Title                   : Canal Run v1.0
Author                  : J.C. "SailorScout" Bengtson

Original Release        : January 21st, 2000

E-Mail                  : golbez@ptd.net

Web                     : http://home.ptd.net/~golbez

Included Files          : CANALRUN.WAD

Description             : Dropped into a series of canals with swiftly flowing
                          water, the only way for you to escape is by defeating
                          the Barons of Hell which guard the teleporter out.
                          Unfortunately for you, there are also some Cyberdemons
                          firing into the canals from above, as well as hazards
                          like barrels floating around too..

                          This is a concept map, I know. Virtually every linedef
                          in the map is two-sided, and this is why the map has
                          a tendency to run slowly. The fact that there are dozens
                          of moving floors doesn't help the framerate either.

                          As for the gameplay, your objective is to defeat
                          the Barons of Hell which roam around the canals, while
                          trying not to be swept away yourself. Every weapon is
                          available, and you'll find lots of ammo and other
                          goodies going in a circle throughout the level. Since
                          you also have to worry about those Cybies, this map
                          basically tests your ability to fight while moving
                          constantly. When they are all defeated, the pillar near
                          the start of the map (marked with an 'Exit' sign) will
                          lower, allowing you to jump into the next episode..

                          On Easy skill levels, you'll only have to hunt down
                          3 Barons. On Medium, there will be 5 to deal with. And
                          on Hard, 8 of them are out there..

Technical Notes         : This map requires a BOOM-compatible source port.

Revision History        : v1.0  - First release.

Game/Map #              : Doom, E1M8
Demos Replaced          : N/A

Supported Modes         : Single, Cooperative (4 Starts), & DM (8 Starts)
Difficulty Settings     : Full implementation

Base                    : A UAC facility on Phobos. Oh, I mean, all new
                          level from scratch!

Build Time              : A day!

Editor(s) used          : DETH v4.42
                          BSP 3.0
                          NWT v1.3

Level Statistics        : THINGS   - 180
                          VERTICES - 340
                          LINEDEFS - 428
                          SIDEDEFS - 848
                          SECTORS  - 108

Known Bugs              : If there were any bugs that I knew of and I still
                          released this, I would go to hell.

 Authors are NOT permitted to use this compilation as a base for their own.

 You MAY distribute this compilation, provided it is the original ZIP file.

 id Software provides no support for any user add-ons, including this one.
 All mentioned trademarks are the property of their respective companies.

 This map copyright (C) J.C. Bengtson