Uploaded by Perseus (jwc0045211@hotmail.com)


Title:                  Blood of the Damned
Filename:               BLOOD.WAD
Author:                 Jeff Brichta
Additional Credits:     None


*Play Information*

Levels:                 Doom and Ultimate Doom Episode 1, 
			Missions 1-8
Single Player:          Yes
Cooperative 2-4:        Yes
Deathmatch2-4:          Yes

Difficulty Settings:    Yes
New Sounds:             No
New Graphics:           No
New Musics:             No
Demos Replaced:         No


Base:                   All original levels from scratch
Editor(s) used:         WADED
Known Bugs:             A few piddly little things that
			won't harm gameplay


*The Story So Far . . .*

Everyone is dead, and your team is the only thing left
between earth and the demons from hell. You successfully
conquer the stations on Phobos, Deimos, and the Inferno.
You step into another gateway, hoping it takes you back
home . . . it didn't.

You blacked out. Finally you awake lying on your back,
facing the sky. You manage to scramble up and see the
bodies of your comrades, their dead bodies. You look
up and see the huge mountains off in the distance.
You look ahead and see a giant marble fortress straight
ahead. From the symbols and design of the fortress, its
a safe bet to say that its not from earth. You find all
your weapons gone except for your pistol and fifty 
rounds of ammunition. You decide its time to penetrate
this place and find a way back home.

Little do you know that you've found yourself on another
world the demons have over-run. And this ride won't be an
easy one. As you step into the building you splatter 
your first demon and see more coming through the doorway.
Time to shed a little more blood of the damned.


Level 1 - The Perimeter
	Penetrate the perimeter and find the doorway
	into the main fortress

Level 2 - The Entryway
	After getting through the perimeter you find
	another large building towering in front of
	you. Its the entrance to the rest of the fortress.
	Just try and make your way through it without

Level 3 - Toxin Waste Dump
	Who knows why hellspawns would need toxic waste,
	but you just found a whole mess of it. Just try
	and make it out alive without touching any toxin.

Level 4 - Torture Chambers
	You step out of the fortress expecting to find some
	sort of UAC gateway or an escape pod, but you are 
	dead wrong. Instead you find an underground maze full
	of dead and dying. You can hear the shrieks of
	the dying inside. You enter and see blood splattered
	on the floors and walls. Dying and dead are all 
	around you. Simply find your way out before the demons
	capture you and stick you into their torture devices

Level 5 - The Control Room
	You enter a large area full of computers and other
	devices. You check a map you find, and realize there
	is a radio here. Blast your way through the hell
	spawned demons to the radio, so you can signal for

Level 6 - Unholy Cross
	Upon exiting the control room, you find yourself
	trapped inside a large cross-shaped structure. It
	isn't very religious, considering demons are
	lurking behind every corner, ready to rip you
	to shreds.

Level 7 - Enemy Barracks
	You manage to slip out from the last place and enter
	a new horror, the barracks of the demons! Good luck
	getting out of here alive.

Level 8 - Hangar
	After getting out of the barracks, you see a rescue
	ship coming in, and landing. The only thing ahead
	is a large silver building, a hangar. This is it,
	the end. You grip your shotgun and press on, this
	will be the toughest battle yet.


You may feel free to distribute this wad to everyone and anyone,
especially those who don't have internet access.

I've been okay with people using other levels as a base in the
past, but with this, you may not use it as a base.