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                               VERSION 1.0

                      By: Tom Laufert,
                      E-MAIL: laufert@ix.netcom.com
                      IRC: GOR-GOR

I. Don't say I didn't warn you...
     I guess this is my disclaimer (since I don't want to get Sued).  So 
don't blame me if this makes you want to kill yourself or kill someone else 
or destroy things (as if it would :). So don't say I didn't warn you!

ii. Trademarks
     Heretic and Raven are trademarks of Raven Software, Inc.  DOOM and id 
are trademarks of id software, Inc.  Descent is a trademark of Interplay 
Productions.  Rise of the Triad is a trademark of Apogee Software.  All other
Trademarks in this FAQ are hereby assumed.

iii. Please don't...

        Please do not print this FAQ in any other form other than 

iv. Agknowlegements
     These are the people that helped me write this FAQ.  THANK YOU ALL!!!

-American McGee: He helped me with all of the stuff that id did. THANKS!!!

-Joseph Seymour: FTP List Thanks!

-Paul Falstad: THANK YOU! He compiled the whole secret list!

        If I left anyone out please let me know! Thanks!

v. Statement of accuracy
     I tried to make this FAQ as true as possible so if you find an error
PLEASE, if you have any suggestions for this FAQ LET ME KNOW...It can only be
as good as you want it to!

Table of Contents

1-1 What is Heretic?
     1-2 So, what does that mean?  A combined effort?...
     1-3 OK, what's this "engine all about?
     1-4 Who was involved in making Heretic?
     1-5 So, this is another DOOM clone!?
     1-6 What are DESCENT and Rise of the Triad?
     1-7 Is Raven software making a Heretic ][ ?
2-1 Where can I find Heretic?
     2-2 FTP Sites
     2-3 BBS's
     2-4 Retail stores
     2-5 Mail order
          2-5-1 What is the difference between Mail order and Shareware?
     2-6 Are there any revisions?
3-1 Monsters, Weapons, and more!!!
     3-2 Monsters
     3-3 Weapons
     3-4 Items & Artifacts
     3-5 New features
4-1 Spoilers!!!
     4-2 The cheat codes!
     4-3 The Secrets
          4-3-1 Episode one
          4-3-2 Episode two
          4-3-3 Episode three
     4-4 Monster count
     4-5 Item count
     4-6 Where can I find more information about Heretic?
5-1 What is a Multiplayer game?
     5-1 What is Deathmatch play?
     5-2 What is Cooperative play?
     5-3 Hey! This is cool, where can I find more people?
6-1 Troubleshooting


1-1 What is Heretic?

        Heretic is a game created by Raven Software and published by id 
Software.  It has some of the same aspects of DOOM, such as texture-mapping.  
It also has the 4 player network game that was the "HOT" thing of DOOM.  It 
also has the same basic engine that DOOM originally used. This included the 
360 degree scrolling as seen in DOOM.
        As the story goes;
        When you first saw the seven candles, you knew.  You knew - but any 
Sidhe would have known in the magic of the reflections pulsing across the 
ceiling of the Elder's chamber: each flame with its own power to burn, each 
flame tied irrevocably to the flow of the Earth's breath - the seven flames 
were the armies of the seven kings of Earth.

        Circling the candles stood the Elders of the Sidhe, leaders of an 
ancient elf race adept in arcane sorcery and keepers of the Tomes of Power.  
From the Book they read the prophecy of Armageddon.  "The three come from the 
Eastern wilds and they shall be given dominion over all that believeth in 
them.  He that hath an ear, let him hear that the Sidhe will be driven before 
them and on the day that the children of the Sidhe are no more the earth shall 
be forever lost to the Abyss."

        From the East came the evil foretold by your forefathers: the three 
Serpent Riders, guardians of death everlasting.  Their form was shrouded by 
black cloaks.  Only their eyes were revealed; sunken with evil , dreadful 
intensity.  As a sign of power they brought peace to the Eastern provinces.  
Those who believed in the sign created a temple in their honor; and it bore 
the mark of the crossed trident.  Their worshipers were the Order of the 
Sign; blind followers, without will, void of spirit.  As the power of the 
Order grew, even the seven kings of the Earth followed like cattle behind 
them.  And after they controlled the great nations two Riders left the world.  
Only D'Sparil, the weakest of them remained while his disciples traveled the 
earth cleansing it in preparation for its descent. 

        Scorned by the other people of Earth, the Sidhe possessing powers of 
their own, remained unaffected by the spell of the Riders.  The Sidhe are now 
considered the Heretics, the unclean, fit only to be wiped from the face of 
the Earth.  The disciples of D'Sparil conspired with the kings of the earth 
to remove the last lands of apostasy.  And while the armies of the seven 
nations gathered to destroy the Sidhe, the Elders convened to discuss the 
fate of your people.  When all voices had spoke against the Order, the seven 
Elders extinguished the seven candles flames simultaneously.  At that silent 
instant, a brilliant flash of light came from the east and the armies that 
had gathered against you were no more.  Drained by their efforts, the Elders 
fell to the floor, listening to the single painful scream echoing from 
the now-scorched battlefield.

        But then the forces of the Abyss took their vengeance.  The ether had
quaked with the Elders' magic effort, and the curse of the Order followed the
trail unerringly to the Elders' conventicle.  Suddenly the foul odor of death
came and the earth opened to engulf the Elders in flames; the white-bright
fire clinging to their flesh, knowingly and eagerly eating each layer of skin.
Too, pouring forth from the earth like squirming maggots, came the forces of 
evil both beast and undead.  They attacked in hordes like packs of dogs, first 
surrounding the weakest and biting and clawing their victims to the ground.  
As each Sidhe fell several beasts would gather to chew into their bellies like 
pigs into slop, their heads often deeply submerged into the gut with the 
victim's intestines slung half-eaten upon their own squirming bodies.  When    
the day was done, the few remaining Sidhe were scattered throughout the land.
The Abyss had taken the tomes and artifacts of your people as spoils of their 
victory.  Alone, without weapons, the surviving Sidhe would surely perish at 
the hands of the Order of the Triad.  The Elders' destruction of the seven 
armies had gone for naught.

        While the other Sidhe had hid, their spirit broken, you thirsted for 
vengeance and rode East into the wilderness, in search of D'Sparil.  Now you 
stand before the City of the Damned, its air thick with the stench of rot.  
Your hate drives you to see these creatures oozing their heart's ichor before
you.  Beyond these gates the dead and the creatures of the night writhe in 
dark corners, their bodies aching for your blood.  With luck, some of your 
peoples' ancient artifacts can be found hidden amongst the dark passages 
beyond.  For with only a staff as your weapon, the world is surely damned.

1-2 So, what does that mean?  A combined effort?...

        This means that id let Raven use the engine.  John Romeo 
helped in the making of the game, so they felt it was good enough to have id 
on the box.  Everyone at id looked over the game to see if John was doing the
right thing.  Other than that, some of the people at id got some of their 
maps in the final release.

1-3 OK, what's this "engine" all about?

        I'm not really going to go into the details of the engine of Heretic, 
because that was covered in The "Official" DOOM FAQ by Hank Luekart (you can 
find this almost anywhere, like ftp.cdrom.com).
        There are other things that are in Heretic that aren't in DOOM, for 
example, looking up and down.  I will describe in detail later about what all 
of the new things are, and what they do later.

1-4 Who was involved in making Heretic?

Shane Gurno: Artist

Brian Raffel: Artist

Steve Raffel: Artist

Brian Pelletier: Artist

Jim Sumwalt: Artist

Scott Rice: Artist

Ben Gokey: Programming

Chris Rhinehart: Programming

Michael Raymond-Judy: Level Design

Kevin Schilder: Sound/Music

Brian Raffel: Project Director

Paul Radek: Sound Drivers

John Romeo: Executive Producer

1-5 So, this is another DOOM clone!?

        No!  This is a game made by Raven & id software using the same engine 
that made DOOM (haven't you been listening???).

1-6 What are DESCENT and Rise of the Triad?

        These are independent games from independent companies.  They have
nothing to do with Heretic.  DESCENT was made by Parallax productions and 
ROTT was made by Apogee software.

1-7 Is Raven Software making a Heretic ][ ?
        Yes, this is a newsgroup article, from which he got from a PC GAMER.

The following articles and Heretic II are from PC Gamer magazine.

Heretic II

"The guys at Raven Software are already at work on the sequel to their 
 excellent fantasy kill-fest based on the ever popular DOOM engine.  John 
 Romeo of id Software says Heretic II will be quite a bit different from 
 the original; for starters, players will choose to go through the game as 
 a warrior, wizard or cleric, and the classes can be mixed in multiplayer 
 games.  And where the weapons in Heretic corresponded pretty closely to 
 their modern counterparts in DOOM, Heretic II will have an all-new weapon 
 system.  The new game is scheduled to ship sometime this summer."


This information came directly from the PC GAMER magazine Vol.2 No.4.  I am 
only repeating it, and cannot guarantee that any of it will be true.

        Well, now we have something to do over the summer, while we wait for 
Quake :)  It sounds great!!


2-1 Where can I find Heretic?
        Although these aren't the only places that Heretic can be found they 
are probably the best.  They are updated most often, plus they have stuff for
DOOM and DOOM ][.

2-2 FTP sites

        Where it says "***" is htvXXd1.zip & htvXXd2.zip.  Where the "XX" is
the version number.

ftp.cdrom.com  /.5/idgames/idstuff
ftp.idsoftware.com  /idstuff/heretic
ftp.wustl.edu  /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/doom/HERETIC
ftp.uwp.edu  /pub/incoming/id
ftp.uml.edu  /msdos/games/temp
ftp.leo.org  /pub/comp/platforms/pc/msdos/games
ftp.digex.com  /pub/access/brpinc
ftp.dungeon.com  /.9/doom/NEWSTUFF
ftp.iglou.com  /pc/games/temp
ftp.metrolink.com  /pub/dos
ftp.pht.com  /pub/games/doom/NEWSTUFF
ftp.std.com  /pub/Mikek
ftp.wais.com  /pub/incoming
ftp.xmission.com  /pub/users/dfaust
ftp.gatech.edu  /pub/submissions
ftp.tamu.edu  /incoming
ftp.cis.ufl.edu  /pub/staff/bjs

2-3 BBS's

        My best advice here is to look around!!!  I know for a that almost
every area code should have a BBS with Heretic on it, but any here's Software

Software Creations 
(508)-365-2359 2400 baud
(508)-368-7036 9600-14.4k v.32bis
(508)-368-4137 14.4-16.8k HST/DS

2-4 Retail stores

        You can also buy the Shareware version of Heretic in Retail stores.  
This I believe costs $7.00 and you get the Shareware version.  So, if you 
got this FAQ by downloading it, you probably won't buy Heretic at a Retail 

2-5 Mail order

        You can order all of Heretic directly from id software.  This is
the whole game.  NOT the shareware version.  It costs $40.00 plus Shipping & 

2-5-1 What is the difference between Mail order and Shareware versions?    

        The Mail order version of Heretic is the FULL game.  You cannot make
copies of it and distribute it!  The full game has all three episodes and
new weapons.

2-6 Is there a revision for Heretic?

        No, there is only one version of Heretic right now.  Id software is 
releasing a revision very soon.  The revision will fix all of the problems 
that people are having.


3-1 Monsters, Weapons, and more!!!

        This section has the information on the monsters, items, and the 
new features of Heretic.

3-2 Monsters

        Here are the monsters inhabiting the world of Heretic...

   Gargoyle:  Little red demon/imp type monsters that fly.  They come in two
varieties, normal and Fire.  The Fire Gargoyles throw fireballs but you 
don't know it's them until they fire away :).   The normal ones just come
up to you and claw on you.

*  Golem:  These are just big walking rocks that beat you up.  These also come
in two varieties, normal and Nitrogolem.  The Nitrogolems throw flaming
skulls at you.

*  Undead Warriors:  These are fun :)  They are skeletons with armor and axes.  
Their axes come in two varieties, green (normal), and red.  Watch out for 
the red axes, they pack a punch!

+  Sabreclaw: Somehow these things remind me of the alien from the movie 
Aliens..They are quite fast, they can't fly or shoot but they can tear you
to pieces!

+* Weredragon:  These things are nasty!!  They may be slow as hell, but when
they throw their fire you better get out of the way!

+  Ophidian:  These are snake like creatures that carry tridents.  When you 
first encounter an Ophidian they shoot 3 pearl-like balls at you.  Then they
shoot a fireball at you.  They are on of the tougher creatures in Heretic.

   Disciple of D'Sparil:  They are the pupils of D'Sparil, they can fly and 
they fire a three way magic missile.

   Ironlich:  A big floating head...It is the boss of the first episode.
It has a multitude of attacks.  A tornado that follows you around, it doesn't
much unless you stay in it.  He also shoots a wall of fireballs at you.  Last
but not least, he shoots a blue sphere similar to the powered-up version of 
the dragon claw, that hits and explodes into blue arrows.

+  Maulotaur:  This is the boss for episode 2.  He is quite tough...And he 
also has a multitude of attacks.  He shoots a five way fire bolt.  He fires 
a stream of fire along the ground that is very powerful.  He also charges at
you.  Very tough!

+  D'Sparil:  This is one tough wizard!!!  He is the boss for episode 3.  
When you first meet him he is riding a serpent.  Then you kill that and he 
reappears into his main form.  In this form he shoots a lightning bolt 
at you, and he disappears at random.  He also summons Disciples of D'Sparil
at will.  

3-3 Weapons
        Here is a list for all of the weapons in Heretic.
note: The term 'Powered-up' is the status of the weapon after using a 
'Tome of Power'

1. Staff:  Nothing magical about this weapon.  It's a stick.  Unless it's 
powered-up then it's as strong as an oak!

Gauntlets:  The gauntlets replace your normal beatin' stick and deliver a 
devastating electrical attack.  Powered-up, it sucks enemies from a further 
distance and drains their life to increase yours!

2. Elvenwand:  Your base weapon.  If you are using this it's time to run.  
Unless it's powered-up, in which case your enemy should take the 'run' 

3. Crossbow:  The cross bow shoots three magical arrows at once delivering 
heavy damage at short range or hitting multiple targets at a distance.  
Powered-up, this puppy blasts 5 slammin' magic arrows for a good strong 
head-pounding punishment! 

4. Dragon's Claw: Firing a barrage of explosive magic, this weapon is perfect 
for clearing monster-infested hallways.  Powered-up, the 'Ripper' delivers a 
four-way lethal blast, rippin' your enemy apart.

5. Hellstaff: Now you're one bad elf.  The Hellstaff fires at a high rate of 
speed and does heavy damage.  Powered-up, this baby slams out a bone-crunching 
Rain From Hell that will leave your enemies wet - in their own steaming blood!

6. Phoenix Rod: The Phoenix Rod delivers and explosive charge that will 
decimate the normal baddie into bits.  Powered-up, it's time to deliver some 
deep-fried damage as the rod pours out a steady, hot stream of raw inferno!  
Watch 'em scream and burn - it's great!

7. Firemace: The Firemace is a rapid firing weapon that shoots bouncing, 
explosive balls!  Powered-up, Watch Out... this fires extremely large and 
powerful Balls 'o Death!

3-4 Items & Artifacts

     Here is a list of all of the items and artifacts that are in Heretic.    

Blue Vial: +10 Health.

Quartz Flask: +25 Health.

Mystic Urn: Full health.

Shield: +100 to Armor.

Enchanted Shield: +200 to Armor.

Torch: Brightens your view.

Map Scroll: A map of the entire area - including hidden locations.

Bog of Holding: Increases the capacity of your inventory.

Shadowsphere: Temporarily renders you nearly invisible and invulnerable to 
man-made weapons.

Tyketto's Tome of Power: Temporarily increases the power of your weapons or 
"power-up."  The Tome will appear in the top-right corner of the screen while 
it is active.

Valador's Ring of Invulnerability: Temporarily renders you impervious to 

Inhilicon's Wings of Wrath: Temporarily enables you to fly.  The wings will
appear at the top-left corner of the screen while this item is active.

Darchala's Chaos Device: Teleports the player to the beginning of the level.

Torpol's Morph Ovum: Morphs your victim into a chicken.  Finger-lickin' good!
(cannot be used on Ironlich, Maulotaur, and D'Sparil)

Delmintalitar's Time Bomb of the Ancients: Drops a transparent bomb that 
explodes after one second.  Oh yes...it will hurt you as well if you're near 


4-1 Spoilers!!!

        This is the Spoiler section so if you don't want to ruin the game 
don't read this section!!!

4-2 The cheat codes

        Here are the cheat codes for Heretic.

RAMBO: Get all weapons
SKEL: Get all keys
QUICKEN: God mode!!!
KITTY: Toggles clipping mode
MASSACRE: Kills all monsters on a level
SHAZAM: Power-up weapons
RAVMAP: Shows full map in map mode (typing RAVMAP again shows all objects)
PONCE: Full health
ENGAGE XY: Warp to another level. X= episode number Y= level number
COCKADOODLEDOO: Turn into a chicken!
GIMME: Get artifact
after you type 'GIMME' type one of these letters for the specified effect.

a: Ring of Invulnerability
b: Shadowsphere
c: Quartz Flask
d: Mystic Urn
e: Tome of Power
f: Torch
g: Time Bomb of the Ancients
h: Morph Ovum
I: Wings of Wrath
j: Chaos Device

4-3 Secrets!!!

     This is a list of all the secrets in Heretic.  For each official
secret, I've included the sector number (which is only useful for
people with wad editors), the hex coordinates (which is probably not
useful, since I don't know of any cheat keys to give you your
coordinates), the decimal coordinates (again, only useful for people
with wad editors), and an explanation of how to find the secret.
There are also descriptions of how to find other useful items in the
4-3-1 Episode one

List compiled by Paul Falstad (pjf@cts.com), last updated Jan 25, 1995           
     E1M1: The Docks
 1   6 < 21c0000,fc6d0000> (  540,  -915)
  In the southeast corner of your starting room, behind the barrels, is
  a secret door (hit the space bar on the light patch of wall) containing
  a gargoyle and a silver shield.
 2 144 <f88a0000,fcbc0000> (-1910,  -836)
  Behind the yellow door is a hallway which leads west to a corner leading
  north.  If you walk up to the southwest part of the corner, a door will
  open revealing gauntlets.
 3  15 <fd5c0000,fed30000> ( -676,  -301)
 4  24 <  b00000, 4d40000> (  176,  1236)
  In the area behind the yellow door is a circular area with a switch
  on a ledge to the north of it.  Just to the north of the switch is a
  secret door (under the low ceiling) leading to a crossbow (#3) and a
  tome.  Hitting the switch opens the door to the south of the
  circular area, as well as a door south of the windowed area to your
  north.  The door leads to a teleporter which takes you to the lake
  north of that area.  There is a Golem standing by the teleporter
  exit, so be careful.  Out on the lake you will find some goodies and
  some warriors guarding a bag of holding.  The teleporter to the east
  (#4) gets you out of the lake.

     E1M2: The Dungeons
 1  83 < 2580000,fb550000> (  600, -1195)
  South of the central area is a door which has three other doors behind it.
  Just to the right of the last door is a secret door which leads to a tome;
  also, it provides a convenient way to kill the warriors who would otherwise
  be throwing stuff at you from behind a one-way wall.
 2  96 < 5a00000,  600000> ( 1440,    96)
  In the southeast is a room with seven pillars in it.  To the west of the
  pillars is an area with a switch that opens a door (#2) east of the yellow
  key, which leads to a staircase with lots of monsters on it.  When you reach
  the bottom of the staircase, a dragon claw is revealed to the southwest.
  Be careful of the ceiling when getting it, though.
 3  32 <fe9a0000,fbe00000> ( -358, -1056)
  On the west side of the courtyard behind the yellow door is a dark patch
  of wall.  This is a secret door which leads to a shadowsphere and health,
  and some gargoyles.
 4  47 <fe100000,fe490000> ( -496,  -439)
 5  38 <ff1a0000,fde70000> ( -230,  -537)
  South of the slime pit is a small room with some warriors in it.  Behind
  the warriors is a secret door which leads to some time bombs and a map
  As you return from getting the map, you will be attacked by some golems
  who were hiding behind a newly opened door.  East of this door is another
  secret door which leads to the gauntlets (#5).
 6 190 < 1600000, 50c0000> (  352,  1292)
  In the northwest area of the map is a long stairway that leads east
  and curves around to the southwest.  At the point where it starts to
  curve around is a dark area; southwest of this area is a secret door
  which leads to some wings (#6).  At the top of the staircase is a door
  to a room with some orbs; as you enter the room, doors will open on
  either side revealing some monsters.  In the middle of the south wall
  is a secret door leading to a staircase with a bunch of goodies just
  out of reach.  Near the bottom of the staircase is a trigger line which
  lowers a lift.  If you get on the lift and wait for it to go back
  up, it will take you to the ledge with the goodies on it.  The
  trigger line which lowers the lift also lowers the high platform
  behind the yellow door; this platform contains a quartz flask and a
  quiver of arrows.  You can also use the wings to get these goodies.
 7 161 < 5310000, 75a0000> ( 1329,  1882)
  As you get the blue key, a lot of monsters are revealed, including some
  warriors to your east.  There is a bag of holding in the area where the
  warriors were hiding.  Northwest of the bag of holding is a secret door
  which leads to a long hallway (#7) with some ammo and health, and a lot of
  gargoyles.  The hallway leads to the northwest area.

     E1M3: The Gatehouse
 1   9 <fabf0000,f4ca0000> (-1345, -2870)
  Getting the yellow key causes a switch to be revealed on the way back.
  It lowers the platform that silver shield is on, south of the starting
  area.  Hit the switch behind it, then go north towards the starting
  point.  As you go through the wall which separates the north and
  south sides of the courtyard, you will see a teleporter on your
  right, which takes you to a ledge to the south.  Get the tome and
  jump off the ledge, and go back north.  This time, you will see a
  teleporter on your left with takes you to the ledge to the north
  (#1), which contains lots of goodies.  When you've gotten them all,
  jump off the ledge onto the pool in the southwest part of the
  courtyard; the pool contains a dragon claw.
 2 106 <fc600000, 2680000> ( -928,   616)
  After going through the yellow door, take the south steps first; near
  the top of the steps is a trigger line which opens a door in the room
  through the window to your east.  Go back down the steps, and take
  the north set of steps this time.  This will eventually lead you to
  the room which has the door you just opened; the room beyond the door
  contains the gauntlets, arrows, and a switch.  Hit the switch and
  go back to the yellow door.  There will be a small staircase southwest
  of the door with a tome at the top.  Get the tome and jump into the
  lake.  At the south end of this (very windy) lake is a shore with
  lots of ammo (#2); this ammo will come in very handy, as it turns out.

     E1M4: The Guard Tower
 1  42 <f2b60000, 1bc0000> (-3402,   444)
  In the southeast corner of the map is a ledge south of a lake.  The south
  wall of this ledge contains a secret door which leads to a teleporter;
  this takes you to an area in the west part of the map where you can find
  a map, an egg, and some ammo.

 Just east of your starting point is a secret door with a tome
 behind it.

 In the south area of the map (west of the double spiral staircase) is a
 ledge leading south to a small building with some warriors and a
 shadowsphere in it (This is at the top of the stairs which lead west
 from the yellow door).  To open the building's door, jump off the
 ledge and go east, then north through the corridor into the center of
 the spiral staircase.  This will open the door to the building; also,
 the green key is in this area.

     E1M5: The Citadel
 1 287 <fd400000,fab00000> ( -704, -1360)
  The building in the southwest (the one just north of your starting
  point) has two sets of steps leading east up to the second floor.
  Take the north set of stairs.  On the right, just before the door at
  the top of the stairs, is a secret door to a room with a quiver
  (#1).  Now go through the other door and run down the steps, jumping
  across to the ledge on the south side of the building.  This side
  contains the yellow key, a silver shield, and gauntlets.  The yellow
  key will allow you to get into the southeast building, which
  contains a green key and a switch that will raise the stairs leading
  to the green doors.
 2  73 <fe600000,fe440000> ( -416,  -444)
  Inside the northeast building is a set of steps which lead down to a
  teleporter.  This takes you to an area in the center of the map with
  two quivers and two teleporters (#2).  Each teleporter takes you to
  another area of in the center of the map with some disciples and ammo.
  A strong wind will try to blow you off a ledge in the center into an
  area with some wings.  There is a strong wind in this area which
  blows you south into a teleporter, so make sure you get the wings
 3 123 <fc980000, 2780000> ( -872,   632)
  The northwest building has a small opening on the northwest side to
  a dark place with a switch.  Hit the switch and run to the north
  side of the building; a lift will be lowered.  On the left side of the
  lift is a small niche with an egg (#3); go into this niche as the lift
  raises.  If you go to the top of the lift, you can get to the south part
  of the building, which contains a dragon claw and some orbs.  To get
  to the tome on the northwest corner of the building, go to the west side
  of the courtyard and go up the steps you see on the north end of the wall.
  At the top of the steps is a ledge which leads back east.  Walk along
  this ledge, and run southeast to get the tome you see there.
 4  20 < 2a20000,ffa00000> (  674,   -96)
  In the northeast part of the north courtyard is a set of steps which
  lead north.  Go up these steps.  At the top of the steps is a ledge which
  leads back west; go back along this ledge, and follow it south.
  Then run southeast to the outcropping you see to the south; from there,
  you can make it to another ledge to the southeast (#4).  Here you will
  find a ring and some time bombs.

     E1M6: The Cathedral
 1 214 <f5400000, 7940000> (-2752,  1940)
 2 193 <f6800000, 7940000> (-2432,  1940)
  Northwest of your starting point is a niche with a secret door.
  Behind it are some gauntlets (#1).  When you enter this room, the niche
  to the northeast of your starting point will open, revealing a Golem (#2).
  You have to actually enter the niche to get credit for the secret.
 3 258 <  c00000,ff0b0000> (  192,  -245)
 4   2 <  c00000,f8f70000> (  192, -1801)
 5 282 <fe880000,fe600000> ( -376,  -416)
  In the dark room with the stained glass windows and the four pillars which
  go up and down from the ceiling, you will find three secrets.  Go up
  the steps on the east end and walk north along the ledge to the north
  side of the ledge.  There is a one-way wall here which leads to an area
  with some warriors (you probably figured that out already), some golems,
  and a tome (#3).  Leave this area and walk south along the ledge.
  On the south side of the room is a secret door behind one of the
  stained glass windows (between the skulls).  The room behind this door (#4)
  has another secret door on the east side, which leads to a teleporter
  back to the starting point.  This west side of the room contains ammo
  and some time bombs.  Returning to the stained glass window room, you
  will find a secret door in a niche in the northwest corner which
  reveals a map scroll (#5).  Behind the map is a secret door which leads
  back to the room behind the yellow door.
 6 248 <fa850000, 4390000> (-1403,  1081)
 7 187 <f7400000, 5180000> (-2240,  1304)
  The building in the center of the graveyard has a secret door on its
  outer west wall, which leads to a shadowsphere (#6).  Inside the
  building, you will find the southwest corner lit up; there is a secret
  door here leading to some ammo, a switch, and a teleporter.  The switch
  raises the steps leading to the green door.  The teleporter leads to
  the tome on the east side of the building.  Northwest of the building you
  will find a door which leads to a teleporter.  This takes you to a small
  room with an egg (#7).  North of the egg is a secret door which takes you
  back to the starting room.
 8  47 <f7cd0000,f8350000> (-2099, -1995)
  In the area behind the green door you will find a switch near a ledge
  which looks out onto the room east of the yellow door.  Hitting the
  switch will reveal a second switch on the northeast side of this room;
  this switch will reveal the exit teleporter in the center of the room.
  Walking off the ledge where you found the first switch will reveal a
  secret door just south of it.  Go back through the green door and
  return to the first switch; on the way, you will see an open door on
  your left, just past a series of windows.  Through this door (#8) is
  a lot of goodies and disciples.  You will find a switch in here which
  opens a door at the bottom of the steps which leads to the secret
  exit teleporter.  This takes you to the secret level, level 9.

     E1M7: The Crypts
 1 136 <f8500000, 14c0000> (-1968,   332)
  North of the large west-east crushing ceiling is a small niche to the left,
  and some stairs on the right.  Walk into the niche; a door will be
  revealed to a room with a little bit of ammo and some monsters.
  Killing the monsters now saves some trouble later, since they can
  throw things at you through the windows to the north and west.
 2 216 <fd580000,ff540000> ( -680,  -172)
 3 222 <fd8f0000,  340000> ( -625,    52)
  In the northeast part of the map is a square tower with 8 pillars
  embedded in it, with a river of slime running west and east through it.
  Standing on the ledge west of it, go south and cross the chasm on the path
  you find there.  At the end of the path, you will see a secret door
  straight ahead of you.  This door leads to some goodies, plus a ledge
  across the slime to more goodies (#2).  South of this ledge, in the slime
  pit, is a staircase leading up to a tome (#3).  Jump down from the tome
  ledge; there is a switch to the northwest that will lower a lift that
  you can use to get out of the slime pit.
 4 314 < 2ee0000,f8d80000> (  750, -1832)
  North of the square tower, in the pit, is a path leading to a shadowsphere.
  Behind it is a lift; hurry along the path, since the lift is triggered
  by a line at the bottom of the stairs.  The lift takes you to an
  area which (assuming you have already gotten the stuff in the tower)
  contains a teleporter to a ledge in the southeast part of the map
  (#4).  Here you will find a tome, arrows, a quartz flask, and some
  warriors (which you should probably kill beforehand).
 5  32 <fb3c0000,fc010000> (-1220, -1023)
  After you get the blue key, a door will open in the lake just east of
  the yellow door.  This leads to a shield, an energy orb, and a teleporter
  to the tower with 8 pillars.  (There's a secret door in the southwest
  corner of the blue key room, BTW; you need it to finish the level, but
  it's somewhat hard to find.)
 6  76 <f5700000,f4a00000> (-2704, -2912)
  Just east of the exit door is a coffin.  Stand on it to reveal a passage
  to the south to a place with some disciples and goodies, just south of your
  starting point.

     E1M8: Hell's Maw
 1  31 <fd200000, 4050000> ( -736,  1029)
 2  33 <fee00000, 4050000> ( -288,  1029)
 3  54 <fee00000, 13a0000> ( -288,   314)
 4  58 <fd200000, 13a0000> ( -736,   314)
  The room south of your starting point (the one with all the exploding
  green balls) has a secret door in each corner (#1-4); one of the
  doors leads to an invulnerability ring, which comes in very handy
  later.  Also, note that if you open the door to the south and walk
  through it, the ledge separating you from the golems will drop down
  so you (and they) can walk through it.  You may want to open this
  door right away, and then go back north and shoot the green balls to
  kill the golems.  The area the golems are in has a lot of health
  and ammo as well.

 Finishing this level isn't that hard if you make frequent use of tomes,
 wings (especially in the room with the liches), invulnerability rings,
 and eggs.

E1M9: The Graveyard
 1 125 < a120000,fb1e0000> ( 2578, -1250)
  South of the building with the blue doors is a door leading to the
  room with the yellow key.  At the east end of this room (south of where
  the disciples will appear) is a secret door to a bag of holding (#1).
 2  87 <11180000,f7da0000> ( 4376, -2086)
  Behind the blue key is a not-very-secret door to a room with ammo and
  wings (#2).

4-3-2 Episode two

     E2M1: The Crater
 1   3 <fc740000, 8870000> ( -908,  2183)
  The room southwest of the starting room has a secret door on a brightly
  lit portion of the wall, just north of the entrance.  Inside you will
  find ammo, a shield, and a tome.
 2  19 <fc600000, 2840000> ( -928,   644)
  The last room (the one with the green door) has a pathway over the slime.
  In the slime north of the pathway is a secret door just to the right
  of the green key.  Look for some strange texturing near the floor.
  In it, you will find a mystic urn; it's not an official secret, though.
  Halfway along the pathway through the slime is a trigger line that opens
  some secret doors.  Walk along the pathway, and then walk back west to
  the pillar just to the left of the entrance.  Behind it you will find
  a secret door to the southwest room.  Walk through the door, and then
  look on the wall to your south for a newly opened door to a room
  with a bag of holding and a hellstaff (#2).

     E2M2: The Lava Pits
 1 127 < 3c00000, 1cb0000> (  960,   459)
  In the southeast is a room with two wedge-shaped lifts west of a river
  of slime.  (At the east side of the river is a pit with a lot of
  goodies, BTW.)  Go to the top of one of the lifts and get all the
  stuff up there.  When you're done, stand in the middle of the
  western ledge and jump off to the west.  This will open a door to
  your south, at the edge of the dark area; through the door you will
  find a shadowsphere (#1).  Watch your back, though.
 2  31 < 3e00000, 8190000> (  992,  2073)
 3  46 < 7600000, 5300000> ( 1888,  1328)
  To the east of the green door is a staircase leading to a room with
  strange lighting on the floor.  In the northwest corner of this room
  is a secret door to a room with ammo and a hellstaff.  In the northeast
  corner of the strangely-lit room is a staircase leading down to a ledge
  overlooking the room with the river of slime.  In the northeast corner
  of this room is a blue tapestry.  This marks a secret door leading to
  a tome, a quiver, and an egg.
 4   5 < 2830000, 6110000> (  643,  1553)
  The exit room has a secret door in the southeast corner; the door is opened
  by the same switch that reveals the exit teleporter.  The door leads to
  a room with ammo and a bag of holding (#4).  There is also a door to the
  south which leads to a teleporter to the river room.
 5 140 <fe990000, 3420000> ( -359,   834)
  After you get #4, a door will open south of the lava lake in the west.
  This leads to a room with an ironlich (#5), an enchanted shield, and
  an urn.

     E2M3: The River of Fire
  No official secrets.  The switch behind the blue key lowers two platforms
  with some goodies on them at the bottom of the two lavafalls (for lack of
  a better word) down the west and east steps from your starting point.
  One platform has a phoenix rod, and the other has an urn.

     E2M4: The Ice Grotto
 1 207 < 1ae0000,fda80000> (  430,  -600)
  In the middle of the starting area, along the boundary between the
  annoying ice and the lava, you will find a niche with a low ceiling,
  southeast of the egg.  In it, you will find a crossbow.  Entering the
  niche will open an area to the north containing a tome (#1).
 2 112 < 3280000,ef440000> (  808, -4284)
  Just past the blue door is a trigger line which opens a door to the
  secret exit.  After opening the blue door, walk down the first few steps
  and then come back (or clear out that area if you want, but don't take
  the exit you find there).  Go get the wings if you haven't already;
  they're in the room northeast of the little pillar that had the
  torch on it; the door to this building opens when you get the blue key.
  After getting the wings, a door will open revealing a teleporter in
  the northeast part of the blue key building (just south of the building
  with the wings).  This will teleport you back up to the ramparts overlooking
  the starting area.  (I suppose you could just use the wings if you want.)
  Jump down to the southeast and go through the yellow door.  In the south
  part of the room is an open door leading to a short hallway (#2) which
  takes you to the exit to level 9.  By the way, the teleporters in this
  room take you up to the towers west and east of the entrance.  The south
  end of each tower overlooks a stained glass window which has a fire orb
  on it; jump down to get it.

     E2M5: The Catacombs
 1 140 <f8010000,fbb70000> (-2047, -1097)
  On the east side of the map is a series of waterfalls leading down to
  a room with an ironlich.  Just before you jump down into this room,
  you will see a switch to your north.  Hit the switch, then jump down
  and take one of the teleporters that just lowered.  This will take you
  to the northeast corner of the room.  West of you is an opening to
  the north, leading to an area with mace spheres and a tome (#1).
 2 206 <f7a00000, 1500000> (-2144,   336)
  Behind the green door you will find a staircase with six pictures
  of cloaked figures on either side.  The middle one on the right
  (the one that blinks) conceals a secret door to a niche with an
  inferno orb.  Once you get it, the other five pictures will open to
  reveal niches containing various other goodies and monsters.
 3  87 <fa000000, 3e00000> (-1536,   992)
  At the top of the steps past the green door is a platform with steps
  to the north and south of it.  At the bottom of the north set of steps
  is another secret door concealed by a picture of a cloaked figure.
  Behind this door is a teleporter to a small area with a phoenix
  rod (#3) and an enchanted shield; behind the shield is a secret door
  to an area with some ammo and a bag of holding.  On the east side of
  this area is a switch which lowers a lift (actually a waterfall)
  that takes you up to the top of the series of waterfalls on the east
  side of the map.  (Actually, you can get into the room with the bag
  from the east side, too; just hit the switch to lower the waterfall,
  jump down, and walk west.  You can't open the secret door to #3 from
  that side, though.)
 4  32 <fa070000,fe400000> (-1529,  -448)
 5  25 <fc690000,f9700000> ( -919, -1680)
  West of the platform with the blue key is a small area with wings and
  some mace spheres (#4); just jump across to the opening.  Then jump
  down into the slime.  (Now would be a good time to use the ring of
  invincibility.)  Then run south and go through the opening to the
  southwest.  In it, you will find ammo, a hellstaff (#5), a ring of
  invincibility (to replace the one you just used?), and various monsters.
  There is also a teleporter back to the starting area.
 6  63 <fe3f0000,ff630000> ( -449,  -157)
  After getting the green key, go back to the top of the series of
  waterfalls at the east end of the map.  Jump down to the area below
  the first waterfall.  North of the yellow door you will see a door
  which opened after you hit the switch behind the yellow door.
  Through this door is an area with some ammo and a tome.  Also, if
  you got the green key, there will be an opening to an area with more
  ammo and a chaos device (#6).

 The starting area has a dragon claw in it.  Go up the first set of steps
 leading north, and then jump down to the southeast.

     E2M6: The Labyrinth
 1 242 <fe2a0000,  560000> ( -470,    86)
 2 233 < 7560000, 1560000> ( 1878,   342)
 3  65 < 8560000,f82a0000> ( 2134, -2006)
 4  37 <ff2a0000,f72a0000> ( -214, -2262)
  In each of the four corners of the area surrounding the maze, you will
  find a small area with a door and a picture of a cloaked figure.  When
  you walk through the door (or, in the case of the northwest one, out into
  the ice hallway surrounding the maze) the cloaked figure will raise up
  to reveal a secret room.  The northwest one contains gauntlets (#1);
  the northeast one contains a bag (#2); the southeast one contains a
  ring of invincibility (#3); and the southwest one contains a tome (#4).
 5 151 < 7880000,fca00000> ( 1928,  -864)
  In the hallway east of the maze is a picture of a figure wearing a
  loincloth; this picture conceals a secret door to an egg and a shield.
 6  21 <ff060000,f6180000> ( -250, -2536)
 7  30 <fd150000,f64e0000> ( -747, -2482)
  South of the blue key is a teleporter.  When you take the
  teleporter, a secret door will be opened, south of the green door,
  on the west wall.  This area (#6) leads back to the area near the
  start; it contains ammo and an enchanted shield.  At the west end of
  this area is a bright patch of wall; walk up to it, and it will open
  to reveal a disciple or two and a phoenix rod (#7).

     E2M7: The Great Hall
 1  30 <f7780000,f5890000> (-2184, -2679)
  In the south area of the map is an area with some crates.  In the
  northeast corner is a staircase leading down to the north; when you
  get to the bottom of it, a door will open to the west of the crates
  room; behind it you will find ammo, health, and time bombs (#1).
 2 156 <fbdc0000,f8800000> (-1060, -1920)
  The blue door room has two ledges to the north and south; each one has
  a lift on the east side.  Go up the south lift, and go to the west end
  of the ledge.  Stand back a bit, and then walk west over the side;
  you should land on the ledge on the west side of the room.  The west
  wall is a secret door to an area with ammo and a tome (#2).
 3  72 < 11b0000,f30b0000> (  283, -3317)
  The south ledge of the blue door room has an opening to the south;
  when you walk through it into the next room, a door will open on the
  south side of it.  Go through the door; you'll find ammo and a ring
  through there (#3).
 4 106 <f8c70000,  d50000> (-1849,   213)
  Getting the blue key opens a door to a small area west of the green
  door.  Hit the switch in this area; it will open a door to the
  northeast, which leads down to a slimy area to the north, where
  you'll find ammo, a phoenix rod (#4) and an enchanted shield.  There
  is also a path to the east which leads to the area just northwest of
  the starting point.  There is a switch there which lowers a lift which
  takes you back up to the start; on top of the switch is a shadowsphere.

     E2M8: The Portals of Chaos
 1  34 <f3d00000,ff000000> (-3120,  -256)
  In the west area of the map is a platform with a crossbow.  Get the
  crossbow, and then walk behind the wall to the west of it.  There
  you'll find a chamber with mace spheres, wings, urn, and
  an enchanted shield (#1).
 2  73 < b000000,ff130000> ( 2816,  -237)
  In the south area of the map is a platform with a dragon claw; get it.
  Then go northeast to the east part of the map, and go behind the wall;
  there, you will find mace spheres, a chaos device, a shadowsphere,
  and a bag (#2).

     E2M9: The Glacier
 1 170 <ffbf0000,fcdf0000> (  -65,  -801)
  From the start, go down the first three sets of steps, then back up
  two sets, then walk into the area to the west.  There you will find
  a quiver and a bag.
 2  97 <  800000, abd0000> (  128,  2749)
  In the north area of the map is a large ice "staircase".  The north
  side of the room has three stained glass windows.  Walk up to one of
  them, and they will open to reveal lots of goodies (#2).
 3  68 <fd400000, 4b00000> ( -704,  1200)
  Southwest of the ice staircase is a stained glass window.  Standing
  on the staircase, you can run southwest and land on the edge of it.
  When you do, the window will open, revealing an ironlich and a possible
  mace (#3).
 4  93 <  600000, e050000> (   96,  3589)
  After you get the yellow key, don't get the teleporter to the east;
  instead, jump down and go through one of the doors in the northeast
  and northwest corners of the room.  Hit the switch back there, then go
  to the northwest corner of the area, jump down into the passage,
  where you see the banner, and take the teleporter at the end of the
  passage.  Here you will find a tome, wings, arrows (#4), and a
  teleporter back to the starting room.
 5 162 < 1a00000,fa600000> (  416, -1440)
  Go through the green door, walk to the south end of the hallway,
  then walk west to the other hallway; just to the northwest is a
  secret door, on the west wall, right by the step.  Walk up to it,
  and it will open to reveal a ring of invincibility (#5).
 6  33 < 2800000, 1400000> (  640,   320)
  Go through the green door, walk to the south end of the hallway, then
  walk to the north end of the passage to the west; this passage ends
  at an urn.  Walk east of the urn, and then walk up to the north wall
  to reveal a hellstaff (#6).
 7  64 < 3a00000, 3e00000> (  928,   992)
  The room on the east side of the map, the room with the lava pool,
  has a secret door in the northwest corner, south of the stairs,
  between the skulls on poles.  Behind it is a teleporter to a small
  room; the south side of the room has a secret door to a room with a
  phoenix rod (#7).  The north side of the room has a secret door to
  the ice staircase room.  There is also a teleporter to a small room.
  This room has a secret door on the east side to the lava pool room;
  it also has a tome in multiplayer mode.
 8 145 <ff090000,fa080000> ( -247, -1528)
 9 134 < 9700000,fe600000> ( 2416,  -416)
  After you enter the exit room, a secret door will open to the south,
  revealing two teleporters.  The west one goes to a room with ammo and
  a map (#8); the east one goes to an area east of the lava pool, with
  an urn (#9) and health and ammo.

4-3-3 Episode three

     E3M1: The Storehouse
 1 139 < 6400000,f8f00000> ( 1600, -1808)
  The ring of invincibility, which is on a platform northeast of the
  lake with the ironlich.  Use the wings to get it.
 2 108 < 4880000,f1600000> ( 1160, -3744)
  Just north of the exit teleporter is a room with a secret door on the
  east side.  Open it to reveal a hellstaff.

 1  62 < 3d20000, 4310000> (  978,  1073)
  Go through the east yellow door, go down to the east end of the hallway,
  and go north; behind the banner is a secret door to a room with a shield
  and a bag (#1).
 2 111 < 1900000,  780000> (  400,   120)
  There is an area in the southeast with various goodies on crates,
  including a map up on a ledge; get the map, then open the secret door
  just to the west of it to reveal a ring of invincibility.
 3 142 <fe700000,  780000> ( -400,   120)
  Standing north of the blue door, go west, then go north through the
  first opening until you see a banner to the east; behind the banner
  is a secret door to a phoenix rod.

     E3M3: The Confluence
 1 132 < 5fd0000,fe800000> ( 1533,  -384)
  Go through the yellow door and go to the end of the hallway.  At the
  end of the hallway is a secret door to the west which reveals a crossbow.
 2  71 < 1840000, 4a00000> (  388,  1184)
  Go through the east green door, and go north until you come to a
  door to the east.  Go through the door, and go down the steps to the
  south.  When you hit the bottom of the first set of steps, you will
  see a yellow symbol on the wall, marking a secret door to a tome
 3  72 < 1ae0000, 5730000> (  430,  1395)
  Go through the east green door, and go north until you come to a
  door to the east.  Go through the door, and go through the door to
  the east.  Then look south behind the health; there's a secret door
  there to a room with a bag of holding (#3).
 4  57 <ff4a0000, 4950000> ( -182,  1173)
  Go through the west green door, and get the quartz flask you see in
  the southeast corner of the room.  Then go back through the green
  door.  East of the river will be a newly opened door to the north
  to an area with an urn (#4).
 5  24 <fba80000, bf20000> (-1112,  3058)
  Go through the blue door, then go north up the steps.  You'll enter
  a room with a banner between two switches on the north end.
  The banner has a secret door behind it to a room with some gauntlets (#5).
 6 177 <f8c80000, 2400000> (-1848,   576)
  Through the blue door, and to the south, is a room with a crushing
  ceiling.  West of the crushing ceiling is a red banner on the wall,
  with a secret door behind it revealing a tome (#6).
 7 187 <f90b0000,  180000> (-1781,    24)
  South of the crushing ceiling room is a set of stairs.  Go up both
  sets of stairs; at the top, you will find a secret door to the north,
  revealing a room with some wings (#7).
 8 144 <ffd30000,f9200000> (  -45, -1760)
 9 140 <ffe80000,f9600000> (  -24, -1696)
  There are two sets of stairs that lead to the exit.  The east one has
  a secret door on the west wall, at the bottom of the stairs; open it
  to reveal a map (#8), and a switch which lowers a lift with a hellstaff
  and a tome (#9).  You can also reach #9 from the secret door just to the
  east of your starting point.

     E3M4: The Azure Fortress
 1  67 <fd8b0000,ffb20000> ( -629,   -78)
 2 113 <  f50000,ffb20000> (  245,   -78)
  Take the first teleporter you come to; it will take you back to the
  starting room.  At this point, you will be able to walk into the
  pools to the west and east.  The west pool (#1) has wings, and
  the east pool (#2) has a tome.
 3 212 <fe200000, cda0000> ( -480,  3290)
  North of the first teleporter is a room with a pool, with steps at
  the north end leading down into it.  After you walk off the steps, a
  secret door will open to the north.  Go back up the steps and get
  the health and shadowsphere (#3).  When you get the crossbow on the
  south side of the pool, a door opens on the south side of the
  structure to the south of the pool, revealing a bag of holding, a
  quiver, and ammo.
 4 180 < 3c60000, 9830000> (  966,  2435)
  To the east of the pool room is a room with three dark cages with
  knights in them.  Go through the southeast door, and go east and then
  north up the first set of steps.  There is a secret door to the north
  between the torches.  Inside it is some health and ammo (#4).
 5 199 <  e90000, d670000> (  233,  3431)
  West of the crushing ceiling is a hallway which narrows at two
  points.  At the second narrowing is a secret door to the south, marked
  with a yellow symbol.  Open it to reveal a room with ammo, a torch,
  and a tome (#5).
 6 104 < 1960000, 1410000> (  406,   321)
 7  79 <ff790000, 1e10000> ( -135,   481)
 8 115 < 5360000, 1e00000> ( 1334,   480)
 9  94 <ff150000, 4c80000> ( -235,  1224)
10  58 <fc670000, 4d10000> ( -921,  1233)
  Get the green key, and then go back to the yellow door.  You can now
  go north down the steps.  The bottom of the staircase (#6) is dark,
  but has a light area to the west with a hellstaff.  Just to the west
  of the hellstaff is a secret door to an area with time bombs and
  ammo (#7).  When you open the secret door, another secret area opens
  to the east of the dark area; this contains some health (#8) and a
  teleporter to an area with an enchanted shield (#9) and another
  teleporter to an area with an egg (#10) and a secret door which
  leads to the pool room.

11   6 <fa5c0000,  100000> (-1444,    16)
12   8 <fa5c0000, 1b00000> (-1444,   432)
13  68 <fc860000, 1000000> ( -890,   256)
  Behind the green door is an area which overlooks a pool to the west
  with a number of ironliches.  To the south of this pool is a hallway
  which leads east to a room with a low ceiling and a phoenix rod.  In
  the north and south corners of this room are secret doors on the
  west wall, which lead to some monster pens with ammo (#11, #12).
  After getting the phoenix rod, walk back and clean out the monster
  pens east of the pool.  Also, on the way back from the phoenix rod
  room, north of the octagonal room, you will see a passage which
  leads to a switch.  Hit the switch; this switch opens the door to
  the exit, which is east of the pool room to the north of the green
  and yellow doors.  It also opens the way to the secret exit, which
  seems easier to find than the real exit.  To get to the secret exit,
  go back east to the room with the low ceiling.  There will be a
  passage open to the east (#13) which leads to the secret exit, which
  takes you to level 9.

     E3M5: The Ophidian Lair
 1 114 <ffe00000,fd2b0000> (  -32,  -725)
 2 101 <ff200000,f9880000> ( -224, -1656)
 3  73 < 3240000, 4240000> (  804,  1060)
  The yellow key room has a number of pillars.  The two westmost pillars
  have switches on their west side.  The north switch opens a secret
  door on the north side of the room, which leads to a room with ammo,
  health, and a torch (#1); the south switch opens a door on the south wall
  which leads to a hellstaff (#2).  Getting the yellow key causes three
  doors to open to the north, south, and west; walking through one of the
  open doors causes the stained glass windows at the far east side of
  the room to raise up.  Run back there and take the teleporter, which
  takes you an area northeast of the starting room (#3) with lots of
  goodies, and some very nasty monsters.
 4  84 < 2d80000,  380000> (  728,    56)
  Go through the door east of the green key; it leads to a hallway with
  some niches to the west and east, with dark patches between them.
  The west niche in the middle is larger than the others; walking into
  it will reveal a secret door to the west which leads to some monster
  pens with ammo and time bombs (#4), and a teleporter to a shadowsphere.

     E3M6: The Halls of Fear
 1  23 <fb400000, 6020000> (-1216,  1538)
 2   9 <fa970000, 3d40000> (-1385,   980)
  West of the yellow door is a hallway with two switches at the west end.
  Hit both switches; some doors will open to the north and south.
  The area to the north has ammo and a shield (#1); the area to the
  south has ammo and an urn (#2).
 3 213 <f7a80000,fc450000> (-2136,  -955)
  Southwest of the blue door is a walk-through wall, just between the
  banners.  Behind the wall is a hallway (#3) leading to some ammo,
  an egg, and those annoying ophidians that have been shooting at you.
 4  11 <fc800000, 3600000> ( -896,   864)
 5  74 <fba40000,fc200000> (-1116,  -992)
 6  85 <fef00000,fb740000> ( -272, -1164)
 7  54 < 1e90000,fac20000> (  489, -1342)
  After you hit the switches mentioned in #1, run south from your
  starting point to reach the staircase to the south.  (You can also
  get here by going through the opening east of the exit.)  Go to the
  west side of the pool and walk north over the three red patches.
  After you cross the second red patch, a door will open to the west.
  Go west through the door, and go up the steps; in the room at the
  top of the steps, you will see a small room to the east with a bag
  of holding (#4).  Now go back and get the phoenix rod, southwest of
  the pool in the starting area.  Some doors will open to the west and
  south, with some goodies inside.  Then go through one of the windows
  to the left or right of the phoenix rod.  There's a map in there
  (#5).  In the south part of the room is a staircase leading down to
  the east.  At the bottom of the staircase is a secret lift to the
  north (#6), which takes you up to an area with a bag of holding and
  time bombs.  If you go east from the bottom of the staircase, you
  will come to a secret door, which opens to reveal an area with an
  urn, a bag of holding, and some mace spheres (#7).
 8 122 <f6d00000, 2e00000> (-2352,   736)
 9 223 <f6d00000,fee00000> (-2352,  -288)
  Go through the green door and walk into the water; this will open some
  secret doors west of the hallway you just left.  Go back and go into
  the secret areas to the north and south; they contain some ammo,
  a possible mace, a shadowsphere (#8), and a tome (#9).

10 107 <f9aa0000, 2080000> (-1622,   520)
  Go to the top of the steps at the south side of the maulotaur pool
  east of the green door.  This will lower the pool, revealing an area
  to the north (#10).  It contains wings, ammo, and a teleporter back
  up to the top of the steps.

 In the west side of the pool in the starting area, in the northwest
 corner, is a quiver.  West of the quiver is a secret door which
 contains a ring of invincibility and a teleporter to a ledge in the
 east part of the pool, which has a hellstaff, some ammo, and health.

     E3M7: The Chasm
 1  21 <   00000,16070000> (    0,  5639)
  North of the yellow door is a room with a ledge on the north side.
  You can get to it from the first step to the west or east.  Once on
  the ledge, you can open the door to the north, which reveals a
  switch (#1).  Hit the switch to reveal a teleporter to the west,
  which takes you to an energy orb and a dragon claw.
 2 160 < 1230000, 59c0000> (  291,  1436)
 3 147 <   00000, 5130000> (    0,  1299)
  Southwest of the green door is a room with four teleporters.  After you
  take the two north teleporters, take the southeast one; this will take
  you to the green key.  To the south of green key is a secret door which
  reveals some time bombs (#2).  The southwest teleporter is not really
  a teleporter; once you walk over it, it opens an area to the south
  (#3) with a hellstaff.
 4 173 < 1280000, 3840000> (  296,   900)
  On the way to the windy chasm in the south part of the map is a
  staircase with a pool at the bottom.  Just to the south of the pool
  is an area with a torch to the east; just opposite the torch is a
  secret door to a phoenix rod (#4).
 5 192 <f9ce0000,  a40000> (-1586,   164)
 6 205 < 4fe0000,fb580000> ( 1278, -1192)
  At the south end of the chasm are a pair of wings and a blue key.
  Use the wings to fly to the west and east sides of the chasm; there are
  some paths there which lead to all sorts of neat stuff in the areas
  which look out into the chasm (#5, #6).
 7 162 < 3800000, 6440000> (  896,  1604)
 8 178 < 2ae0000, 48c0000> (  686,  1164)
 9 200 < 75e0000, 4100000> ( 1886,  1040)
10 203 < 5fa0000, 2280000> ( 1530,   552)
  After getting the blue key, a bunch of secret areas open up in the
  area northeast of the chasm, southeast of the green door.  There is
  a chaos device (#7), a map (#8), a tome (#9), and an urn (#10).

 Up the stairs to the east of the yellow door is a room which has a
 passage to the south which leads to a switch.  When you hit the
 switch, some knights are revealed to the south.  The room they're in
 has an opening in the southwest corner; go through this opening to
 get some goodies.

     E3M8: D'Sparil's Keep
 1   6 < 4240000, 5e00000> ( 1060,  1504)
  There are four teleporters in the starting area.  Just southeast of
  the northeast one is a secret door; look for a weird texture near
  the floor.  Open the door to reveal a bag of holding, a tome,
  a chaos device, and a quartz flask (#1).
 2   3 < 3800000, 7440000> (  896,  1860)
 3  13 <  400000, 7440000> (   64,  1860)
  When you reach the exit building, go outside and follow the ledge
  around the building to the east.  At the south end of the ledge is
  a secret door which leads to an urn (#2) and a teleporter to the start.
  Follow the ledge around to the west side of the building to find
  another secret door at the south side of the ledge; open it to reveal
  a ring of invincibility (#3) and a teleporter to the north part of the

     E3M9: The Aquifer
 1  86 < 4e90000,fac40000> ( 1257, -1340)
 2  81 < 6740000,fc7a0000> ( 1652,  -902)
  Go through the yellow door, and then walk east; you will find a dark
  area that blinks on occasionally.  There is a secret door to the
  north, which leads to a chaos device and a possible firemace (#1).
  Now walk down the hallway to the east, and then go north; one part
  of the hallway is blinking.  There is a secret door to the west here
  which leads to ammo and a ring of invincibility (#2).
 3  17 < 4590000, 4ed0000> ( 1113,  1261)
 4  47 < 3360000, 5e00000> (  822,  1504)
  Behind the green door is a room with four vials on four red squares;
  get one of them, and then go through the door which opens up to the
  northwest to get the dragon claw you see through the window (#3).
  Then go north down the stairs and open the secret door to the west,
  marked with a yellow symbol.  Behind the secret door are some
  gauntlets (#4).
 5  70 <fce40000,fdc40000> ( -796,  -572)
  The exit door is in a moat-enclosed area.  In the south part of
  this area is a teleporter with a pair of wings on it.  The teleporter
  takes you to the moat (#5), which has lots of cool stuff in it--
  ammo, a tome, a shield, and a teleporter back to the start.
 4  71 <fd200000,fb5b0000> ( -736, -1189)
 5  76 <fd200000,fa960000> ( -736, -1386)
  After you reach the exit door, a door will open west of the starting
  room.  There you will find an orb, a shield, and an urn (#4);
  a door will open to the south revealing a possible mace (#5).

 The only secret in this level is that it exists.  Start the
 game and type "engage41" to get here; it's a deathmatch level.
 You can also start the game with the arguments "-warp 4 1".


4-4 Monster count

        This list is for smitemeister, single-player mode only.  

                Episode One: City of the Damned
         Level               1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  Tot
         Gargoyle           23  82  42  49  44  32  42   6  25  345
         Fire Gargoyle       .   .  18  14  12  11  16   3  11   85
         Golem              18  52  35  28  30  53  61   .   .  277
         Golem Ghost         .   .   .   .   .   2   5   .  28   35
         Nitrogolem          .   .   .   7   6  13   7  16   .   49
         Nitrogolem Ghost    .   .   .   .   1   1   1  14  27   44
         Warrior             3  19  21   8  18  18  26   6   .  119
         Warrior Ghost       .   .   1   .   .   .   1   .  20   22
         Disciple            .   .   .   3  10   9   3  14   2   41
         Ironlich            .   .   .   .   .   .   .   3   .    3
         Total              44 153 117 109 121 139 162  62 113 1020

                     Episode Two: Hell's Maw
         Level               1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  Tot
         Gargoyle           25  38  24  53  39  42  46   .  32  299
         Fire Gargoyle       8   8   4  10  11  16   8  22   9   96
         Golem               .   5   .   .   .  14   4   .   .   23
         Nitrogolem          .   .   .   .   .   3   3   8   8   22
         Nitrogolem Ghost    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   3   .    3
         Warrior             .  12   .   .   .   .   1   5   5   23
         Warrior Ghost       .   3   .   .   .   .   .   .   1    4
         Disciple            .   6  11  12   4   6   2  10  23   74
         Ironlich            .   1   .   1   1   1   1   1   2    8
         Sabreclaw           .  30  35  11  23  14  36   4  17  170
         Weredragon         12   4  18  24  18  15  19   7  20  137
         Maulotaur           .   .   .   .   .   .   .   3   .    3
         Total              45 107  92 111  96 111 120  63 117  862

                Episode Three: The Dome of D'Sparil
       Level               1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  Tot E1-3
       Gargoyle           37  33  26  39  26  28  19   8   .  216  860
       Fire Gargoyle      12  17  15  16   5   8  11   .  28  112  293
       Golem               .   3  16  13   .   8   8   .   2   50  350
       Golem Ghost         .   .   3   .   .   .   .   .   .    3   38
       Nitrogolem          .   1  10   7   .   7   4   7   9   45  116
       Nitrogolem Ghost    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   2    2   49
       Warrior             1   .   5  16   .   4   7   .  14   47  189
       Warrior Ghost       3   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    3   29
       Disciple            4  16  10  15  10  10   6   2  15   88  203
       Ironlich            2   1   2   3   2   4   5   1   6   26   37
       Sabreclaw          10  14  28  24  38  11  33   .   .  158  328
       Weredragon          6   3   6  14   .  10   6   .   5   50  187
       Ophidian            3  11  15  12  21  14  17   3   9  105  105
       Maulotaur           .   .   .   .   1   1   1   .   .    3    6
       D'Sparil            .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   .    1    1
       Total              78  99 136 159 103 105 117  22  90  909 2791
4-5 Item count

     This chart shows where the following items appear in the game, and
how many times they occur in each level.  This chart is for Smitemeister
single-player mode only.

CB = Crossbow  GA = Gauntlets  DC = Dragon Claw
FM = Firemace Spot  PR = Phoenix Rod  HS = Hellstaff
BG = Bag of Holding  EG = Egg  TB = Time Bomb
WG = Wings of Wrath  SS = Shadowsphere  RG = Ring of Invincibility
A1 = Silver Shield  A2 = Enchanted Shield
MP = Map Scroll  TM = Tome of Power  TR = Torch  CD = Chaos Device
CC = Crushing Ceiling  T1 = One-way Teleporter  T2 = Two-way Teleporter

     Note that there can't be more than one firemace on each level.  In
each level with a firemace, there are a number of possible locations
for it; the FM column shows how many possibilities there are.  When
you start a level, the location is chosen randomly; the other
locations are filled in with weredragons (in E2) or ophidians (in E3).

T1 T2 Total
E1M1:  1  1  .  .  .  .   1  .  .  .  .  .  1  .   .  1  .  .   .   2  .    7
E1M2:  1  1  1  .  .  .   1  .  5  1  1  .  1  .   1  2  1  .   2   .  .   18
E1M3:  1  1  1  .  .  .   1  1  .  .  1  .  1  .   .  2  1  .   .   3  .   13
E1M4:  1  1  1  .  .  .   .  1  .  .  1  .  1  .   1  2  1  .   1   1  .   12
E1M5:  1  1  1  .  .  .   1  1  4  2  1  1  2  .   1  3  2  .   .   4  .   25
E1M6:  1  1  1  .  .  .   2  1  7  1  1  1  3  .   1  3  1  .   .   3  1   28
E1M7:  1  1  1  .  .  .   1  1  4  1  1  .  2  .   1  2  2  .   5   3  .   26
E1M8:  1  1  1  .  .  .   2  1  .  2  1  3  1  .   .  2  .  .   .   3  .   18
E1M9:  1  1  1  .  .  .   1  1  4  1  1  1  1  .   1  2  1  .   .   .  .   17

E2M1:  1  .  1  .  .  1   1  .  .  1  1  .  1  .   .  1  1  .   .   2  .   11
E2M2:  1  1  1  .  .  1   2  1  .  1  1  1  2  1   1  3  .  1   .   1  .   19
E2M3:  1  1  1  3  1  1   1  .  6  1  1  1  1  1   .  2  .  1   .   .  .   23
E2M4:  1  1  1  .  1  1   2  1  3  1  1  .  1  1   1  3  1  1   .   4  .   25
E2M5:  1  1  1  .  1  1   1  1  .  1  1  1  1  1   1  3  1  1   .  13  .   31
E2M6:  1  1  1  4  2  1   1  1  4  1  1  1  1  1   1  2  .  1   .   2  .   27
E2M7:  1  1  1  .  1  1   1  1  5  1  1  1  1  1   1  2  1  1   .   .  .   22
E2M8:  1  1  1  .  1  1   1  1  8  2  1  1  1  1   .  1  .  1   8   5  .   36
E2M9:  1  1  2  4  1  1   1  1  7  1  1  1  1  1   1  2  2  1   .   9  .   39

E3M1:  .  1  1  .  .  1   1  .  .  1  1  1  1  .   1  1  1  1   .   .  .   12
E3M2:  1  1  1  5  1  1   2  1  8  1  1  1  1  1   1  2  1  1   .   4  .   35
E3M3:  1  1  1  6  1  2   1  .  4  1  1  1  1  1   1  4  1  1   1   1  1   32
E3M4:  1  1  1  .  1  1   1  2  4  1  1  1  2  2   1  2  3  1   1   3  .   30
E3M5:  1  1  1  .  1  1   1  1  4  .  1  1  2  1   1  2  1  1   .   1  1   23
E3M6:  1  1  1  6  1  2   3  1  4  1  1  1  1  1   1  2  .  1   .   4  .   33
E3M7:  1  1  1  .  1  1   2  1  4  3  2  1  1  1   1  3  2  1   .   8  .   35
E3M8:  1  1  1  .  1  1   1  .  .  2  1  1  1  1   .  2  .  1   .   9  .   24
E3M9:  1  1  1  4  1  1   1  1  .  1  1  1  2  1   1  2  1  1   1   2  1   26

Total:26 26 27 32 16 20  34 21 85 29 27 22 35 17  20 58 25 17  19  87  4  647

4-6 Where can I find information about Heretic?

        These are some USENET newsgroups that may contain some information
about Heretic.


        You may find related information on IRC channel #doom


5-1 What is a Multiplayer game?

note: I won't go into the details of multiplaying and such, if you want more 
      information read the "Official DOOM FAQ" as stated above.  

        A multiplayer game is when you play a game of Heretic with another
person.  You can play multiplayer games over a LAN (Local Area Network) using
an IPX network.  You can also play head to head games through a modem or a 
serial connection.  There are also certain BBS' that have special software 
that allow you to call them and play a modem game with up to 4 people.

5-2 What is Deathmatch play

        Deathmatch play is when you are playing a multiplayer game and the 
object is to kill the other people.  When you kill another person you get a 
FRAG.  The rules for Deathmatch games may vary, some people may just play for
a while to see who gets the most frags, and others may do something completely  

5-3 What is Cooperative play?

        Cooperative play is where you and whoever else is playing fight 
together to beat the game.  This is almost the same as when you play by 
yourself, but with more people.

5-4 Hey! This is cool, where can I find more people? 

        You can find people to play on IRC channel: #doom

        You can also find some of the USENET groups listed above.


note: This is the troubleshooting section directly out of the Heretic 

        If you require technical assistance to run Heretic, call id Software's 
technical support line at (303) 339-7111 or e-mail help@idsoftware.com.
        If possible, please be near your computer when calling id Software's 
technical support. Please have information regarding your system setup and 
configuration available. 

        Before changing your system or software setup we recommend that you 
review your system manuals to ensure that your modifications will not endanger 
any existing information or hardware on you system or network. Modifying your 
system or your software setup can be dangerous, and we cannot help you with 
any resulting problems.

When Heretic runs, I get an "Insufficient Memory" error or Heretic just 
doesn't run.

        You don't have enough free RAM to run Heretic.  This usually happens 
with 4Mb RAM machines -- you need about 3Mb of free RAM to run Heretic. If 
you have DOS 6 or later, boot your system and hold the left-shift key as the 
"Starting MS-DOS..." message appears. This will bare-boot your system and you 
must change to the Heretic directory and run Heretic. Your best bet is to 
make a CONFIG.SYS menu for a custom Heretic boot -- see page 97 in your 
MS-DOS 6 User's Manual.   If you have DOS 5.0 or earlier, you must create a 
bare boot disk.        

Note: Do not use memory managers like EMM386, QEMM, etc.
Do not use disk caching programs like SMARTDRV, etc.

I get a "WRITE ERROR" while Heretic is decompressing.

        You are using a disk compression program such as STACKER or 
DOUBLESPACE. These utilities try to make an "educated" <ahem> guess as to how 
much disk space you have left.  Obviously, they're wrong.  Delete some big 
games that are chewing up hard drive space, like any Wolf-alikes or 
DOOM-alikes. :D

The Windows SETUP program runs after installation.

        Heretic did not install to your hard drive, probably due to 
insufficient disk space.  See above answer for a solution.

My GUS doesn't work.

        The default IRQ for a GUS is 11. Heretic doesn't handle IRQ's above 7.  
Change this with your GUS setup program.

I can't get digital sound from my Sound Blaster compatible sound card.

        You are experiencing a DMA conflict. You may have a CD-ROM or hard 
drive on the same DMA channel that you specified in Heretic's SETUP program. 
Change the DMA channel of the sound card or offending device.

Heretic locks up before I see the title screen or at the title screen.

        You need to turn "Hidden Refresh" off in your CMOS Advanced Chipset 
settings. If you're using RAMBIOS.SYS, you must remove it from your 
CONFIG.SYS. Make sure you also turn off any Hardware Video Shadowing 
(also found in CMOS settings.) 

Heretic runs really slow, locks or "pauses" on a fast system.

        Some systems have a option in the CMOS setup for switching the speed 
of the PC from the keyboard. This is the "Turbo Switch" or "Turbo Switching" 
option. Disable this setting and your problem should be fixed.

I hear static when listening to Heretic with my Sound Blaster (or compatible) 

        Run SBP-MIX (in your SBPRO directory) and turn down Line and Mic 
volumes to 0.

I still hear static, or my sound effects are breaking up.

        Disconnect any parallel port devices. (Sound cards, to work with 
Heretic, must use IRQ5 or IRQ7, which are used by LPT2 and LPT1 -- where 
printers are connected.)

I can't get sound on my ATI Stereo FX card.

        Contact ATI for a BIOS upgrade.

Heretic is too dark to see anything.

        On some monitors, Heretic may be too dark to play. Press F-11 to 
improve the view.

Why can't I get music or sound effects?

        If you're not hearing sound effects and/or music, Heretic may have 
incorrect information regarding your sound card. Run the SETUP program to 
check if Heretic has the correct information on your sound card. 

Note: Heretic only supports IRQ numbers which or 7 or below.  Be sure you set 
your sound card to an IRQ number which is 7 or below. Refer to your sound 
card manual for details on setting your IRQ number. 

Note: This is particularly important for Gravis Ultra Sound users because 
the standard default for the GUS card is 11.

How can I run Heretic under OS/2?

        The ideal Heretic-OS/2 system is a 486/66 with at least 8MB of RAM. 
In order to get Heretic up and running, first copy a program object to the 
desktop from the templates folder. For details on this procedure, please 
refer to your OS/2 Manual.  Once you have the program path and optional 
command line arguments set up for the program object, you will need to edit 
the DOS session settings. 

        In order to get Heretic up and running, first copy a program object
to the desktop from the templates folder. For details on this procedure, 
please refer to your OS/2 Manual.

        Once you have the program path and optional command line arguments
set up for the program object, you will need to edit the DOS session settings. 
Heretic will NOT run in a DOS window.

The DOS settings are as follows:

Setting:                        Value:
COM_DIRECT_ACCESS               ON
COM_HOLD                        OFF
COM_SELECT                      ALL
DOS_BREAK                       OFF
DOS_DEVICE                      *DRIVE:\OS2\MDOS\LPTDD.SYS 
DOS_FCBS                        16
DOS_FCBS_KEEP                   8 
DOS_FILES                       20 
DOS_HIGH                        OFF
DOS_LASTDRIVE                   Z 
DOS_RMSIZE                      640 
DOS_SHELL                       *DRIVE:\OS2\MDOS\COMMAND.COM 
DOS_STARTUP_DRIVE               *** 
DOS_UMB                         OFF 
DOS_VERSION                     *** 
DPMI_DOS_API                    DISABLED
DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT               4 
EMS_LOW_OS_MAP_REGION           0 
EMS_MEMORY_LIMIT                0 
HW_NOSOUND                      OFF 
HW_ROM_TO_RAM                   OFF 
HW_TIMER                        ON
IDLE_SECONDS                    0 
IDLE_SENSITIVITY                100 
INT_DURING_IO                   ON 
KBD_BUFFER_EXTEND               ON 
KBD_CTRL_BYPASS                 NONE 
KBD_RATE_LOCK                   OFF
MEM_EXCLUDE_REGIONS             *** 
MEM_INCLUDE_REGIONS             *** 
PRINT_TIMEOUT                   15 
VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP          OFF 
VIDEO_FASTPASTE                 OFF 
**VIPX_ENABLED                  ON 
XMS_HANDLES                     0 
XMS_MEMORY_LIMIT                0 
XMS_MINIMUM_HMA                 0

*DRIVE = The drive your OS/2 system files are located on.  
**Only required for Network play 
*** Leave as default

During startup, the Heretic startup stops at "looking for node..."

        This occurs when you enter a number of players greater than the 
amount of players actually entering the game. For example, if you only have 
three players playing, but you tell Heretic to expect four players, it will 
wait until the fourth player starts the game. Press ESC to exit and restart 
the game with the correct number of players. 

I'm receiving the error, "IPX NETWORK NOT DETECTED."

        Currently, Heretic only supports a network that uses the IPX 
protocol. If you receive this message, check your network manual to ensure 
your network uses the IPX protocol. 

I've received the message, "CONSISTENCY FAILURE" while running Heretic.

        For Heretic to run properly as a multiplayer game, all of the 
machines that are running Heretic must maintain a nearly identical status of 
the game during network play. If you receive this message, something has 
occurred which caused the multiplayer game on one computer to be different 
from the multiplayer games running on the other systems. If this occurs, all 
of the players must quit from Heretic and restart the game.

Why can't I get Heretic to run as a multiplayer game?

        If someone else is running Heretic in multiplayer you may receive a 
network port conflict. From the SETUP program, change Heretic to run under a 
different port. Consult with the person in charge of your network to receive 
a valid port address. 

Why isn't the animation smooth?

        If the animation isn't running smoothly on your system you should try 
reducing the window size. Refer to your Heretic manual for instructions on 
this options.  Or get a faster computer! :D

Why doesn't my mouse work with Heretic?

        If you renamed or commented-out information in your AUTOEXEC.BAT you 
may have removed the command which loads your mouse driver. Loading your 
mouse driver into DOS can be as simple as typing MOUSE and pressing ENTER at 
the command prompt. 

Why can't I find a plasma rifle, BFG 9000, Berserk power-up, or 
invulnerability power-up?

        Because you're playing Heretic, not DOOM or DOOM II. Please ask
us questions that make darn good sense.

Why can't I find the Hellstaff or Phoenix Rod or any of the other really cool 
power-ups I've heard about?

        Because you haven't bought the registered version of Heretic yet.
These awesome components of Heretic are available ONLY in the registered 
version.  Call 1-800-IDGAMES for a remedy.