Update to               : 8bitctf.wad
Advanced engine needed  : zDoom, zDaemon
Primary purpose         : Catch the flag.
Release date     : 
Title            : 8 Bits CTF
Filename         : 8bitctf.wad
Author           : G0dCells, Hobomaster, Nestea and SnowRobot
Email Adress     : emmanuel_rousseau at uqac dot ca
		   Snowbro email...

WWW        : http://ice.prohosting.com/kgf/8bitctf.shtml
Misc. Author Info       : Knights of the green flash map set.
Other Files By Author   : A lot by every authors.

Description: Robotron 2084 revenge, be warned!!!
	     This is intended to be a set of rapid Catch the flag maps. Some maps are standard and normals, but most
	     are played very quickly. Best experience when set with a time limit instead of score limit.

		A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic 
		seizures when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure 
		to certain patterns or background on a monitor
		or while playing video games may induce an epileptic seizure in these 
		individuals. Certain condition
		mey induce previously undetected epileptic symptoms even in persones 
		who have no history or prior
		seizures or epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your family, has en epileptic 
		condition, consult your physician 
		prior ro playing. If you experience any of the following symptoms while 
		playing 8bitDM -- dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, 
		disorientation, any involuntary movement, or convulsion -- IMMEDIATELY discontinue 
		fraggin' and consult your physician before resuming play.

	     For some reasons I didn't replaced any sounds, because it would make the file bigger
	     and not necesseraly better. There's a limit to respect in modification, since retro games were little i 
	     must keep it little.

	     Tryed to make a patch but it didn't worked...
Additionnal Credits to : Nestea for it's so great Marine Skin. Thank ya, it's so cool!	
			Hobomaster22 for the maps, and Snowbro for the awesome titlepic, menu pic too, 
			and fising some loops. 
			MasterOfDeath for the HUD and the first set of fonts.
			Skullers, Joker87 and SonicIce for intensive testing.
			Pickle965 for hosting 8bitDM and helping to the popularity of this theme.

			Id Software, zDaemon Staff
		      	Big thanks to all beta testers, I dont enumrate this time, there're too much, so
			thx to all zdaemon community for the support and appreciations. 
			Thanks you very much!

I hope you'll enjoy the new 1h00+ playtime! Here is the listing of song's trakers, so:

LUMPNAME     -- [Title] by Author
2020.xm	     -- [Starcast 2020] by Rez
ANALYSER.mod -- [Analyzer] by Emax
AUTOMAT.mod  -- [Automatik] by Rez & Karma
BEVOYAGE.mod -- [Beyond Voyage] by Pink of abyss
BLITZ.mod    -- [Blitz] by monty / analog
C64THEME.mod -- [c64 theme] by hydra
C64V2.mod    -- [c64v2] by ???
CENTURI2.xm  -- [Centuries part II] by cirdan / pds
CEREAL.xm    -- [.breakfast .cereal] by gargaj
CIVILIAN.xm  -- [civilian] by reed & fairlight
closeall.mod -- [closecall #3] by cerror
crystal.mod  -- [Crystal Labyrinth] by M. Kilner (aka slammy)
D_DM2INT.mod -- [Red Velvet] by MrDeath
DELTA.mod    -- [Delta] by Rez
DETONATO.s3m -- [Detonator] by Fusion & Quazar
DRAWBRTH.mod -- [Draw Breath] by Zandax & Damage
FELLOWSH.mod -- [Fellowship.cr] by Lizard King
FUCKED.mod   -- [Opinions] by Martkt1
GIVE_ME.mod  -- [Give me an om] by Vim & Eltech
IMPLODER.xm  -- [Imploder remix] by Reed & Fairlight
INTERCHIP.mod -- [Interchip] by Flite & $ceptic
KNAS.xm      -- [Knas] by Zaiko of Torment
MONDAY.mod   -- [Monday] Rez / Eclipse
MOTION.s3m   -- [Charts Overdrive-PM] by Purple Motion / Future Crew '93
KING.mod     -- [Moutain king] by radix / Limited edition
NIMIPAI.xm   -- [nimipaeivaelaulu] by Tero
NUFFNAFF.mod -- [nuffnaffness] by Vim
PILGRIMA.xm  -- [Pilgrimage 2004] by cerror & Northerndragons
PUKK.mod     -- [Pukk   p'] by Deadbeat
ROTOFUEL.mof -- [r0t0f3ul!] by Rez
RADIAC.mod   -- [Class05] by Maktone
RIDINGHI.xm  -- [Riding High] by Funky fish
SHIVAND.mod  -- [Shivan Dragon] by Lizard King
DEVICE.xm    -- [a synthetic device] by reed/trsi & Damage
CONNECT.xm   -- [The odd connection] by zbt
PATTERN.mod  -- [Track the pattern] by Goto80
TRANSU_H.xm  -- [transu-hansu] by ???
URETHRA.mod  -- [urethra franklin] by Reed / Fairlight

I appriciate a lot those artists who accepted to release those high quality 
modules songs freely at http://www.chiptune.com/ for public use.


* What is included *
New levels              : 9
Sounds                  : No
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos                   : No
Other                   : No (describe if yes)
Other files required    : None

* Play Information *
Game                    : DOOM2
Map #                   : map01 to map09
Single Player           : Player 1 start only
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Nope
Other game styles       : Catch the flag
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented

* Construction *
Base         : Totaly from scratch.
Build Time   : About 3 month.
Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 1.60, Deepsea, Wintex 5.0, XWE, Paintshop pro 6 and XM player.
Known bug    :  Not important known.
May not run With... : doom2.exe :) (and all non zdoom based port)

* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse.  Permissions have been obtained from original 
authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact.  I have received permission from the original authors of any
modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors