These textures were converted by Derek Mac Donald aka Afterglow.
I can be contacted at and you can get more
textures for Doom2 at my site

Title                   : Graphtallica Texture Pack for Doom2 #1
Filename                : - graphtx1.wad, graphtx1.txt
Date Released           : September 2nd, 1999
Author                  : Sean Johnson
Email Address           :
Web Site                :
Description             : 41 textures & 16 flats converted to Doom 2.


* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM II
Episode and Level #     : N/A
Single Player           : N/A
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : N/A
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : N/A
Difficulty Settings     : N/A
New Sounds              : N/A
New Graphics            : Yes
New Music               : N/A
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : Textures all created from scratch
Editor(s) used          : Paint Shop Pro 5.01, Wintex 4.3
Known Bugs              : None that I'm aware of.

* Copyright / Permissions *

You can use these babies anyway you like, in a map, a TC, even in a
commercial project... I don't care. Just maybe give me a little recognition
somewhere or email me and show me what cool thing you're making with these

* Where to get this WAD *