Hello Bullfrog,
Come in Bullfrog,
Are you reciveing me?
Prepare to recive stats on TOON DOOM v1.1

Wad Autthoring template v1.4
Title                     : TOON DOOM
Filename                  : Toongfx.wad, Toonspt.wad, Toonflt.wad, 
			    Toon.deh, Kitchen.wad, Ralf.wad.
Author                    : David L. Hopkins the Second A.k.a. Pepe,
			    a.k.a. Doom.
Address                   : 14611 holiday Dr. KPN
			    Gig Harbor WA 98329-5640
Misc. Author info         : I watch alot of cartoons. I'm only 18 years
			    old. I'am sad to say
			    also single. If you are female and are 
			    interested please write to the above 
			    address. Thank You.
Discription               : After what seems like a lost cause, The 
			    human race makes a comeback and drive the
			    evil DOOMed back to hell. In hell the 
			    econimy is low and the price of things are
			    on the up! What is needed is a cheap food
			    item. They make many waisted vist's back 
			    to earth. On there final mission they bring
			    back TOONs!!!
			    You are Aural. A lady toon who has been caught
			    by the inhabitants of hell!
			    You watch from inside cage bars as one of
			    your greatest frends is stuffed into a pot.
			    Seeing that your damned keepers have left the
			    cage door open you grab all of your strength
			    and a pistol and cry "Mama didnt raise no
			    meat loaf!" And fight for not only your 
			    survivle but for the survivle of the entire
			    Toon race!
Aditional credits to      : The makers of the following editors: Deu, 
			    DeuTex, WinTex & DeHacked. Also thanks goes
			    to Mr. Foster, Greg, Mike Riley, Chris Hartly
			    my Dad and Thank you God. Most importantly 
			    this wad goes out for Mr. Earth.
			    Mr. Earth? This Doom's for you.
			    Finaly I would like to thank myself because
			    without me it never would have worked!!

*Play Info*

Level                      : 1 (Kitchen.wad) 2 (Ralf.wad)
single player              : Yes
Cooperative 2 - 4          : Sure
Deathmatch 2 - 4           : See above
Difficulty settings        : Not Implemented
New sounds                 : From an asortment of sounds from the greatest 
			     movies ever made. He he.
new Graphics               : A whole shit load of 'em
New music                  : No
Demos replaced             : No, but if you want to make one send it to me
			     and I might put it in the next Toon Doom.


Base                       : Everything is brand spanking new.
Editors used               : DeHacked, Deu, DeuTex, WinTex
Known Bugs                 : There are no bugs! Only features! (I can hear
			     you saying "Bull Shit") Well there is one, I 
			     call it Sammy the white sprite.


Others may use this wad as a base for aditional levels provided that they
send me a copy of there finished work.
You may distribute this wad, provided you include this file, with no 
modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format
(BBS, Disk, Cd, Flopy disk, Slopy Joe, Wild Wild Sex) as long as you 
include this file atatched.

*Where to get this wad*

You tell me I am new at this!


to install:
a) Copy all files to your Doom or Doom 2 directory (The wad was designed with 
    Doom2 but it might just work on the oridgonal Doom.)
b) Unzip Toonzip.zip
c) You should have the following 
	Install.bat = used to install Toon Doom
	Deusf.exe = a usefull Doom editing tool
	Toongfx.wad = New graphics for Doom Includeing 1. New title 
		screen 2. New caricter face!
	Toonflt.wad = New flats and textures for Doom includeung 1. 
		rain 2. A shameless promo!
	Toonspt.wad = New Sprites for Doom Includeing 1. Imps are now
		players 2. All 9 weapons changed!!!
	Toon.txt = this text includeing 1. Info about Toon Doom
	Kitchen.wad = A brand new level talor made for Toon Doom
	Ralf.wad = See Kitchen.wad. If you can figure out why I named
		this wad Ralf your just as sick as me!
	Toon.bat - Use this to start the damn thing
d) Type the following comands:
	(Then type) TOON (To play)
e) Play the game and tell me what you think!

Comeing atractions from David Hopkins the author of TOON DOOM
LONG DOOM = The adventures of a police team of rabits loosely based on
	the Long Patrol in Mr. Brian Jacques's Redwall books.
INBREADING DOOM = Fight the resaults of Inbreading!!


Instructions for playing Toon Doom..

The first two levels have been changed, But it doesnt stop there. No.

We also have a whole bunch of new sounds from a wide variety of movies. 

And thats not all you also get spiffy new decorations of dead animals.

You ask "How can you beat that?" Well, I'le tell you.

All of the weapons have been changed (Gasp):
1 ChainSaw : Drag danceing.
  Fist : A Tiny Version of Rocky (Best if used with IDBEHOLDS)
2 Pistol : A Deranged Cowboy  
3 ShotGun : Davy Crocket?
  Super ShotGun : The Terminator
4 ChainGun : I named the gun on the right Mell and the one on the left Chuck  
5 Rocket Launcher : Fart Fever!!!
6 Plasma Gun : Trafic Cone Launcher.
7 BFG 9000 : The Mystic arts of Bullshitdo.


How can you help?

There are a few things you can do if you like this program.

a) Tell my mom that I am bettering Mankind.
b) Find me a copy of the old movie Fritz The Cat!
c) Find me a stop motion camera.
d) Send me your ideas. I am ready to hear them!
e) Send me some sort of praise. I need to feel usefull.
f) Put your hand on the monitor and sware to play only Toon Doom for the rest 
   of your life.
g) Pay me for doing nothing.
h) If you have the sound track for the movie Aliens let me have a copy.


Thank you for geting TOON DOOM and if the return mail is good I will
make more wads.

						GOOD BYE--