
Title                   : chirac.wad
Author                  : Avery Andrews
Email:                  : Avery.Andrews@anu.edu.au
Description             : Don't like surfing with nukes?  Replace
                             your cacodemons with chiracodemons! 
                          When you're tired of fragging this jerk,
                          check out the no-testing page


* Play Information *

Games:                 Doom 1 & 2 (tested for 1.666 & UDooM)
New Maps:              No
New Graphics:          Yes, sprites & title screen
New Sounds:            Yes

* Tools Used *

WinTex, DeuTex, Neopaint, Dmorf, Thumbs Plus, Imagine, BlastMaster

* Credits *

The High Energy Weapons Archive:


for the nuke pix.

* Usage *

Since chirac.wad is a sprite wad, it can't just be played as is,
but must be installed first.  There are two ways to do this, safe & slow
with the chirac.bat file, or quick & slightly less safe, by hand with
deusf.   Both methods assume you keep your .exe and iwad in the same
directory, which we'll call your Doom(2) directory (which is how Doom
installation sets things up).

First, get chirac.wad and chirac.bat into your Doom or Doom2 directory,
Then either:

I. Safe & Slow:

    chirac -install

  this will make the wad playable by adding to it the other sprites
    from the iwad (it takes a while, and uses up a few M of space).

  Then type:

   chirac -play

  to play Doom without further modifications, or you can follow -play
  with additional pwads, and then parameters, e.g.

   chirac -play trinity.wad -skill 4 -warp 1 1

  (max 8 items)

 To get your space back,

  chirac -restore

 Removes the original sprites, restoring chirac.wad to a reasonabel size.


  chirac -clean

Removes all the chirac files except for the zip archive!

II.  Quicker and a bit less safe:


  deusf -merge chirac.wad

to merge the contents of chirac.wad into the main iwad.

Then play as usual, and when your done with it,

 deusf -restore

to restore the iwad to its original condition.

* Permissions *

You are welcome to incorporate the contents of this wad into your
own projects, with or without modifications.  Enhancements with
Dehacked would be particularly welcome (I didn't do it due to too
much ignorance, also the desire for this patch to work on all
varieties of DooM).