================================================================ Title : DANTE'S GATE version 1.2 Author : John W. Anderson (aka Dr. Sleep) Email Address : INTERNET:drsleep@delphi.com AOL:DrSleep107@aol.com Additional Credits : Raphaç‘› Quinet and Brendon J. Wyber for DEU 5.21. Colin Reed for BSP v1.xx (can't DEU without it). Patrix for Deathmatch tutoring and pointing out two nasty LineDefs that I missed. Desdinova for being a swell kind of guy. And, of course, those guys at id. Description : This is a revision of my first level. For the most part, the only "theme" I had in mind was to make the level as aesthetically pleasing and consistent as possible. In other words, I wanted it to look neat. There are lots of little nooks and crannies scattered about, and (I hope) a few surprises. Please let me know what you think by E-Mail at any of the above addresses. Enjoy. (And if you liked DANTE, check out the next one in the series, CROSSING ACHERON.) Instructions : Put DANTE12.WAD and DANTES.BAT in your DOOM directory, then run the batch file. Hit New Game, Knee Deep, and choose whatever skill you wish. (For a kinder, gentler introduction that takes you right to it, run the KIND.BAT. This skips the intro stuff, chooses "Hey, Not Too Rough" skill, and jumps right into the level. Modify the batch file -skill # as you please.) Disclaimer : I assume no responsibility for anything of any sort in any way, shape, or form, now, then, henceforeward, in this life (or the next several) for any screw-ups or even minor inconveniences this PWAD causes you, your family, your relatives, friends, ancestors, associates, employers, pets, neighbors, lovers, deities (major AND minor), nor any other person -- living, dead, or undead -- that you have or will ever have any contact with in even the slightest form. This PWAD has been tested and tested ad infinitum, so it shouldn't mess with your computer or anything else remotely associated with it. But if it DOES, then too damn bad. Don't come cryin' to me. It must be something YOU did. Grammar Lecture : "a lot" is two words, not one; it's "you're," not "your" -- as in "you are" unless you're (see?) using the possessive in your (uh huh) text descriptions; "their" indicates possession, "there" indicates place or direction.** ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Oh Yes Difficulty Settings : All New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch, 2 revisions. Build Time : For-friggin-ever Editors/Utilities used : DEU 5.0, 5.1, and 5.21 by Raphaç‘› Quinet & Brendon J. Wyber BSP v1.0 by Colin Reed Reject 1.0 by L.M. Witek Known Bugs : Surely you jest, Pops. Unknown Bugs : You tell me. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * Internet FTP: infant2.sphs.indiana.edu pub/doom/incoming or /wads CompuServe, Gamers+ Forum, Library 8 (Action Game Aids). AOL PC Games Library (Keyword DOOM) The Four Winds Bar BBS (412) 437-4521 Games Directory #5 Desdinova, Sysop; Dr Sleep, Co-Sysop. (This information form was provided as AUTH_WAD.TXT v1.2 with DEU 5.1.)