There is a minor glitch in swetdeth.wad, so either download
(which is the same level without the sniper point glitch) or wait until the 
people at ocf move it to another directory and rename to  I apologize to the people at ocf for the inconvinence. 

*Sweet-Death Wad*
-level: E1 M1
-deathmatch play
-single play, but for the terminally bored
-no co-op (it sucks)

Ok, here's the revision to cwwad which I uploaded a week or two ago. It's much
better than the original. It has been play tested for many hours between us
DOOM freaks here at UR so there shouldn't be any bugs left. (except for the 
odd pit glitch, but who cares) Like I said, it was made specifically for death
match so that is where the most enjoyment will be had from this wad. There are
some really nice sniper points, and sneaky spots to nail your foe from. There
is one area which has been tagged as a secret, it's a really great sniper 
point so find it. This is by far the best deathmatch wad we have played so 
far(and believe me, we've tried a lot of them), =), so have fun. Warm up on
the monsters, then toast your friends!

-designed with deu 5 and 5.1, and bsp11x

            send comments, complaints, or really nice jpegs to:

P.S. suicide is weak! so is the bazooka! enjoy.