Title                   : Shotgun for Heretic Patch v0.9   
Filename                : HERESHOT.WAD
Author                  : Ronald M. Young
Email Address           : None
Misc. Author Info       : Look for SSG10.ZIP:  Super Shotgun for
                          Doom I v1.0 and HXSHOT10.ZIP:  Shotgun
                          for Hexen v1.0, both created by yours truly
Description             : A PWAD that replaces the Ethereal Crossbow 
                          with the shotgun from Doom.
Additional Credits to   : The creators of DEUTEX and, of course, id.
                          May you minds be always twisted.

* Play Information *

Game                    : HERETIC
Episode and Level #     : N/A
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : N/A
New Sounds              : * See below
New Graphics            : * See below
New Music               : No
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : Uses registered DOOM I or II as the source
                          for the sprites and sounds added to HERETIC
Build Time              : Less than 5 hours
Editors Used            : DEUTEX 3.4
Known Bugs              : The first firing sprite isn't aligned perfectly.
                          The firing sound cuts out sometimes.  Might get
                          around to fixing it in a possible v1.0 release.
                          Oh, yeah.  No puffs when shot against walls.  
                          I'll try to get to that, too.
                          They're could be others.
Disclaimer              : I am in no way responsible for any damages this
                          patch may cause to you, your hardware, or your
                          software.  If you're worried something might go
                          horribly wrong and end in a blazing inferno,
                          don't use the damn thing!  Don't go whinin' to id
                          or Raven about it, either.  They aren't
                          responsible.  Use this at your own risk.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may use these files as a base to build additional files.  

You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, 
etc) as long as you include this file intact.

* Additional Information *

This one's been laying on my hardrive for awhile.  I finally decided that I
might as well put out what I've got so far.  I'm not sure when I'll get to  
v1.0 (Duke 3D has had my attention lately).

Please note that this is 'unfinished'.  My other works are actually much
better.  SSG10.ZIP is a true masterpiece.

That's it for now.  See ya on the flip side.

* A Note To Those Who Know Me *

Well, well, well.  How has everyone been lately?  I don't really know what 
to say to any of you other than some specific hellos.  Bart, you blow.
Eric, you blow, too!  Bob, live long and prosper.  John, you and I were
kindred spirits, only I didn't realize it at the time.  Say 'hi' to Cyndi for
me, will you?  I don't see her as the type to play Heretic.  If anyone ever
talks to Rachel B., tell her not to do anything I wouldn't do (even though
'what I wouldn't do' becomes a smaller and smaller catergory daily).  And
could someone tell Mandy H. that I...?  Just tell her I miss her.

* Where to get this WAD *

I originally uploaded it to Software Creations BBS on April 19, 1996.
Let's watch and see where it travels.