with the Devil
Author(s)           : Matt Tropiano
Build time          : A couple of weeks, off and on.
Editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 2

Music track         : Doom E2M1
Bugs                : None that I can find. I tried REALLY hard to keep the mancubi
                      and cyberdemon in the lava pit area from triggering the revenant
                      lifts. I think I got it right, this time.
Inspiration         : Always wanted to make a map in which cyberdemons were the main
                      focus but you couldn't outright kill them yet. I think I succeeded.
Authors comments    : Monster infighting is the key to drawing cyberdemon fire away
                      from the player, especially in the south and western areas.

Level name          : Atlatl
Author(s)           : Mechadon
Build time          : I'd guess about 12 hours in total spread across about two weeks for
                      the bulk. The final version was submitted a couple of months after
                      it was started.
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder, SLADE3, XWE

Music track         : "They're Going to Get You" by Robert Prince (Doom E2M4)
Bugs                : None that I know of aside from any VPOs I may have missed.
Inspiration         : While there isn't one particular map that inspried me, I thought about
                      my many playthroughs of Plutonia years ago while working on the map. I
                      also listend to a lot of Aidan Baker and Tim Hecker while working on the map.
Authors comments    : I enjoy playing non-linear maps, so from the get-go that's what I set out to
                      make. While I have played through Plutonia many times, I wasn't exactly
                      familiar with that style of maps it's made up of. All I could go on was what
                      I remembered from playing it. I think I nailed the look and feel of a
                      Plutonia map pretty good. The difficulty is up there as well and it all comes
                      to a hectic conclusion at the end of the map. Seeing as it's in the MAP29 slot,
                      I hope the difficulty is appropriate enough for the second to last map. My aim
                      was to have that same feeling of playing through the original Plutonia but with
                      flow that's more akin to my own style than that of the Iwad. I hope you guys enjoy
                      playing it! And I would like to thank dew for his excellent advice on gameplay as well.

Level name          : In the Eye of the Beholder
Author(s)           : Thomas van der Velden
Build time          :
editor(s) used      : Doombuilder, XWE, GIMP2

Music track         :   
Bugs                : none known
Inspiration         : Doom2, Plutonia(2)
Authors comments    : Special thanks to the testers for their useful input.

Level name          : Cyberdemon Vertigo
Author(s)           : Whoo
Build time          : >30 hours
editor(s) used      : Doom Builder 2, r2.1.0.1322

Music track         : D_TENSE from Doom 2
Bugs                : Some HOMs may appear in the large courtyard when using choco-doom. Fixing would
                      require an entire revamp of the area.
Inspiration         : Intensity of Plutonia's MAP31, and listening to Bob and Doug McKenzie to help get started.
Authors comments    : My original idea was to have 7+ cyberdemons, but that was becoming way too hard for every
                      skill level. On easy and normal modes the cyber count is relatively low(4-5), but on hard
                      the count starts to jump high(Around 7.) I expect the ammo/health count to be controversial,
                      since I always got mixed opinions from testers about it. Hopefully this map won't be too
                      cramped for cooperative, and I'm also hoping that it will be decent for deathmatch.

Level name          : Have @ It
Author              : William Huber
Build time          : ~40 hours
Editor used         : Doom Builder 1.68
Music track         : "I Already Know About id" by John S. Weekley ( Primeval ),
			inspired by the SNES version of "Nobody
			Told Me About id" by Bobby Prince

			This midi was created on request by me.
			Thanks a lot to Primeval for making it :)
Bugs                : HOMs may appear in the two open courtyards.
			Hopefully there's no source of VPO.
			There might be some minor texture misalignments in
			the caves, though.
Inspiration         : Doom II map 01, TNT Evilution map 01,
			2high2care ( a DM map made by Lucas "Nero" Birtles 
			from the ZDaemon community ), Plutonia map 32,
			Hell Revealed II map 32
Author's comments   : Plutonia's "Go 2 It" was the first slaughtermap I played.
			At that time, when Hell Revealed didn't exist and
			when I was still playing with a keyboard, Go 2 It
			was an impressive monster of a map to me.
			"For expert marines only", heh.

			Thus, I think it's an honor to be given a chance to
			create a Go 2 It sequel. Nobody had claimed the 32th
			slot of Plutonia Revisited so far, so it was
			a good opportunity for me to seize.

			Hopefully Have @ It will be as hard now as Go 2 It was back
			in the day.

			Fun facts : the map was called "Go 4 It As Well" before
			I was given new suggestions by the Doomworld community.
			The map was then supposed to be called "Go 8 It", but
			in the end Xaser convinced me to use Primeval's suggestion,
			"Have @ It".

			The map's layout went under major changes after I
			realized VPOs couldn't be avoided. There was supposed to
			be some huge cave behind the lowered Mancubi wall, and
			quite a big fight there with an army of Hell Knights and
			some Cyberdemons popping-up behind them if you went too far.
			I had to remove this part.
			Moreover, at first I only planned to mix parts from 
			Doom II map 01 and TNT map 01, but when the map was 
			halfway-done, K!r4 ( co-author of "Go 4 It" ) told me it 
			would be nice to have pieces of E1M1 in there, so that 
			every Go 2 It sequel could somehow add elements from 
			new maps while keeping references to maps already included
			in previous iterations.
			I liked his idea and redrew the ending part to 
			include a section from E1M1. Thanks K!r4 ;)

			Anyway, enough with words, now Go Play It !

[5] BUGS

  There are inevitable HOMs and possibly VPO's we might've overlooked. VPO can occur with noclip running
  on chocolate-doom.

  Otherwise, we hope it's clean as a whistle! :-)


[6.1 Contributors]

Contributor       : Josh Sealy
Also known as     : Joshy
Email address     : joshzfield2001 AT hotmail.com
Webpage           : n/a
Other files by me : gzthgs.wad, ndcp2.wad (map13,27,32, helped finish map15's layout)
                    1024clau.wad (map13,28, helped with map26), ihic.wad, 
                    sodfinal.wad (Speed of Doom), cc4.wad (Community Chest 4) (3 maps)
Personal thanks   : The Doomworld community for the excellent support, enthusiasm and whatnot, you guys rock!
                    The testers for doing an awesome job and ensuring the project is heading on the right
                    Dew for being such a cool guy with his wise advices, support and inspiration and, blah,
                    simply put, he's just a 'cool guy who is just cool and doesn't afraid of anything.'
                    Thanks to The Green Herring (Eric Baker) for fixing up my image lump problems.

Contributor         : Matt Tropiano
Email address       : mtropiano@gmail.com
Misc. Author Info   : Longtime mapper, infrequent releaser.
Other files by me   : Go to the idGames Archive (www.doomworld.com/idgames),
                      search "whole textfile" for "Tropiano". Enjoy.
Personal thanks     : Josh Sealy for the Project Coordination and giving me
                      an excuse for going back to Vanilla Doom,
                      Pascal v.d. Heiden for Doom Builder,
                      PRIMEVAL for custom music,
                      Belial, Dew, Hawkwind, Snakes, TendaMonsta, and
                      MegaDoomer for their testing and input. Lots of your
                      insight will go into making my future maps better!

Contributor	  : James Cresswell
Also Known As	  : Phobus
Email Address	  : james@mpcressy.com
Webpage		  : www.phobus.servegame.com
Other Files By Me : on /idgames: -Scourge (ph_scrge.zip)
                                 -White Light (ph_wl.zip)
                                 -Warpzone (ph_wz.zip)
                                 -Scars of the Wounded Prey (ph_quik1.zip)
                                 -Too Much Brown Texture Pack demo room (2mbrown.zip)
                                 -zctcmaps MAP05 (zctc.zip)
                                 -Twisted Joke (ph_dac.zip)
                                 -Community Chest 3 MAP18 (cchest3.zip)
                                 -Justice - Infernal Mechanics (ph_quik3.zip)
                                 -ZPack - Random Maps for ZDoom E1M2, E2M1, E2M0 (zpack.zip)
                                 -Coils of the Twisted Tale (ph_quik2.zip)
                                 -Ten Community Project MAP05, MAP16 (TCP.zip)
                                 -Virus Episode 1 "Shareware Demo Release" (ph_virus.zip)
                                 -Tiny Pack 1 - "Tiny Chances of Survival" (ph_tp1.zip)
                                 -Claws of the Enraged Beast (ph_quik4.zip)
                                 -The Mouth of Death (ph_mod.zip)
                                 -Phobus' Fragments of DAC2009 (ph_dac2.zip)
                                 -White Light: 2010 Edition (ph_wlx.zip)
Personal Thanks   : The Doom Community, for keeping going so long!

Contributor       : Charles-Aurélien 'Charly' Goulois
Also known as     : K!r4, Kusanageek, Mangeurdenfants, 0rw3ll and thousands of other nicknames.
Email address     : kusanageek@gmail.com
Webpage           : http:kusanageek.com and http://blogs.wefrag.com/Mangeurdenfants/ (both in French)
Other files by me : Plutonia 2 maps 07, 15 and 32 ; Spira (WIP) ; Arcane Doom map 19 (WIP)
Personal thanks   : Joshy, Belial, dew, Snakes and hawkwind for their nice feedback

Contributor       : Thomas van der Velden
Also known as     : t.v. / Rabotik
Email address     : rabotik  AT gmail.com
Webpage           : www.rabotik.nl .
            Please  check it out to see my other art: illustrations, animations and
            computer game Harmony.
Other files by me : Harmony, Revolution! (TVR.wad), TV1998, contributions to: Plutonia2,
            Community Chest 1 & 3 and Heretic Treasure Chest..
Personal thanks   : All those involved in the making of PRcP.

Author            : Mattias Johansson (Waverider)
Email Address     : waverider@bredband.net
Other Files by me : Some hard disk warmers maybe ;)
Misc. Author Info : A hardcore Doom enthusiast :)
Personal thanks   : Everyone who created the game, ports, editors and of course
                    everyone involved in this project. Special thanks to
                    the testers of this level: dew, hawkwind and Belial for  
                    feedback and quality suggestions, and to PRIMEVAL for making
                    the atmospheric and scary midi song.       

Contributor       : UltimateLorenzo
Also known as     : Toranaga, Lorenzo
Email address     : ultimatelorenzo@gmail.com
Webpage           : www.ultimatelorenzo.it.gg
Other files by me : DooM 2 Episode Patch (d2ep.zip)
		    DooM Castle (dcastle.zip) (with Ismaele)
		    Death Is Just The Beginning (djb10.zip)
		    Italian DooM Deathmatch (itdoomdm.zip) (with Ismaele)
		    Enterprise NX-01 (nx01.zip)
		    The Prometheus Experiment (promex.zip)  <== Play it! It's my best DooM wad!
		    3 levels for the Italian DooM Megawad (itdoom1.zip)
		    Final Heretic Chapter One: The Docks (fhc1.zip) (for Heretic)
		    Assimilation Demo (assi_d.zip)
		    Paradice (prdc.zip)
		    Infernal Venice (infve.zip)
Personal thanks   : Snake, hawkwind, dew, TendaMosta, Belial for testing and comments.

Contributor       : Brett Harrell
Also known as     : Mechadon
Email address     : mekaddonn-AT-gmail.com
Webpage           : http://mekworx.phenomer.net
Other files by me : check my website :P
Personal thanks   : everyone who makes stuff for Doom

Author(s)         : JC
Email address     : superjc@free.fr
Webpage           : http://superjc.free.fr/
Other files by me : Survive in hell ( not released yet )
Personal thanks   : The Doom Community, PRIMEVAL for the music of my map

Contributor       : evocalvin
Email address     : ticalvin@ymail.com
Misc. Author Info : A Doomer from Hong Kong, Been playing Doom since i'm 8 years old.
Other files by me : No, This is my first and second map
Personal thanks   : Joshy - comes out Plutonia Revisited Community Project.
		    ID Software & The authors of The Plutonia Experiment.
                    CodeImp - author of DoomBuilder
                    Simon "Fraggle" Howard  - author of Chocolate Doom
                    Belial and Snakes   -for testing and give me useful comments
                    dew - gives me useful feedbacks and speed route suggestion.
                    hawkwind     - pointed out the bugs and some mistakes from my map.
	            t.v. - for the texture pack
                    James Paddock - the music - Plutonia 2 map11 "Become the Hunted"
		    4mer - to help me about the reject lump editing 

Contributor       : Tatsurd-cacocaco
Also known as     : Tatsuya Ito
Email address     : tatsurd@yahoo.co.jp
Webpage           : http://tatsurdcacocaco.ninja-web.net/
Youtube           : http://www.youtube.com/user/tatsurdcacocaco
Other files by me : Heretic Treasure Chest (E3M7), DEMONS BattleField
Personal thanks   : Joshy for launching the valuable project, 
                    T.V. for the nice texture resources,
                    PRIMEVAL for making music for my map (Map20), 
                    Hawkwind, Belial, Dew, and MegaDoomer for testing and feedback.

Contributor       : William Huber
Also known as     : [WH]-Wilou84
Email address     : huber_w@epita.fr
Webpage           : http://doomfrance.forumactif.com/
Other files by me : A few maps for yet-unreleased projects ( as of this writing )
Personal thanks   : Joshy for starting the project, Thomas van der 
			Velden for the cool resources he made, and all the
			testers and map authors who worked hard for 
			Plutonia Revisited.

			Fraggle for Chocolate Doom and GhostlyDeath for
			Chocorenderlimits, my main testing engines for this map.

			Last but not least, of course, id and the 
			Casali brothers.

Contributor       : Xaser Acheron
Also known as     : Xaser, "The Conqueror"
Email address     : xaser(dot)88(at)gmail(dot)com
Webpage           : http://ionline.vectec.net
Other files by me : Zen Dynamics, Psychic, TurboCharged ARCADE!, Lost Episode, and other junk.
Personal thanks   : Esselfortium for telling me that Helix doesn't suck. Joshy for the chance
                    to try and prove Essel right. Belial, dew, and hawkwind for bastard-awesome testing.
                    Kate for & Belfin for being Kate and Belfin (respectively). Zharkov for going to the

Contributor        : Darkwave0000
Also known as      : Darkwave or Darky
Email address      : Darkwave0000 AT aim DOT com
Webpage            : n/a
Other files by me  : sodfinal.WAD (Speed of Doom)
Personal Thanks    : Many thanks to Joshy in managing Plutonia Revisited
                     and to all test players for giving awesome ideas.
                     I was enjoying participating to this mapset. ^_^

Contributor        : C30N9
Also known as      : The3091996 (YouTube)
Email address      : c30n9doom AT gmail.com
Webpage            : n/a
Other files by me  : redoom.wad, pitfalls.wad (pitfall2.zip), toxin64.wad
Personal thanks    : The Doomworld community of course.
                     Joshy, the main leader of this project.
                     Testers for giving a really good feedback and work, especially hawkwind, the one
                     who tested mostly all of my maps and dew, for giving a constructive feedback for
                     my only accepted map.

Contributor        : Keeper of Jericho
Also known as      : Keeper of Jericho
Email address      : freecityofatero@gmail.com
Webpage            : http://z4.invisionfree.com/Refia/index.php?act=idx
Other files by me  : "A Doom 2 episode"
Personal thanks    : All other mappers out there who inspired me. Too many to name em all.
                     And ID for making Doom, of course.

Contributor        : Michael Jan Krizik
Also known as      : valkiriforce
Email address      : krizik777(at)yahoo(dot)com
Webpage            : http://www.youtube.com/user/valkiriforce?feature=mhw4
Other files by me  : SPEED17.WAD (MAP03 Cold Fist) Doom II Unleashed (MAP13 Realm of Chaos MAP30 Unforgiven)
Personal thanks    : The original Plutonia authors for inspiration/God for constant inspiration/all
                     playtesters and MIDI composers PRIMEVAL/stewboy for being so kind as to provide
                     awesome tracks for the levels.

Contributor        : Whoo
Also known as      : Whoo71
Email address      : kmg1ATmsn.com
Webpage            : None
Other files by me  : None currently released
Personal thanks    : dew and Hawkwind for their extensive and detailed testing of my map.

Contributor        : franckFRAG
Also known as      : franckFRAG
Email address      : fr3nki@hotmail.fr
Webpage            : None
Other files by me  : FraDM 1
Personal thanks    : Wilou and Kira for to have me to encourage to the creation of my map. MegaDoomer, Dew
                     and Hawkwind, for to have help me on their testing of my map.

Contributor        : Christopher Shepherd
Also known as      : Armouredblood
Email Address      : BTitanGamer@gmail.com
Other files by me  : SL (shai'tan's luck), celticmansion, Newgothic - movement 1, some dwspd maps in 22-24,
                     a few maps in pcorf's Doom II Unleashed, some more maps in the 1994 remake challenge
                     (in-progress), a few odds-and-ends elsewhere.

[6.2 Credits/Thanks]

	- Snakes
        - Hawkwind
	- P. Woda aka Belial
        - Dew
	- TendaMonsta

	- Stuart Rynn

	- Thomas van der Velden

  Many immeasurable thanks to those credited for their contribution and
  support to/for the project.