Title                   : BELLA II
Author                  : Paul Corfiatis and Chris Hansen
Email Address           : pcorfiatis@our.net.au
Other Files By Author   : many, go to http://www.geocities.com/paul33_au/ (home page)
Description             : 35 Levels for Zdoom, Plus 5 secret levels. Each level has
			  all new challenges awaiting you. Plenty of use of the features
			  in Zdoom like stealth enemies. There are also some new enemies
			  capable of peforming the most unexpected tricks. There is no
			  scripting this wad because I havent figured it out. The new enemies
		          are a Spectre in one of the secret levels and a deadly floating
			  Romero head. The five Secret levels like the two secret levels
			  in the original Bella are all stunning. There is also a practice
			  level included. Many styles of maps are included, from base to
			  hellish to spaceship.

The Story		: Simple, you saved the Backpack and now you must save yet another
			  odd thing. You must defeat John Romero and capture MassMouth since
			  Mr. Mouth decided to join Romero (from Massm2.wad).		  

NOTE			: Zdoom 2.0 is required, there is some MP3 music, many levels
			  have Boom features and there are a lot of stealth enemies for
			  increased challenge!. Please disable Jumping because I consider
			  that cheating. Also there is an episode menu where you can
			  select BELLA II or PRACTICE (Map99), and thats why it wont work
			  on earlier versions of Zdoom (like 1.23).

Additional Credits to	: Chris Hansen, Mike Watson (Sounds from Massm2.wad for a secret level)
			  Music taken from MASSM2.WAD are used in MAP10, MAP20 MAP35 and MAP37 
			  of BELLA2.WAD.

MUSIC			: Paul Corfiatis (Except for MAP14, 24, 25, 34 and MAP38 which are Doom2 			  songs)
			  David Shaw (Backroad Wanderer MAP37)
			  Gilmore (Winterland MAP20, MAP99)	
			  Necros (Ascent of the cloud eagle MAP10)				    			  Skaven (Captured Sun MAP35)
There is also some new recent music written by me especially for this wad. 
The new songs are used on these Maps. 03,13,22,30,31,32.

* Play Information *

 Source port		 : ZDOOM 2.0.
 Episode and Level #     : Map01-40 and 99
 Single Player           : Yes
 Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes
 Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes
 Difficulty Settings     : Yes
 New Sounds              : Yes
 New Music               : Yes
 New Graphics            : Yes
 Demos Replaced          : No

 If its too easy the normal way, please play each level from scratch for a more
 stiff challenge.

* Construction *

 Base                    : New levels from scratch
 Editor(s) used          : Doomcad 6.1, Doom Builder 1.0, BSP3.0, Wintex
 Known Bugs              : None

* Levels *

 Chris Hansen 22,25,28,31
 Paul Corfiatis 01-21,23,24,26,27,29,30,32-40,99

* Copyright / Permissions *

 Authors may NOT use these levels as a base to build additional
 levels without my permission.

 You MAY distribute this WAD in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, 
 CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. 

* Where to get this WAD *

 Pauls doom page: http://www.geocities.com/paul33_au/bella2.html and all freeware ftp sites.