<HTML><FONT SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10>========== REoL TOUGH Classics: Total War V, Chambers of Death ==========<BR> ========== A new map for DooM , Requires BooM or compatable port! ==========<BR> <BR> Barons and Barons, and more, oh my!<BR> Fight lots of barons and other creatures in this demon-infested, military bomb shelter!<BR> Lots of heavy fighting, especially near the end!<BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> SECRETS! (Don't read on! Heh.)<BR> <BR> [1] Right at the beginning, on the left side of the start, there is a ledge<BR> right where that door is (towards the BLUE KEY one). Jump onto the cliff<BR> face (equal height of where you're at) and bash is the rock face a couple<BR> sections away. Something's waiting there for you.<BR> <BR> [2] Somewhere in one of the computer rooms, a noise can be heard. What does<BR> it behold? Something good, I bet!<BR> <BR> [3] Rocket Launcher, out of reach? Where the Revnants come at you in force,<BR> you hit a switch to continue onward. In the same alcove, a hidden door<BR> reveals a teleportation switch, and the rest is easy to figure out.<BR> <BR> </HTML>