Date Completed         : 22nd June 2003
Title                  : Arch-Vile's Oddness 1 & 2
Filename               : containing:
			 1) this .txt file you're reading;
			 2) arch1.wad;
			 3) arch1.lmp;
			 4) arch2.wad;
			 5) arch2.lmp.
Other Works            : Alien.wad (Alien Invasion), Alien2.wad (Alien 2 -
			 The Revenge), Alien3.wad (Alien 3 - The last
			 challenge), Outposth.wad (Outpost of Hell),
			 Outpost2.wad (Outpost of Hell 2 - The Fortress),
			 Blitz.wad, Ghosts.wad and some other WADs.
Author                 : Ismaele (Alberto Sposito)

Email Address          :

Story                  : A ZDoom 2.0 (beta 38) oddness!

Description	       : Theese two .WADs, with their relative demos (.lmp
			 files!) show some oddnesses of the Arch-Vile's
			 behaviour: their suicidal tendency and a battle
			 between themselves! If you want to see the
			 Arch-Viles fighting, launch ZDoom 2.0 beta 38
			 (I recorded the demo with it and this oddness
			 works certainly with this version of ZDoom) with
			 the following parameters:
			 ZDoom -file arch2.wad -playdemo arch2.lmp -warp 1 -skill 3

			 If you want to see Arch-Vile's suicidal
			 tendency, launch always the same version of
			 ZDoom (2.0 beta 38) with the following
			 ZDoom -file arch 1.wad -playdemo arch1.lmp -warp 1 -skill 3

			 Enjoy yourself! He, he!	=)

Additional Credits to  : Id Software, for making Doom.
			 ZDoom author, for this oddness (he, he!).
			 You, for downloading this .WAD. Thank you!


* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2 (ZDoom 2.0 beta 38 required!)
Level #                 : map1 (both the .WADs)
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Difficulty Settings     : Yes

New Sounds              : No

New Graphics            : No
New Music               : Yes, I took it from E1M3 of "Heretic".

Demos Replaced          : I included them in the .zip file; they are:
			  1) arch1.lmp for arch1.wad level;
			  2) arch2.lmp for arch2.wad level.

* Construction *

Inspiration		: I became interested in this oddnes while I
			  was playing "Congestion Control 2" by Karthik
			 Abhiram with the 4th skill level: as two
			 Arch-Viles appeared, I ran away (he, he!) and
			 I left them fighting against a Hell Knight.
			 When I came back, I saw they were killing
			 each other. One of them survived and began to
			 suicide himself. This strange event strucked me
			 so much that I wanted to create a pilot level...

Base                    : Completely new level from scratch.

Editor(s) used          : WadAuthor.

Build time              : Few minutes!
Known Bugs              : BUGS...?!

 * Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels.

You may distrubute this file in any format(CD ROM, BBS, whatever)provided
that you include all files included in your distribution. 

Where to Get this wad:

Somewhere...	;-)

P.S.: I am an Italian student. If you find an error in these files written in
      English, send me an e-mail. Thank you!
P.P.S.: I like reading comments on my work. So send me e-mails with comments
on my levels!