Title                   : Guns PC v1.261
Filename                : gunspc.wad
Release date            : 15.11.2001
Author                  : Espi
Email Address           : espib@luukku.com
Other Files By Author   : See http://newdoom.com/hosted/espi/
Misc. Author Info       : Finnish doom freak.
Description             : This wad is for EDGE (http://edge.sourceforge.net/) It enhances
			  and changes all doom weapons and some items. It works fine with
			  original Doom levels, so it has no new maps. I'm making a level
			  designed for this tho. You can also make your own maps, see the
			  extra.txt for all the new items you can put in your map.
* Weapons *

	1 - Fists

	2 - Pistol - 10mm ammo
		The pistol is not automatic.

  	2 - SMG - 10mm ammo
		A sub-machine gun. Secondary fire is faster.
	3 - Shotgun
		Secondary "fire" is a flashlight.

	3 - Sawed-off shotgun - shells
		The sawed-off has a very wide spread.

	4 - Weapons in slot four are not available in regular games. (unless you cheat!)

	5 - Machinegun - 5.56mm ammo
		A good balance between fire rate/damage/accuracy.

  	6 - Flamethrower - cells
		Does damage fast, but uses lots of ammo, and is dangerous to use.

	6 - Plasma gun - cells
		Does less damage over range. Secondary fire is a fast
		burst of 5 shots, but takes longer to refire.

	7 - BFG - cells
		Primary fire is a powerful shot, secondary
		fire destroys everything in front of you, but 
		from a short range.

	0 - Hand grenade
		You get 2 grenades from a backpack.

Additional Credits to   : Andrew Apted and Marc A. Pullen.
			  Authors of the models and other resources I used. List of
			  sources is included.


* What is included *

New levels              : None
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : No
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No, it's a DDF patch.
Demos                   : No
Other                   : No
Other files required    : EDGE 1.27

* Play Information *

Game                    : Any IWAD
Map #                   : Any map you like
Single Player           : -
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : -
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : -
Other game styles       : -
Difficulty Settings     : -

* Construction *

Base                    : See sources.txt.
Build Time              : Being editing this more or less since summer 2000.
Editor(s) used          : WinTEX, PSP, GoldWave, XWE.
Known Bugs              : None.
May Not Run With...     : Anything else but EDGE 1.27. Might be slow on low end
			  machines. Works fine with my PC, which is a PIII 800Mhz,
			  256 megs of RAM and a Voodoo 3.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse as
long as I'm credited, and the original source (see sources.txt).

If you distribute this file, you must keep all files intact, with no modifications.

* Version history *

1.261 (15.11.2001)

	- Updated to use some new EDGE 1.27 features.
	- Three new things: smoke, spark and fire spawners.
	- Sniper rifle now has fast automatic secondary fire, primary fire is an
	  accurate single shot.
	- New arch-vile fire.
	- Shot attack height changed.
	- Bullet puffs changed.
	- Grenades do not explode on contact anymore.
	- You can set the wolfenstein guy, shotgun guy and rifle guy on fire with
	  the flamethrower. This was in v1.26 too, but looks better now.
	- Some little tweaking of things I can't remember.

1.26  (15.10.2001)

	- Added another pistol, a scoped rifle, grenades (Rick Clark's
	  idea) and 3 new armors.
	- New graphics for the flamethrower, also code improved.
	- Better plasmagun graphics, secondary fire.
	- Knife replaced with fists, to get the berserk back to use. :)
	- New blood sprites, since GLEDGE won't support palette changes.
	  that's why the previous blood sprites were green in GL.
	- New muzzleflashes for most weapons. Also worked around a bug in GLEDGE
	  that had the muzzleflashes displaced.
	- The rifle is back.
	- Pistols are not automatic, but work like in CS.
	- Some sounds are improved.
	- Baron of hell fireball now has green dyn. light instead of red.
	- Removed shadows from some objects.
	- New bullet and pellet puffs.
	- Better explosions.
	- Some "particle" smoke and fire effects.
	- Weapon slots rearranged.
	- Some little tweaking here and there, can't remember everything.
	- Oops... forgot to add the sources.txt in the previous zip. :(

1.256 (05.09.2001)

	- Many little sprite align fixes, should've fixed a long time ago...
	- Revenant missiles no longer make terrible noise.
	- Arachnotron plasma had blue dyn. light. Now it's greenish yellow.
	- Barons and hell knights have green blood now (bug in EDGE 1.26 has ALL
	  the blood green in GL mode).
	- Wolfenstein guy doesn't sound like shooting a chaingun anymore.
	- To make sure these are the last damn bug fixes, I actually played most of
	  the game through to make sure it works. :)

1.255 (01.09.2001)

	- Dynamic lights added.
	- Shotgun now has a flashlight as secondary fire. Needs dynamic lights ON to work.
	- Some language file problems fixed.

1.251 (28.08.2001)

	- Chaingunners don't drop a SMG anymore.
	- Carrying limits without a backpack fixed.

1.25  (26.08.2001)

	- The first release for EDGE 1.25 and higher.
	- A re-write of most of the DDF scripts.
	- New graphics for the pistol, status bar and plasma gun.
	- Added flamethrower, sawed-off shotgun and minigun.
	- Changed rifle to SMG.
	- Some graphics are improved.
	- Sound improvements.
	- Totally re-done game balance.
	- Probably lots of things I can't remember

1.1   (13.01.2001)

	- Tweaked game balance.
	- Squished a bunch of nasty bugs.

1.0   (03.01.2001)

	- Removed some unneccessary graphics and things. 

0.9   (18.11.2000)

	- The very first release. It didn't have a name back then, so it was just guns.wad. 
	  I don't think I'll ever come up with a better name tho. :)