Title                   : Binary ripple counter
Filename                : counter.wad
Release date            : 13 June 2006
Authors                 : fraggle
Email Address           : fraggle@gmail.com
Other Files By Authors  : greenfish.wad

Description             : This is a 4-bit binary ripple counter implemented 
                          using voodoo dolls and conveyor belts.  A
                          simple example of how logic circuits can
                          be constructed inside Doom levels using the 
                          Boom extensions.

                          This is a binary counter but it could easily
                          be base-10 instead.  WADC is probably ideal
                          for implementing more complicated examples
                          of this concept.

Additional Credits to   : Afterglow for introducing me to the concept
                          of scripting levels through voodoo dolls on 
                          conveyor belts, through his start map back in
                          the SMMU days.

                          PlusNET for breaking my DSL connection and 
                          giving me the time to do this.


* What is included *

New levels              : map01
Sounds                  : No
Music                   : No
Graphics                : Yes - binary 0/1
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos                   : No
Advanced engine needed  : Boom-compatible port.  Will not work in legacy
                          because they broke the normal voodoo doll behavior.

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom2
Map #                   : MAP01
Single Player           : Designed for 
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : None
Difficulty Settings     : No 

* Construction *

Base                    : New levels from scratch.
Build Time              : 1 day
Editor(s) used          : Yadex

* Copyright / Permissions *

You may do anything you want with this file.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
Web sites: http://www.soulsphere.org/
FTP sites: