Oh My! for Doom 1
Title                    :  Oh my!
Filename                 :  oh_my.zip
Author                   :  Patrick M. Weber
Release Date             :  May 7, 1998
Email                    :  patweber55@hotmail.com

	Ha, ha, ha.  You've just been traped in a room full of monsters.  One
problem, the exit switch is beyond the monsters.  There's also 3 little suprises.

Credits:  No one I know of but me.

   *Play Information*
Episode and Level#     : E2M2
Single Player          : Yep, if you're suicidal.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, and I recommend it.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player  : Yeah, but you're not going to live long enough to enjoy it.
Difficulty Settings    : It doesn't matter, the smae monsters in each setting.
New Sounds             : Nope
New Graphics           : Nope
Demos Replaced         : None

   *Construction Information*
Editors Used           : DoomCAD 6.1
Build Time             : 2 hours (but it seemed like a lifetime)
Known Bugs             : None, if you find any email me.

Use this to make any levels you want.  You can edit it if you want, but give
me credit when ANY changes are made.

   *Where to get this WAD*
FTP Sites     : ftp.cdrom.com
Internet      : http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/3120/