Title                   : IK Texture Pack for Doom 2
Released                : November 22nd, 1999 (Updated)
Filename                : ikdtex.zip - ikdtex.wad, ikdtex.txt
Author                  : Iikka 'Fingers' Keränen
                          Conversion by Derek 'Afterglow' Mac Donald
Email Address           : derekmd@hotmail.com
Web Site                : http://www.doomworld.com/afterglow/
Misc. Author Info       : Author of SacrificeDM and Jägermörder series;
                          Member of Crucified Dreams, SlaughterDM, and Ninja
			  Doom; helping out The Darkening E2 and had 5 maps
                          in SurgeDM2. Iikka is, of course, famous for
                          Airquake and his IKSPQ series.
Description             : 152 textures & 59 flats converted to Doom 2. I've
                          also been friendly enough to insert an ANIMDEFS
                          lump which gives a 'quake swirl' animation to the
                          two slime textures under Zdoom.
Additional Credits to   : ID for the great Doom and Quake series. Iikka
			  "Fingers" Keränen for creating the textures in
			  the first place.


* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM II
Episode and Level #     : N/A
Single Player           : N/A
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : N/A
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : N/A
Difficulty Settings     : N/A
New Sounds              : N/A
New Graphics            : Yes
New Music               : N/A
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : Textures all created from scratch by Iikka Keränen.
Editor(s) used          : Paint Shop Pro 5.01, Wintex 4.3, Wal2Pcx
Known Bugs              : None. All the bad red pixels have been fixed.

* Copyright / Permissions *

These textures may be freely used and distributed, under the following

- The name, Iikka Keranen is mentioned. With single levels, the "Additional
  credits" section is where you put the name. With conversions and level
  paks, or projects involving several people, it would be in "authors".

- No money is charged for distributing this texture wad or ANY PRODUCT USING
  THESE TEXTURES. Iikka is the only person who has the right to get money
  for selling these textures. You use them for free, you distribute them

- These textures are not modified without Iikka's permission; Modified tex-
  tures remain Iikka's property. 

- This text file (ikdtex.txt) is included in the product (.zip file or other)
  and is mentioned in the product's own text files.

- If you wish to use these textures, or levels containing these textures,
  in a commercial product such as level collection CD-ROM, total conversion,
  or basically anything that is sold for money, Iikka requires a profit-based
  payment, or some hundred dollars one-time payment per level using his
  artwork. This is not to be paid by the level author, but the publisher.
  You MUST contact Iikka and make an offer before trying to commercially dis-
  tribute his artwork!

* Where to get this WAD *
