Title                   : Grey Death Shades
Filename                : GREYDETH.WAD
Date Finished           : 06/21/1596
Author                  : {Dragon}
Email Address           : don't@mail.me >B-D

Other Files By Author   : nun... but I'd like to do some T2 stuff B->

Description             : Changes some colors giving the game a gothic
			  feeling... kinda like some Tori Amos songz :)

Additional Credits      : iD staff for being godz, Cookie Monster for the 
			  great palette utility for Doom (Inkworks), 
			  The Cranberries for the great new album, 
			  and SucKaZ for being a great IRC bot B)
To play this PWAD file, unzip it into the directory where you put 
DOOM (any flavor) then start like this:


* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : anything you got kids!
Single Player           : sure
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : alrighty :)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : that's it!
Difficulty Settings     : what do you take me for?
New Sounds              : no comment
New Graphics            : yurp
New Music               : no...try T2.ZIP 
Demos Replaced          : yes...everything has new colorz

* Construction *

Base                    : from scratch

Editor(s) used          : Inkworks 1.1 for DOS (great stuff!)

Known Bugs              : a big bloody tic, Dave took care of it tho >B-D

Distribution rulz?  do what ever the heck you'd like with this sucka...
Heck, it's not that big... jam it up on your fav BBS/online service,
television program, and hamburger joint.

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and other mirrors

Other: some Immortal in Loas...