
Archive Maintainer      : Please place in same directory as cah.zip

Update to               : 

Advanced engine needed  : ZDoom 2.63a or higher (anything less will crash with an error)

Other requirements	: You need the contents of cah.zip to play. You should be able to find
it where you got this patch. Make sure to unzip cah.zip first, then this patch.

Primary purpose         : Update for Cold As Hell

Date Completed         : November 20, 2004.
Title                  : Cold As Hell (patch 1)
Filename               : cah_p1.wad, cah.bat
Other Works            : "Sacrifice In Blood", "The Corrupt Priest", "ZPong v1.0"
Author                 : Gray Lancer (Jon Washburn)

Email Address          : graylancer@sprintpcs.com
Web Address            : 

Description            : This patch will update three of the levels in Cold As Hell to address
speed issues many people have been having.

Important Notes        : This includes an updated BAT file which will run the mod with the patch.

Additional Credits to  : All the people on Wads In Progress who helped pin down the speed issues.


* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2 w/ ZDoom
Level #                 : map02,31,06
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No, no starts
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No, no starts
Difficulty Settings     : Yes

Note                    : Requires Zdoom 2.63a or higher. Requires Cold As Hell.

New Sounds              : N/a

New Graphics            : N/a
New Music               : N/a

Other Stuff             : N/a

Demos Replaced          : None.

* Additional Information / Hints *
	Turning snow on/off should now work in ALL levels, not just map03 and on. This was one
of the main speed issues people were having.

* Construction *

Base                    : Modified Cold As Hell levels.

Editor(s) used          : Zeth, Doom Builder

Resource Editor(s) uses : N/a.

Build time              : N/a.
Known Bugs              : May still be speed issues on slower computers.

 * Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional

You may distribute this file as is without 
permission from the author.

Where to Get this wad: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors