Archive Maintainer      : Set your monitor and in-game brightness slider to 50%.
                          Levels 5, 6, 7, and 8 are complete and will be released 
                          in the near future; level 4 is still incomplete. They 
                          will be the first nine levels of a proposed megawad, 
                          though future levels will take us to the stars, not 
                          to hell. I am releasing these levels as a group 
                          becuse they are linked, as you will see.
Update to               : n/a
Advanced engine needed  : ZDoom or Boom, because of level size
Primary purpose         : Single & Coop play / Deathmatch supported not tested
Title                   : Doom-X (part)
Filename                : DoomX1-3.wad
Release date            : 12-28-2003
Author                  : Jonathan Stewart (Ob3kenob)
Email Address           : ob3kenob@aol.com
Other Files By Author   : Compound 13
Misc. Author Info       : Graphic designer living in Philadelphia PA.

Description             : The same basic story as the Classic Levels, but with 
                          completely new environments, using the standard id 
                          textures and flats - only the sky has been replaced. 
                          As with the original, the levels get larger, more 
                          complicated, and more difficult as one progresses 
                          into the game. Note: health and ammo will not be just
                          lying around waiting to be picked up, unless they 
                          are next to a dead body, and there are powerups, but 
                          no health or ammo to be found in the Alien sectors.
                          Starting with Level 3, maps are divided into three 
                          basic areas: Human, identified by textures other than 
                          stone 2/3 or marble; Ancient, identified by stone 2/3 
                          and wood; and Alien, identified by marble. They are 
                          not rigedly divided: you may be in a Human area on the 
                          surface, then go down into the Ancient foundation it 
                          was built on, for instance, or transport into it. And 
                          as you will see (if you view the levels in an editor, 
                          the Alien areas, which never map, occupy increasingly 
                          more and more space, especially in Levels 6 & 7. 

Additional Credits to   : Jason Hargreaves, creator of "Nukemine," id Software 
                          (the original crew who created Doom), my family and  
                          friends, who have not only put up with my Doom
                          adiction, but aided and abetted it, and to Doomworld, 
                          for giving me a place in which I can strut my stuff.
* What is included *

New levels              : Four new levels
Sounds                  : No
Music                   : No
Graphics                : Starry sky
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos                   : No (to come)
Other                   : I consider this a work in progress, because I will be 
                          replacing some textures (notably rocks), as well as 
                          new sounds in the near future. I will also introduce 
                          slopes, at least in the outdoor areas. After all, 
                          whoever heard of naturally-occuring geometrically 
                          straight rocks?
Other files required    : None, so far

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM
Map #                   : E1M1, E1M2, E1M3, E1M9
Single Player           : Designed for, but not limited to
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Supported
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Supported, but not thoroughly tested
Other game styles       : No, but try them and see
Difficulty Settings     : Yes, the standard ones

* Construction *

Base                    : 3 New from scratch; 1 Modified (Level 2 is based on 
                          Nukemine Level 1)
Build Time              : Years, off and on
Editor(s) used          : Wad Author and Doom Builder (for texture alignment)
Known Bugs              : Bugs? Bugs!? We got no stinkin' bugs!!
May Not Run With...     : Vanilla Doom, unless you like HOM effects

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. 

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 

Blanket permission was granted in Jason's Nukemine text file for unrestricted 
use of his material, and though I tried to contact him at the University of 
Alberta, he had already left. If you discover my work at any future date, Jason, 
I hope you will approve of it. I think you will!

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors