E2M1_JOE.WAD Version 1.0

E2M1_JOE.WAD is a brand-new DOOM multi-player WAD file made from scratch
featuring moving floors (emulating large elevated platforms) with corridors
leading off to weapons and various items.

There are also tons of barrels, all weapons except for the plasma gun and
BFG 9000, and plenty of rockets for the rocket launcher! The light level also
varies from  sectors to sector in order to make it even more realistic.

This WAD file is *excellent* for multi-player DeathMatch mode. It was made
with DEU v5.0 and re-compiled with BSP v1.0 to ensure that it is "bug-free".

If it's NOT bug free, or you have any other suggestions, comments, or ideas
for a future version of E2M1_JOE, please E-Mail me at bsc@tiamat.umd.umich.edu.

No suggestions will go un-noticed. This is my first WAD that I've created, so
there MAY be a few bugs/oversights, although I've been testing it with two
friends (who love it) in Modem DOOM for a couple weeks now.

 * Any future versions of this PWAD will probably be names E2M1JOEx.WAD.
   For instance, Version 2.0 will be E2M1JOE2.WAD.

PS: To get the platforms moving, walk across the center of one of them, then
    they move constantly from there.

PPS: Note that there is no exit in the PWAD just yet. I've been trying to
     fiddle with exit signs, etc but I can't seem to get a good exit sign
     made (I don't really want to throw just a plain switch in there --
     someone's bound to hit it by accident). There WILL be an exit in the
     next version [hopefully].
